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KlarPris is cloud-based price comparison and purchasing service targeting construction companies. We started in 2014 and have more than 800 companies using KlarPris every day to optimize their business. Our small and dedicated team is located in central Copenhagen and serve our customers across Scandinavia. Our goal is to do super advanced stuff and present it to the user in the simplest and fastest way possible.

SHKR club

SHKR Club is a dynamic creative platform and production company that showcases and celebrates innovative work in photography, art, and collaborations. It serves as a hub for fostering connections and building a community of artists, collaborators, and supporters. Through curated events, engaging social media content, and unique creative projects, SHKR Club aims to inspire and amplify creative voices, offering fresh and bold perspectives in the art and media world. SHKR Club was founded by photographer and influencer Karl Shakur, who, with a following of over 1,000,000, is paving the way for emerging photographers and creatives.

Sterna Capital Partners

Sterna er en dansk kapitalforvalter målrettet velhavende familier, virksomheder og private fonde. Sterna Capital Partners blev stiftet med ønsket om at lave bedre kapitalforvaltning og skabe langsigtede partnerskaber med kunderne. Udgangspunktet for det er at behandle dem godt. Vi udarbejdede derfor vores forretningsmodel ud fra devisen om, at kapitalforvaltning skal være simpel, gennemskuelig og tilgængelig for flere. Kapitalforvaltning behøver hverken være kompliceret eller uigennemsigtigt. Vores kunder er ikke være i tvivl om, at vi arbejder for dem. Vi bruger tiden på at optimere afkastet og vores uafhængighed sikrer at det sker uden interessekonflikter. Alle investeringer foretages på baggrund af grundigt analysearbejde, som kommunikeres præcist og forståeligt til kunden. Belært af vores mange års erfaringer i finansbranchen ved vi, at de bedste resultater opnås, når vi sidder på samme side af bordet som kunderne. Det er også der, vi har lyst til at sidde. Vi er ikke en investeringsforening, og vi placerer ikke vores kunders midler i egne produkter. I stedet investerer vi vores kunders penge i de bedste produkter på markedet. Det ligger dybt i vores DNA, at vi ikke kan tjene flere penge end det med kunderne aftalte gebyr. Det gør os i stand til at fokusere på at forbedre afkastet, begrænse risici og minimere omkostningerne.

Red Fox Cycles

We are a small Copenhagen-based start-up specializing in designing and manufacturing hand-built bikes and components for gravel and road purposes. We pride ourselves in excellent craftmanship, attention to detail and a why-so-serious attitude. We want to put smiles on people's faces by delivering something they can take pride in and have fun with, possibly even with their own participation in the design process.


eSportligaen is a non-profit association that hosts and operates esports leagues on behalf of bigger organisations like DGI, Danish Company Sports, Boarding schools, youth clubs etc. Our purpose is to build a solid structure for esports, where anyone can play, regardless of skills, age, race or gender. Our associations official address is in Bredsten, but our offices and all operations are from our offices i Copenhagen.


We are an IT company with great passion to launch our first product. We have been working hard on the development of our idea and now we are going to bring it into reality. Our first product is a Marketplace salon App that will connect users to salons. Moreover, will open new opportunities for start-ups, small, medium and bigger salons. When we surveyed the market, we see the great need of such an app that allows people to book their appointments with salons based on their performance, price, availability, with just 1 click and give people wider choice to choose the best stylist. As a company, we took this challenge to enter into Nordic Market .because we believe in our idea and we believe that we as a company can grow from smaller size to medium size company in no far future. For the salons, it will be perfect platform that provides them everything related to their business in just an App. To see the performance of their salon as a whole and track loop holes, and make strategy based on the data and improve the performance. Put great offers through our great marketing tools and get more leads and more customers. Be connected and manage their business wherever they are in the world. Salons would be our paid customers by using our subscription model. Whereas for the general user the app will be for free to use. Our main target audience will be salons but at the same time, our target group will be all general users from all forms of life (female, males young, old). Mission: As an IT Company, our mission is to connect people and businesses when there is need for it. Provide small businesses an opportunity to grow bigger. Our mission is to provide such a platform where all salon and beauty related businesses could come together under one umbrella and grow. Our mission is to provide a platform for people that they can choose the best salon and stylist. Vision: We believe that we are here to make great products and that is not changing.

Bygkontrol ApS

Bygkontrol er et byggerådgivningsfirma, som tilbyder en bred palette af byggesagkyndige løsninger.  Du behøver ikke nødvendigvis vide noget om byggeri, hvis du søger som kontorassistent eller online markedsføring. Vi har brug for alle de hænder vi kan mønstre til at vækste firmaet sammen. Vi arbejder med: - Byggerådgivning  - Projektering (arkitekttegninger)  - Droneinspektioner  - Og sidst men ikke mindst: 3D scanninger og optegninger i Revit (tegneprogram for arkitekter og bygningskonstruktører)     Vi har altid højt til loftet både når det gælder ambitioner og når vi er ude på en opgave. Dagens arbejde ender med et brag kl. 17, når vi skal byde ind på opgaver som vi booker. Der er fleksible arbejdstider, med mulighed for remote work, så du er ikke bundet til en kontorstol 8 timer om dagen fra 8-16. En gang imellem er der øl på havnen eller på Børsen. Og ja, Svendborg har både Børsen og en lækker havn, hvor man kan nyde hinandens selskab efter arbejde.


Who is Syngja?Syngja is a Danish manufacturer of premium, functional beverages enriched with 1% cricket. We promote insects’ capacity to accelerate the global sustainable transition through accessible, natural & pleasurable juice products. BUGS'N SHOTAs the only fruits & greens beverage in the world, our shots all contain natural Vitamin B12 from crickets. This energizing nutrient is already in high demand (& will continue to grow) amongst the increasing population of flexitarians/vegetarians.  Syngja is a small, dedicated team, only 2 years old. Our broad experiences encompass multiple & diverse fields, from microbiology to brand & communication, and from legal expertise to functional food ingredients.We are situated at office hub DARE2Mansion, part of Singularity University, in Copenhagen,  brimming with similar-minded young companies in tech, food & social entrepreneurship.

The Hub Scout

Traditional headhunting sucks, so we reinvented it — for startups this time! Elevate your hiring game with a dedicated Scout equipped with access to The Hub’s extensive talent network of 650,000 startup-ready professionals. We’ll have qualified & interested candidates booked on your calendar in no time. Only pay if you hire.