Today’s knowledge work is broken. Copy-paste-copy-paste-copy-paste all the time... Searching those damn files and relevant information. So much talent wasted!
It’s the 2020’s. Modern work could and should be free of manual and repetitive work; for everybody from car designers to finance professionals.
We are a unique team of software and knowledge work developers on a mission to put our years of experience into a single software product that does not need a degree to start using it: Workfellow discovers automation, digitization, and optimization opportunities automatically. Our real-time work intelligence software solution is a combination of data mining, analytics, and an intuitive application.
Before founding Workfellow, we used to work with the leading European companies to find development and automation opportunities so their modern teams could focus on what matters to them.
When sending a rocket to the moon, there are typically more critical things to focus on than filling spreadsheets or finding the same information again and again.