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Showing: 4684 filtered startups

Digital Outwork Media

A marketing agency specialized in various aspects of digital marketing. We are experts in Facebook Ads, PPC, SEO and more. We are a team of different people who each have their own unique expertise. Our ambitions is to become one of the best marketing agencies, with a full focus on satisfying our customers. We already have several cases of customer work, that can showroom that.


UniQWeb based in Assens, Odense & Aarhus \\ We develop your ideas and goals through digital solutions // We help companies achieve omnipresence across all channels with the right digital insight and the right business understanding for your online presence through your brands vision, goals & digital solutions. At UniQWeb we specialize in eCommerce brands, Conversion Rate Optimization & website building. We building brand strategy and marketing strategies to your customer audiences. And we're experts in data analysis, designing and developing responsive web & eCommerce solutions optimized for mobile users with the aim of getting more sales & leads online. We help our customers to continuously optimize their dynamic website and eCommerce brand to achieve your financial goals as well as a better bottom line. We work every day to create the best results for our customers, as well as build the sharpest team in the Nordics through digital marketing strategies & business development .


Autosome er en dansk start-up, der hjælper små og mellemstore virksomheder, med deres sociale medier. Virksomhedens målgruppe er små og mellemstore virksomheder i de fleste brancher, som ikke har tid eller ressourcer, til at fokusere på deres opslag på de sociale medier. Især de fleste håndværker fag, har stor glæde af en automatiseret social medie profil. Det hele er bygget op på en SAAS baseret hjemmeside, hvor vores kunder får adgang til vores software, der hjælper med at automatiserer virksomhedens sociale medie opslag. Med få klik, opretter man en profil, og connecter sine social medie sider til softwaren. Herfra kan man vælge vores standard pakker med indhold, selv sætte indholdspakker op eller få vores hjælp til at skabe en unik indholdspakke.


Work at Culmas is shaped around our coding cycles. They are around 4 weeks. They start with a kick-off, an improv class for the whole company and training sessions on any topics! Every two weeks, we also meet to discuss our processes and our performances. Those rituals are made to include everyone at Culmas and are important to us. Culmas is spawned out of the Improv Comedy Copenhagen Theatre. We value creativity and humor highly and we’re continuously striving to make the office a place full of motivation where ideas and inputs are welcome.


Vaerks is a tech-startup. We develop innovative solutions for CNC milling, where knowledge is digitized and processes are automated to reduce the know-how and manual working time that is traditionally associated with CNC milling. We work with a solution that lies between 3Dprint and CNC milling. By joining Vaerks, you will be part of our journey towards the digitalization of future manufacturing that helps large international companies.


Beleaf is a platform that want to make it easy for everyone to hold plants. The platform consists of three parts: The app - a mobile application where users can put in their plant and get an overview of when they need caring. The device – a device that uploads data about the plants to the cloud. The shop – a webshop where users can configure a plant and get a gardener to prepare quality plants with the correct growing media. With the usage of new technologies, we're making plants digital.


Pendlr is an iOS and Android based carpooling service that connects people to support everyday transport needs with an absolute minimum of hassle and administration.Pendlr collaborates with workplaces, educational institutions and local authorities to reduce emissions, traffic and costs. We offer a tailormade experience and closed communities to the organisational members and fleet management of shared cars that can additionally be made available for booking in the app by authorised members only


We are going to disrupt the CNC manufacturing market, by decreasing the price by up to 5 times, providing day to day service and making it extremely easy to order parts from our web platform. We are doing this to give developers around the world, a chance to streamline their work and give the possibility for every one to realise their idears, in real functional prototype, regardless of their economical state. To do this we are analyzing and rethinking every aspect of CNC machining.

Help it Home

Help it Home er en community-baseret platform til genfindelse af tabte ejendele. Nemt, sikkert & anonymt. Vores nøgleringe og klistermærker, som du kan sætte på dine ejendele, er din mulighed for at genfinde dine tabte ejendele.I en verden hvor frygt & utryghed fylder meget, vil vi at sætte medmenneskelighed på dagsordenen. Vi tror Danmark er fyldt med mennesker, som gerne vil hjælpe hinanden – Vi drømmer om, at folk igennem Help it Home bliver bevidste om, at vi er omgivet af venlige mennesker.

Motion Vizual

At motion Vizual we visualize dreams. we create commercials, promo videos , music videos, wedding videos, and what ever media based content you need,But Theres more!We also delved into photography and takes profile photos, commercial photography and if need be furniture and housing photography.Motion Vizual

The power of individuals - Den økonomiske magt gives tilbage til forbrugeren, vi vil bruge mekanismer som, peer to peer, dele-økonomi, gennemsigtighed og mikrotarifering. Care more – Vi tager hånd om vores kunder, vi er med dem, vores kunder er en del af os – vi gør hvad mennesket ser muligt. Transparency – Vi er besatte af dekomplicering og afbureaukratisering af forsikringer – vi sælger produkter selv børn kan forstå. Vi vil bruge gennemsigtighed og simpelhed som loyalitetsparametre.


Vi er Sportsmakker, fordi vi er makkere til folk der ønsker en aktiv og sund livsstil som en del af deres hverdag. Vi er et team, der færdes i et miljø, hvor vi altid er med helt fremme med hensyn til ny viden inden for sundhed og udvikling. Vi ønsker derfor at skabe de bedste rammer for dig, din virksomhed, din forening eller din kommune.   Vi kan tilbyde dig. - Konceptudvikling - Rådgivning af foreningsudvikling, Teambuilding, Mental træning, Undervisning af aktiviteter, og idrætsfestivaler.

CPH Inventures

Exruptive ('14) & BBHS ('14) are part of CPH Inventures Holding A/S.EXRUPTIVE develops an integrated solution for optimization of the security and commercial experience in international airports offering improved security.BBHS provides bulk baggage handling solutions that may be integrated with all airport sorting systems resulting in 95% reduced manual  baggage handling & faster baggage reclaiming.Technologies are IP protected and combine Multiview and diffraction X-ray scanning technology. 1. Determination: Disruption requires a lot of will-power2. Intelligence:To deal with the complexity of what we are doing and the industry in which we are doing it3. Integrity: Zero tolerance on moral shortcuts

Rub & Stub Group ApS

Rub & Stub is a social enterprise that focuses on sustainability. We ran the restaurant 'Spisehuset Rub & Stub' for three years: the first restaurant in Europe to put surplus food on the menu. Now, we facilitate food waste-workshops, do surplus food-events and consultancy - all to share our knowledge on food waste and inspire to more sustainable action.

House of Companies

Media agency with a focus on permission marketing.Additionally we have a developing branch that is currently developing data management systems, and the next generation of offerings-platform.We are a professional team, with 15+ years experience within the online industry.Our slogan "focus on tomorrows market" is pinnacle for our approach to the online market. - Constantly coming up with improvements to the existing market, and also implementing entirely new ideas and concepts.