Salary Unpaid
Equity To be negotiated

Medstifter til Next Level Life mastery ApS søges.

Next Level Life Mastery er en Start Up, i den tidlige fase, som har skabt produktet Boost Your Love app, som er en selvcoaching app til at fremme emotionel og mental trivsel i parforhold, som nu er i App Store i første version og fået sine første køb.

Founder er coach og domæne ekspert med mere end 20+ års erfaring og har digitaliseret nogle af de redskaber, som er blevet brugt i praksis.

Forskningen viser, at parforholdskvalitet daler over tid og de par, som prioriterer hinanden, styrker kommunikationen, forstår hinandens kærlighedssprog og prioriterer tid sammen også er de par som trives bedst også på den lange bane.

Founder vil gøre det nemt for par, at forstå og prioritere hinanden med Boost Your Love app.

Appen er designet til at kunne bruges individuelt eller sammen med sin partner.

Medstifter - Din profil er:

Du har en kommerciel baggrund, og er stærk i forretningsudvikling og SaaS løsninger. Du har en anerkendende, løsningsorienteret tilgang og kan eksekvere, men også skalerer virksomheden. Du er datadrevet, struktureret, loyal og ansvarsfuld.

Du kan skabe øget omsætning, er innovative, kreative, iderig og har erfaring med, at udvikle og drive kommercielle løsninger som kan skabe vækst?

Du har erfaringer med succesfulde onbording af kunder og fokus på kundesucces. Du er stærk inden for salg og marketing og får energi af at skabe resultater. Du har evt. et stærkt netværk og kan åbne døre. Endvidere vil det være en fordel, at du har flair for kapitalrejsninger.


Der er flere modeller for medejerskab, som afhænger af, om du fra start skyder kapital ind eller ej.

Der er pt. ikke lønninger til Founder eller dig, men det er muligt over tid ved kapitalrejsninger og ved salg af produktet.

Lokation for samarbejdet:

Din lokation er ikke vigtig, vi kan mødes online, på co-working space, eller på mit kontor i Køge.

Jeg glæder mig til at høre fra dig

Hilsener fra

Naima Halse Kirkefeldt

Founder v/Next Level Life Mastery ApS

Tlf. 30 13 39 39

For more information or questions please contact us at or phone number 30133939

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Time is precious. Make it count. Morning person or night owl, this job is for you.

Work life balance
Work life balance

Carve out time for your kids, friends and personal cider projects.

Mental health support
Mental health support

We care about your wellbeing. We take stress seriously and support you in times with any mental imbalance.

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Social gatherings and games; hang out with your colleagues.

Free lunch
Free lunch

Enjoy a free catered lunch with your colleagues, every day.

Working at
Next Level Life Mastery

We have a mission to help couples take their relationships on the agenda, for a better love life. 2.7 million in Denmark are in a relationship. Statistics indicate that overtime decreases the quality of the relationship go down and 50% of marriages are divorced. Not Happy relationships and divorces lower quality of life, ability to work and are a major social cost of over 1 billion. DKK / year. When couples lose insight into themselves, the ability to communicate and the desire for each other, the relationship lowers the quality of life and can lead to a breakup There is a lack of "help for self-help tools" that also builds a bridge between the couple and the treatment room, so that the help can enter the home and become an integral part of the couple's development. The solution is Boost Your Love, a tool developed on the basis of many years of experience and "best practice" in coaching processes. Boost Your Love is a self-coaching app, to promote emotional and mental well-being in relationships We are in the early stages and expect to launch an MVP November 2021 We have a few interested companies, psychologists who want to test and implement the product and we have a sign up list of people who are waiting to beta test. We are 2 in the Core team I Naima Halse Kirkefeldt as Founder, CEO and Domain Expert. The other Ui / Ux communications designer. Tech: An external developer house. In addition, we have an investor and an advisory board I have worked as a coach for 20+ years and i am so passionate and love to contribute to human growth and that is exactly why I am so excited that I can contribute to even more through this software solution.

Read more about Next Level Life Mastery

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