Heimdall Power

In Norse mythology, Heimdall is the all-seeing, all-knowing watchman who guards Asgard, the home of the gods. He possesses extraordinary abilities to see for hundreds of miles, hear the faintest of sounds, and stands vigilant at the Bifrost, the rainbow bridge connecting Asgard to the world of mortals, ready to sound the Gjallarhorn at the first sign of danger. Much like the mythical guardian, Heimdall Power ensures the safety and efficiency of power grids. Founded in Norway in 2016, we provide accurate, cost-effective monitoring of both grid capacity and health. We achieve this through advanced grid-enhancing technologies, combining world-leading sensors (Neurons) and software (Heimdall’s Brain) to optimize the performance and reliability of energy networks. Our unique autonomous drone installation system facilitates safe, quick, and scalable deployment worldwide. With our help, grid operators can unlock up to 40% more capacity in their high-voltage power grids while simultaneously improving operational safety. Our technology equips you to meet the increasing demand for electricity while reducing the need for expensive infrastructure upgrades.
Location Norway
Website heimdallpower.com
Founded 2015
Employees 51-100
Industries Energy & Greentech
Business model B2B
Funding state Series B+

Working at
Heimdall Power

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Near public transit
Near public transit

Free office snacks
Free office snacks

Pension plan
Pension plan

Paid holiday
Paid holiday

Gym access
Gym access

See all 14 benefits





Øyvind Teigen


Jørgen Festervoll


Jan Frode Andersen

Open positions (2)

Senior Solution Sales Specialist / Head of Sales Europe
Heimdall Power Oslo Full-time
Project Manager
Heimdall Power Oslo Full-time