Internship at a startup - UX/UI journey nerd

Salary Unpaid

My name is Kaspar Hansen, and I am the Founder and CEO of Excelerate.

I am looking for a student to join Excelerate. If you are attending one of the universities/business academies in Copenhagen and are looking for an internship - then this might your thing.

But first, let me introduce you to Excelerate

What we do

We facilitate thesis collaborations between university students and companies.

University students go through a process where they create their thesis topic on the platform. We review it, and based on what they want to write about and their profile, we present them to the companies that we have on the platform, who are looking for exactly that profile.

If the company like the topic and profile then they will contact the student through the platform and setup an interview, and if that interview goes well - then the collaboration is set to happen.

Oh yeah, and it free for students to join!

So what do we sell? 

We have built a platform where students can list their thesis topic and companies can find the right student group for the perfect thesis collaboration. We charge companies a subscription fee which allows them to contact and offer the students a thesis collaboration.

On the supply side we have the students and the two main USPs are;

  • Students want to finish strong by collaborating with a company.

  • The pain relief we offer to students is the pill called 'anti-unemployment'. By using Excelerate as a student you increase the chance that you get a thesis collaboration with a relevant company within your field of interest. Writing your thesis with a company is regarded, together with a study job, as the most significant factor in landing a relevant job after graduation. 

On the demand side are the companies and the main USPs are;

  • Talent Lead Generation

    • All companies are looking for talent. Everybody would like to attract the best and the brightest, but it is time-consuming, and it takes a lot of effort to be top-of-mind and ever-present at the universities. Excelerate is the shortcut to skipping the recruiting competition after they graduate.  

  • De-risking the chance of a bad hire

    • After the 3-4 month collaboration, the company should have a solid understanding of who to hire and who not to hire. Ultimately we make the hiring manager look good to their managers. By increasing the number of good hires they make.

  • Innovation

    • Students bring innovation, new thoughts etc. But what is special about Excelerate is that it is the students who create their thesis topic and not the companies.

We are currently focusing on the following areas; Software development, Data Science, Design UI/UX, Marketing, Communication, Law, HR, Accounting and Finance. We expect to have about 1000 students signup on the platform from IT University of Copenhagen (ITU), Copenhagen University (KU) and Copenhagen Business School (CBS) in 2022.

Our mission and vision

We want to be the bridge between universities and the industries by enabling students and companies to form early invaluable relations - and thereby giving all students an equal opportunity and the best possible foundation to follow their passion and realize their dreams.

Does it sound like something you could get excited about?

IF SO - then we need you :)

We have a product (platform) - it works - but it's still within what you would call 'the prototype' stage. We would like to take it to the next level UX/UI-wise, but frankly, we don't know how.

It would be AWESOME if you could take charge of the ux/ui of our application. Are we asking the students for the right things? do they actually understand how to use the platform? do we say the right things? TEST TEST TEST -> Draw out the new version. Iterate.

What we are looking for

Danish or International speaking - of course mastering the danish language is helpful, but I do not believe it will be a hindrance for this type of job.

You need to be;

  • A true UX/UI nerd (said in the most lovely way :)

  • Very creative - it's all about getting those great ideas

  • Great at communication

  • A fountain of positive energy

  • Highly self-driven

I HIGHLY believe in personality over experience.

There are two requirements

  • We work out of the office in Copenhagen, not remotely. Yes, we have remote days where we work from home, but generally, we work from the office. Together.

  • You have to be a student / full time (praktik works as well)

The team

We are a small team - currently, 5 people; 3 founders and 2 students (from KU and CBS). Working at a co-working space located in Copenhagen. 

The Timeline

In the ideal world, you would be able to join.. now, but in the real world, this stuff takes time.

Thanks for reading this far :)

Kaspar Hansen

Other info

Website :

My Linkedin profile :

For more information or questions please contact us at or phone number 60551673

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Near public transit
Near public transit

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Free office snacks
Free office snacks

Central office
Central office

See all 10 benefits

Working at

I Danmark har vi et par kedelige statistiker, 1 ud af 6 akademikere har ikke et job et år efter endt uddannelse, og af dem der har et job, er 1 ud af 5 i et job de er overkvalificeret til. Samtidig har der aldrig været en større jagt efter nye talenter. Men jagten kommer med en pris, oftere rammer virksomhederne simpelthen forkert. Randstad har regnet ud af det i snit koster 500.000 kr at skifte en akademiker ud på en dansk arbejdsplads. Det er rasende dyrt at hyre den forkert medarbejder. Vi er Excelerate og vi har en løsning der kan sænke arbejdsløsheden blandt nyuddannede akademikere, samt spare virksomheder for både tid og penge når de skal hyre nyuddannede akademikere. Løsningen er en platform der matcher universitetsstuderende på deres sidste år af uddannelsen med virksomheder med henblik på speciale samarbejde. De studerende vil bruge platformen fordi vi gratis øger deres eksponering for potentielle speciale samarbejdsvirksomheder. Virksomhederne vil bruge platformen som et lead genererings værktøj til nemt og billigt at tage nye graduates ind. Excelerate opfylder enhver HR / hiring managers drøm : En ikke-comittende smagsprøve på hvordan en kommende medarbejdere er at arbejde sammen med. Det vil drastisk nedjustere antallet af bad hires, hvilket spare virksomheden for en masse penge, og vil hjælpe gevaldigt på churn raten.

Read more about Excelerate

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