CTO & Co-founder in venture funded cloud GPU marketplace

Salary Competitive
Equity To be negotiated

If you haven't been on a digital detox for the past year, you have likely noticed the sudden and explosive arrival of AI applications. Currently, it is reported that 35% of companies utilise AI, with an additional 42% exploring it. The market is projected to grow from $200 billion in 2023 to nearly $2 trillion by 2030.

While AI garners most of the attention, GPU’s, also known as graphics cards, are the fuel that keeps the AI fire burning. With the explosive rise of AI, an explosive demand for GPU’s followed. As such, we have already seen a shortage of GPU’s on the market with companies of all sizes racing to get their hands on available GPU’s.

At Mimir, we aim to make access to GPU’s affordable and accessible to all, aiding AI companies in building the solutions of tomorrow.

As such, we have set out to build a cloud GPU aggregator & marketplace.  Our focus at first is to source GPU’s from European datacenters and make them available via a unified cloud on a marketplace that all companies can tap into.

Our solution grants the following benefits

  • Datacenter partners across all of Europe will be able  to compete in a heavily contested space with actors such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud holding most market shares.

  • European AI/ML companies get access to locally sourced GPU’s, which grants a number of regulatory, performance and pricing benefits.

We participated in the Antler pre-seed accelerator for the past 3 months and have just secured the first venture capital investment for Mimir.

As such we offer

  • Proven traction on the supplier side, with secured access to over a thousand of the best-in-class GPU’s on the market for ML purposes (Nvidia H100 GPU’s).

  • Proven traction on the customer side, with multiple LoI’s signed from AI companies that are willing to test the solution and become potential first customers.

  • Co-founder shares in Mimir.

  • A starting salary, to cover your basic needs, until we secure the next round of funding. Salary will scale and improve as we grow.

  • Lastly, but hopefully not least, an opportunity to work with us, a super driven and fun (we’ve been told) team that knows how to close deals and bring Mimir to the market.

Who are we

  • Oliver, Founder & CEO. Has prior experience managing and building software start-ups and has worked in the industry as well, latest within Schneider Electric. Holds a master’s degree from the IT-University of Copenhagen (cand-it).

  • The Antler team: Talented individuals that coach us on a weekly basis and grants access to people and organizations in an ecosystem that is geared towards helping us scale fast.

  • Professional advisors across multiple industries with strategic, technical and leadership based experience.

Who we are looking for

  • A CTO that is an efficient communicator, a team-player and proactive. We expect you to structure your own work day and know how to drive things forwards.

  • DevOps experience focused on containerisation and cluster management on a high level.

  • Sufficient full-stack experience to build a working MVP.

    • We will provide you with wireframes and a high-fidelity design prototype.

  • Understanding of how to define a solid cloud solution architecture.

  • Previous experience leading a team of developers.

  • Curiosity and eagerness to innovate market differentiating features as we grow.

Preferables, but not a must

  • Experience working with cloud solutions, especially cloud computing setups using GPU’s and/or VM's.

  • Experience with MLOps.

  • Any related experience working with AI or ML.

Next steps

Does the prospect of providing the infrastructure to the latest big leap in technology sound exciting to you? Then we highly encourage you to join us on our mission to decentralise compute and make it accessible to all!

Send us an application and we’ll get back to you regarding a potential interview with the founding team.

For more information or questions please contact us at oliver@mimi-r.com or phone number +4528352032

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Near public transit
Near public transit

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Equity package
Equity package

Central office
Central office

Work life balance
Work life balance

See all 8 benefits

Working at

Mimir offers a cloud GPU marketplace to close the gap between European GPU providers and AI/ML SME's building the solutions of tomorrow. European AI/ML SMEs & growth companies have 3 main needs when choosing GPU compute: Availability of GPU capacities, affordable prices, and reliable infrastructure to run AI & ML models which is a big issue at the moment due to GPU shortages globally. By providing a marketplace that aggregates GPU offers across different cloud providers, we offer consistently good prices on available compute resources within Europe and beyond.

Read more about Mimir

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