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Startup webshop baseret på drop shipments hvilket vi er de første i Danmark til at gøre. Vi er den frække dreng i klassen som sælger lækkert udstyr til cykler/cykling til konkurrencedygtige priser. Vi vil være med til at definere retningen for succesfuld detailhandel i fremtiden ved at kombinere de muligheder som digitale platforme giver.P.S sitet er ikke online endnu

Gear eXperten

Gear eXperten er en ny spiller på marked og sælger ski briller, action camera og droner. Vi importere alt hjem selv for, at sikre de bedste priser og har altid fri fragt på alle vores varer. PT vokser vi meget og udvider løbende med nye kategorier. Vi vægter god service og rådgivning højt og gør alt for, at hjælpe vores kunder og sikre dem i god oplevelse. De kommende år, arbejdes der på, at udvide til flere lande og etablere lager i Aalborg.


Cloud-based solution for sports clubs and teams. Comprehensive member and club/team management. Payment processing as a service. Klubmodul has 2 offices in Denmark, 1 office in Oslo, 1 office in Hamburg.   Our Mission To provide sports team and club owners a complete online solution for all their online presence and member recruitment, sign-up, scheduling, and payment processing   Pain We Address Sport clubs are not proficient in setting up and managing team and member administration tools for their business online    Our Solution One-stop shop for all the tools needed to manage a team or club including the development and online management of the website, member signup, scheduling, communication (email/text) and payment collection/processing


ContentTap is a tool to make it easy for companies to distribute and present their content - media and documents - in the best possible way to employees, partners and customersThe app is branded through the web interface and the use of content is tracked and available from the web based interface.Content can be searched, presented, annotated and shared with potential clients.ContentTap already have well known Danish and international brands as customers.

North Consulting

We are an elite unit of consultants from across the Nordics who believe we can create a better consulting experience for our customers. We are who you engage when you want to take commercial and digital execution to the next level. We move mast, with specialised resources and technology. Our customers are both corporates and startups with the highest ambition in their respective industries.

Masalawala ApS

We are small but growing food business with a team of 4 based in Copenhagen that specialises in indian food. Stared from a small foodtruck 2 years ago today we have a small restaurant and 2 foodtrucks working in and around Copenhagen. Our industry is notoriously famous for a very high food waste. Our concept is very simple, we have an almost zero waste kitchen. Our strategy is have a smaller menu, our 2 years of experience and some internal measures we take everyday which makes us an almost zero waste company.