Customer Success Manager - med fokus på ISMS og GDPR compliance

Salary Competitive

Er du passioneret omkring compliance og IT-sikkerhed? Har du erfaring med at sikre kundetilfredshed og succes? Vi søger en engageret og erfaren Customer Success Manager til at arbejde med både offentlige og private kunder. Du vil være ansvarlig for onboarding, løbende opfølgning og support, og sikre, at vores kunder får maksimal værdi af vores løsninger.

Om rollen

Som Customer Success Manager vil du:

  • Onboarde nye kunder og sikre en gnidningsfri implementering af vores løsninger.

  • Vedligeholde og styrke relationer til eksisterende kunder gennem regelmæssig opfølgning og support.

  • Identificere muligheder for at udvide samarbejdet og sikre, at kunderne udnytter vores løsninger fuldt ud.

  • Agere som bindeled mellem kunder og interne teams for at adressere behov og udfordringer effektivt.

Hvem er du?

Vi forestiller os, at du:

  • Har minimum 2 års erfaring inden for compliance, som konsulent, IT-projektmedarbejder, jurist eller lignende.

  • Har kendskab til IT-sikkerhedsrammeværk som ISO 27001, CIS18, og også gerne regulatoriske emner som  GDPR og NIS2

  • Besidder fremragende kommunikations- og samarbejdsevner og kan navigere blandt forskellige interessenter.

  • Er proaktiv, løsningsorienteret og har en stærk kundeorientering.

  • Taler og skriver flydende dansk og engelsk.

Vi tilbyder

  • En spændende mulighed for at arbejde med en bred vifte af kunder og komplekse projekter.

  • Et dynamisk og samarbejdsorienteret arbejdsmiljø, hvor din indsats har en direkte indflydelse.

  • Muligheder for faglig udvikling og certificeringer inden for GRC og IT-sikkerhed.

  • Fleksible arbejdsforhold og mulighed for hjemmearbejde.

Ansøg nu! Send din ansøgning. Ansøgningsfristen er den 20. januar 2025. Vi behandler ansøgninger løbende, så send din ansøgning hurtigst muligt!

Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig!

For more information or questions please contact us at

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Central office
Central office

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Work life balance
Work life balance

See all 9 benefits

Working at
Wired Relations

Ever imagined merging cutting-edge tech with genuine human values? At Wired Relations, we're not just innovating; we're reimagining the future of compliance in a digital age. We've developed a GRC solution that simplifies privacy and information security and turns it into a strategic advantage, so our customers can have peace of mind. Step into a realm where Scandinavian warmth meets technical brilliance. Here, you'll be part of a transformative journey, shaping the very essence of an environment defined by collaboration, innovation, openness, and integrity. Ready for a career that's both challenging and deeply rewarding? Welcome to Wired Relations About Wired Relations: Wired Relations is a GRC solution - tailored for privacy and information security. We were founded in 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark. At the time, we realised - from our own experience - that compliance professionals need to turn fragile privacy and information security into sustainable GRC programmes through structure, overview and control of their processes. Since then, we’ve built a SaaS platform to do just that. It is designed to be easy to use, collaborative and support the all important workflows of a privacy and infosec function. In 2019, we welcomed our first clients to the solution, and the customer base is still growing with private companies and public organisations which handle significant volumes of personal data and take privacy and security seriously. New privacy and security laws and frameworks constantly surface. Luckily, Wired Relations makes it easy to accommodate new regulations as they enter into force. Join us in leading the world to sustainable GRC programmes. For more information, go to

Read more about Wired Relations

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