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Go Zebra

Go Zebra er non-profit forening, der træner børn i innovation og iværksætteri med udgangspunkt i verdensmålene. Vores vision er at skabe en børneiværksætterbevægelse af kreative, idérige børn med selvtilid, handlekraft og mod til at turde gøre en forskel for sig selv - og andre. Go Zebra har trænet iværksættermuskler på 350+ børn på akademier og camps i fritiden i samarbejde med bl.a. FN, Too Good To Go, Ældresagen og Lego Ventures.


ARCHITECTMADE is more than a collection. It’s a philosophy. We scour archives, museums and drawings to catch a glimpse of rare design objects that some of the leading architects created many years ago, on their way to fame. We collaborate with some of the most acclaimed designers of our time to reveal what makes for mastery. We discover emerging talents to create pieces that can be passed on for generations. Here at ARCHITECTMADE, we have a mission to create crafted, elegant, and simple products, serving as a reminder in today’s fast-changing world, that quality is still timeless. Established in 2006 in Denmark, the company encompasses a continuously growing collection of home accessories. We are moving away from impulsive consumerism culture and celebrating products that last. The kind of products you never get bored to look at: created using exceptional craftsmanship alongside three rounds of quality control, made to stand the test of time. Our products are currently sold in more than 20 countries around the world. ARCHITECTMADE´s products are designed with the precision of an architect and the vision of an artist. As a testimony of elegant simplicity and subtle craftsmanship, ARCHITECTMADE provides design icons that have been made to stand the test of time.


RevisorKort er en formidlingstjeneste lavet på baggrund af vores kendskab til og dialog med selvstændige i revisionsbranchen.       Vi skaber kontakt mellem bogholdere / revisorer, og potentielle kunder.       På "revisorkortet" har I et geografisk overblik over revisorer og bogholdere i hele Danmark.       Når I finder en bogholder eller revisor på revisorkortet, står I selv for kontakt og forhandling. I kan også vælge at spare tiden lade os finde 3 tilbud for jer.

Home Connector

HC giver værdi til kunderne, ved at tilbyde en service i form af nem og sikker boligudlejning. De fleste kunder hos HC, både tidligere og nuværende har valgt samarbejdet grundet det høje serviceniveau og den komplette udlejningsaftale – hvor Home Connector som sagt står for alt for ekspedering af udlejers lejemål på diverse sites, fremvisninger, ind og udflyt samt alt administrativt arbejde der kunne følge med


JYYNAs formål er, at skabe enestående smags-oplevelser gennem te og relaterede produkter, uden at drive rovdrift på jordens ressourcer. Alle aktiviteter og drift af JYYNA skabes med miljømæssig bæredygtighed, zero footprint og FN's verdensmål som centralt omdrejningspunkt. Hos JYYNA er vores motto: Bæredygtig. Nydelse. Sammen.

Insurebot IVS

The first personal robot insurance brokerage center in the world. We offer a unique, tangible shopping experience in a mall with the alternative to video chat with the personal robot. Insurebot offers unbiased advice and prevention training. Insurebot is looking for pre-seed money of at least 150'000 Euro in order to develop an mvp.


Emailplatform er et dansk, prisvindende email marketing, marketing automation og sms marketing platform, som er grundlagt i 2011 af Kim Østergaard. Vi har selskaber i flere end 10 lande, og servicerer omkring 10.000 kunder. Den er stadig ejet af grundlæggeren og ledende medarbejdere.I dag beskæftiger vi flere end 50 medarbejdere på hovedkontorerne i Danmark og Makedonien. Herudover har hvert landekontor egen organisation til onboarding, support og salg.


getULocal is an online universe where you can find small and independent shops around the city. People can use getULocal as a tool to find small boutiques easier.Shops can create their own profile by putting their valuable info for their customers along with pictures, events and update daily with offers and sales. We try to find ways so that people can shop more from small and independent shops because that creates value for the customers, the shops, the local community and the city.

MONEYBANKER faciliterer sammenligning af online lån på en brugervenlig, enkel og nem fremgangsmåde. Med få klik har brugeren mulighed for at skabe et sammenligneligt grundlag, hvormed lånevilkår m.m. kan sammenlignes.Husk altid at have et opdateret budget over din privatøkonomi, så du ved, hvor meget du kan betale tilbage hver måned. Dermed mindsker du risikoen for at ende i en gældsspiral og bevarer kontrollen over din økonomi.


FIVEMOREMINUTES is all about extraordinary natural materials. We have designed a collection og soft linen bedding for babies and junior kids that is made entirely in EU. We are selling our products through a number of carefully selected retail stores in Denmark and through our own webshop. We will soon expand our product portfolio to include a wide range of home textiles and a collection of fine casual clothing. FIVEMOREMINUTES is a Danish brand based in Copenhagen. Our founding team consists of Julia & Ditte Marie (designers) and Peter (marketeer / concept developer).

Rosenberg Technologies

Rosenberg Technologies is a tech consultancy developing apps and websites. Offerings: • Native apps for Android and iOS • Websites with the mobile user in focus (including custom features and integrations) • Advice to help you make the right technical choices in order to fulfill your needs Read about our team and how we work on You are very welcome to contact me for an informal talk if you are interested in the above. Email: We have a common passion for creating innovative solutions that have a positive impact on the lives of others. Driven by this excitement, we want to build sustainable businesses in accordance to our values of ambition, curiosity and honesty.  We distinguish ourselves from many entrepreneurs by having a highly structured and evidence-based approach to innovation (Outcome-Driven Innovation), which we believe maximizes our chances of success. Currently, we are building up an app and website consultancy, Rosenberg Technologies. At this point, we see ourselves at stage 1 on our entrepreneurial journey with a lot of more exciting solutions to come. Besides building great apps and websites, we closely follow the development and applications of: - Internet of Things - Machine Learning - Blockchain Technology


"To travel is to live"" Hans Christian Andersen I'm sure you agree, but where should you go?  BilligeRejser.Nu is on a mission to change the way you find and plan your vacation. We want to simplify the travel planning process and believe unique and personalized travel experiences should be for everyone and all this at an affordable price too.

PeeFence ApS

Put an End to the Stench!With Peefence, it is easier than ever to provide great sanitation everywhere at outdoor event sites. Through an engaging experience, you let your audience contribute to better & healthier surroundings, creating incentive for customers to return year after year.While solving a major infrastructural problem, Peefence provides a completely platform for outdoor advertisement & sponsoring, by using the large graphics area on the eco-friendly Peefence urinal.

Herbert Syrups

Herbert Syrups was brought to life out of pure love to the traditional syrup craft and respect to the nature combined with the all-natural ingredients and visible influence by the modern bar & culinary scene. Herbert syrups now represents the community of enthusiastic young people creating surreal and unexpected flavor combinations, which you are going to fall in love with. er en ny uafhængig hjemmeside, der guider ridefolk med at finde de helt rette ridestøvler. Der findes et hav af ridestøvler og det kan være enormt svært, at finde de helt rette ridestøvler der passer netop til dit behov. Dermed har vi valgt at gøre det nemmere for dig og med kan du finde de ridestøvler der passer perfekt til dig!