Softwareudvikler praktikant

Salary Unpaid

Har du en passion for at kode og ønsker at lære og vokse som softwareudvikler? Så er dette praktikophold noget for dig!


Om jobbet

Vi søger en entusiastisk softwareudvikler praktikant til at blive en del af vores team. Vi er et dedikeret team der arbejder hårdt på at kvantificere CO2, gøre det let at forstå og handle på. Det gør vi via vores platform hvor det meste foregår automatisk. Dette praktikophold giver dig mulighed for at arbejde på spændende projekter og udforske dit potentiale inden for softwareudvikling.



  • Arbejde tæt sammen med vores udviklingsteam for at designe, implementere og teste software.

  • Lære og anvende de nyeste teknologier og værktøjer inden for softwareudvikling.

  • Bidrage til at løse tekniske udfordringer og optimere eksisterende kode.



  • Interesse for at lære og udvikle nye færdigheder inden for softwareudvikling.

  • Evnen til at arbejde selvstændigt og tage ansvar.

  • Grundlæggende kendskab til Python, Django, React, PostgreSQL & Github er en fordel


Vi tilbyder

  • Mulighed for at justere dit praktikforløb til dine interesseområder eller områder hvor du gerne vil lære mere.

  • Mulighed for studiejob eller lignende stilling efter endt praktikforløb.

  • En fleksibel og udfordrende praktikplads, hvor du kan udforske og udvikle dine færdigheder indenfor softwareudvikling.

  • Et spændende og dynamisk arbejdsmiljø i en innovativ startup.


Dette praktikophold giver dig mulighed for at dykke ned i verdenen af softwareudvikling, udvide dit netværk og opbygge værdifuld erfaring. Vi har set en mulighed for at løse de ressourcetunge og tidskrævende opgaver omkring beregning af CO2-aftryk, og vi håber, at du har lyst til at være med til at løse dette.


Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig!


OBS: Start af praktikforløb er fleksibelt.





Do you have a passion for coding and want to learn and grow as a software developer? Then this internship is for you!


About the job

We are looking for an enthusiastic software development intern to join our team. We are a dedicated team that works hard to quantify CO2, make it easy to understand and act on. We do this via our platform, where most things are done automatically. This internship gives you the opportunity to work on exciting projects and explore your potential in software development.



  • Work closely with our development team to design, implement and test software.

  • Learn and apply the latest technologies and tools in software development.

  • Help solve technical challenges and optimize existing code.



  • Interest in learning and developing new skills in software development.

  • The ability to work independently and take responsibility.

  • Basic knowledge of Python, Django, React, PostgreSQL and Github is an advantage


We offer

  • Possibility to adjust your internship to your areas of interest or areas where you would like to learn more.

  • Possibility of student job or similar position after completing internship.

  • A flexible and challenging internship where you can explore and develop your software development skills.

  • An exciting and dynamic work environment in an innovative startup.


This internship allows you to dive into the world of software development, expand your network and build valuable experience. We have seen an opportunity to solve the resource-intensive and time-consuming tasks around calculating CO2 footprint, and we hope that you want to help solve this.


We look forward to hearing from you!


NOTE: The start of internships is flexible.

For more information or questions please contact us at

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Near public transit
Near public transit

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Work life balance
Work life balance

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Skill development
Skill development

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

See all 12 benefits

Working at
Quantified Impacts ApS

We are a startup on a mission to quantify environmental impacts, make them easy to understand and act upon! Companies and organizations needs to be able to calculate and document carbon footprint on the goods they sell. Unfortunately this is currently a very complicated and time-consuming task! We automate the process of calculating and documenting product's carbon footprint through intuitive software, providing high-quality data and a seamless user experience. Quantified Impacts is founded in late 2022. We have secured initial capital and have set the path to reach our mission. We have offices in Valby Copenhagen and in Bjerringbro Jutland.

Read more about Quantified Impacts ApS

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