Møbelsnedker / Carpenter

Salary Competitive


Vi er en startup virksomhed inden for klaver og tanget instrumenter.

Vi leder efter en snedker som kan være med til at bygge vores danske produktion op. Vi har en produktion i verdens største klaver fabrik i Asien, men kan mærke at hvis kvaliteten skal være i top, så er vi nødt til at bygge vores klaverer selv.

Det er dog ikke tale om en klassisk snedker kontrakt.

Vi er en startup og har brug for nogen som sætter skuldrene under virksomheden i den her opstartfase som vi staedig er midt ind i, og er parat til at tage mere ansvar end i en almindelig timelønnet ansattelse. Det betyder at når der er modvind, vi skal lægge ekstra krafter, som ikke altid kan blive betalt for hver time. Du får dog en basispakke som kommer i nærheden af industri aftaler, som kan forhandles til bedre og langsigtede fordele i fremtiden, alt efter hvor hurtigt vi vokser, og som forhåbentlig mere end godt gør det man investerer i starten.

Til gengæld får du meget ansvar og en meget divers hverdag, her på vores værksted i Hvidovre.

  • Brander du for musik insturmenter og har du erfaring med CAD/CAM, CNC og klassiske maskiner til massiv træ behandling indenfor møbel produktion?

  • Er du struktureret og vandt til at holde tidsplaner ?

  • Er du en som skubber tingene og andre frem, frem for en der kan bruge et skub ind i mellem ?

  • Har du bestået svendeprøven med gode resultater ?

  • Har du flair for at optimere processer og tænke industrielt ?

Så glæder vi os rigtig meget til at høre fra dig, og forhåbentlig bygge en rigtig god dansk produktion op sammen ;)


We are a startup company within piano and keyboard instruments.

We are looking for a carpenter who can help us build up our Danish production. We have a production in the world's largest piano factory in Asia, but we realize that if the quality is to be top notch, we need to build our pianos ourselves.

However, this is not a classic carpentry contract. We're a start-up and need someone who can support the company in this start-up phase that we're currently in the middle of, and who is prepared to take on more responsibility than in a regular hourly paid position. This means that when there are headwinds, we have to put in extra effort that can't always be paid for. However, you do get a basic salary close to industry standard. Later on we can negotiate for long term benefits, also depending on how quick we build this up together, hopefully more than making up what we invest in the start.

In return, you get a lot of responsibility and a very diverse workday here at our workshop in Hvidovre.

  • Are you passionate about music instruments and do you have experience with CAD/CAM, CNC and classic machines for solid wood processing in furniture production?

  • Are you structured and used to meeting deadlines?

  • Are you someone who pushes things and others forward, rather than someone who could use a push from time to time?

  • Do you have a degree as carpenter ?

  • Do you have flair for optimizing processes and thinking industrial scale ?

Then we look forward to hearing from you and hopefully building a great Danish production together ;)

For more information or questions please contact us at lander@keybird-instruments.com

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Equity package
Equity package

Skill development
Skill development

Working at
Keybird Instruments

Keybird Instruments is developing a lightweight acoustic piano to help piano enthusiasts play with their preferred sound (acoustic) with practicality and price comparable to that of digital pianos. Over 75% of piano players prefer an acoustic sound, yet most play digital because of price, size, and weight. We want to combine the best of both worlds. We can offer an acoustic piano that weighs only 43+ 16 kg, while only occupying half a square meter of valuable living space. It can be transported in normal cars. The first model has a slightly reduced amount of keys (just like many digital keyboards) having all the keys for pop and jazz but also most of the classical music for the first five years in music school. We thus have a strong focus on sound quality, rather than loudness, and we can reach the low price due to automated production in the worlds largest factory. We started this because we needed it for ourselves and saw the need for others. We asked all the piano enthusiasts we could reach and get the interest in our product confirmed. The huge market of acoustic and digital piano (we combine the benefits) is what keeps us on pace to provide an excellent alternative to digital piano's, which often get boring in the long run (We're just sharing our customer insights here ;)

Read more about Keybird Instruments

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