Salary Competitive

Stilling: Penetration Tester og Security Controller

Intree er et dansk tech startup, der driver den sociale medieplatform "Intree", hvor privatlivet er i første række. Vi søger en erfaren og ansvarsbevidst pen-tester til at styrke vores team og bistå med triage og vedligeholdelse af vores HackerOne Bounty Program. 

Stillingen er deltidsbaseret, velegnet som studiejob og tilbyder fleksible arbejdstider.


  • Udføre penetrationstests og sårbarhedsvurderinger af vores systemer og applikationer for at identificere eventuelle sikkerhedsmæssige sårbarheder.

  • Evaluere og vurdere resultaterne af penetrationstestene for at identificere potentielle risici og udarbejde anbefalinger til at afhjælpe disse sårbarheder.

  • Triage og håndtering af indrapporterede sårbarheder fra vores HackerOne Bounty Program.

  • Samarbejde tæt med udviklingsteamet for at implementere sikkerhedsforbedringer og følge op på vedligeholdelsesopgaver.

  • Bidrage til udvikling af retningslinjer og procedurer for informationssikkerhed.


  • Erfaring med penetrationstest og sårbarhedsvurdering af webapplikationer, mobilapplikationer og netværk.

  • Dybdegående viden om kendte sårbarheder og angrebsmetoder.

  • Erfaring/gå-på mod i forhold triage og håndtering af indrapporterede sårbarheder i et bug bounty-program som HackerOne.

  • Kendskab til sikkerhedsstandarder og bedste praksis inden for webapplikationssikkerhed og privatlivsbeskyttelse.

  • Evnen til at arbejde selvstændigt og tage initiativ, samtidig med at man kan fungere som en del af et team.

  • Gode kommunikationsfærdigheder og evnen til at formidle kompleks teknisk information på en klar og forståelig måde.

Hvad tilbyder vi:

  • En spændende mulighed for at blive en del af et innovativt, ungt og dedikeret team, der har fokus på at beskytte privatlivets fred og informationsikkerhed.

  • Fleksible arbejdstider, der kan tilpasses dine studieforpligtelser.

  • Mulighed for faglig udvikling og læring inden for informationssikkerhedsområdet.

  • Konkurrencedygtig løn i henhold til dine kvalifikationer og erfaring.

  • Kontor centralt på Frederiksberg (Amalievej 20)


Hvis du er interesseret i at blive en del af vores team som Penetration Tester og Triage/vedligeholdelse af HackerOne Bounty Program, bedes du sende din ansøgning og dit CV, samlet i 1 PDF, ved at trykke apply. Ved spørgsmål kan du kontakte Jonathanwolff#3050 på info herunder. Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig!

For more information or questions please contact us at

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Free office snacks
Free office snacks

Equity package
Equity package

Free friday beers
Free friday beers

See all 17 benefits

Working at
Intree - Claim control of your data, time & privacy

We are fighting to redefine the nature of social networks. As we create new spaces for meaningful interactions, we also confront the harsh realities of how social media affects close relations, society, and how we measure people's worth. It's no secret that social media competes for your time, data, and privacy. This is not simply a result of evil corporations with ill intentions but because social platforms profit from absorbing as much attention from you as possible. As big tech competes for market dominance, users compete for attention from other users to gain likes, views, and followers. This kind of shallow attention is today the primary social currency users receive in exchange for their time, data, and privacy. The "Attention Economy" has left us with constant interruptions and precisely-targeted distractions, taking a toll on our ability to think, focus, solve problems, and be present with each other. Intree was founded on the idea that the fabric of our relations is based on trust. Trust allows people to be authentic and deepen meaningful relations. Unfortunately, the competition for attention has become a numbers game that incentivises users and companies to adopt shallow and superficial behavior to attract more attention and expand the reach of their network. Instead, we propose that it is more valuable to deepen your relations through trust and contributing instead of just adding another to the list. We are on our mission with 15 other team members including the founder of Steelseries Jacob Wolff-Petersen (Investor) & The leading neuroscientist Dr. Thomas Ramsøy (Advisor) Apart from being a company with high standards regarding our products, We have high ambitions regarding the modern workplace and work environment. This puts flexibility and independence in the center of our interaction with one another. Put in other words, our team members co-decide everything from work hours to workplace. More than anything we know that quality and creativity can’t be put in a 9-5 schedule. Some days the quality is found in the office at 8 o’clock, others it might be at the local coffee shop at noon. If these values aligns with you, and the people you want to work with, you’re likely to thrive at Intree.

Read more about Intree - Claim control of your data, time & privacy

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