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Showing: 4602 filtered startups

House of Code

We are a team of experienced Consultants, App and Web Developers that work closely together with our network of partners and clients to deliver new and innovative solutions. We think creative, are solution-oriented and take responsibility and ownership for our products. It is important to us that our clients are provided with functional solutions tailored to their needs.   We are dedicated to the development of digital solutions that create value and knowledge. In other words; We love technology

North Consulting

We are an elite unit of consultants from across the Nordics who believe we can create a better consulting experience for our customers. We are who you engage when you want to take commercial and digital execution to the next level. We move mast, with specialised resources and technology. Our customers are both corporates and startups with the highest ambition in their respective industries.

Power Soup ApS

We are developing the food of the future. We want to make food based on microalgae. We are now launching Onemeal and we need help to tell our story and to grow. Because of the earth's population growth we have thought of a new way to feed and nourish people. Onemeal is a tasteful instant in-between meal containing microalgae developed by our Michelin chefs. Onemeal is rich in proteins and plant oils and it is an easy way to eat healthy! On the go or as a snack when staying late at work! We believe microalgae are good for you – but also for the world.  For every Onemeal you buy we donate a meal to a person in need. We believe that your everyday purchase choices can have a big impact. When enjoying Onemeal you know another person in need is getting a fulfilling meal.


Foopla is a biosystem uniting consumers, small local food producers, and small food shops - it’s totally free for shops and farmers. We believe that our IT environment is the missing ingredient to enable local food networks sprout. Imagine the abundance of local herbs, hand-made jams, fresh eggs and vegetables. All hand-picked for you by your shopkeeper - available via your iOS device. Contact me if you would like to join us.


LinkAiders is a Danish startup striving to optimize disaster communication by delivering timely and verified data to relief coordinators. We are the owners and drivers behind the project Reachi - an information management system that will function even when regular signal and power is unavailable. Reachi utilizes the existing capacity of trained volunteers to establish mesh networks. We cooperate with the Danish Red Cross and our technical partner Neocortec.

House of Companies

Media agency with a focus on permission marketing.Additionally we have a developing branch that is currently developing data management systems, and the next generation of offerings-platform.We are a professional team, with 15+ years experience within the online industry.Our slogan "focus on tomorrows market" is pinnacle for our approach to the online market. - Constantly coming up with improvements to the existing market, and also implementing entirely new ideas and concepts.

Praice Aps

Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and even Princess Diana have an essential thing in common: it was their personalities that changed the world, not their cv. Praice is a Saas platform that helps HR and recruiters to bring any applicant’s personality into the recruitment process. We enable them to consider candidates’ personalities in the same way they can with experience or grades. We aim high and proudly collaborate with some of the biggest companies in Denmark being e.g. PFA, TDC, 3 Mobile Praice is a company that offers a lot of involvement, creative freedom and personal ownership to its team members. We are ambitious but believe we manage to find a great balance between work, fun, and general free time.We like you to be around the office as much as you can – and by contract everyone have assigned office hours. But team members should work when they feel like working, since delivering the best possible product is what matters.Founded in the middle of 2014 we are still young in ”company age” but know what matters: Personalities. The team spirit is key, and that is what drives us. Together we make a difference, and collaborately we learn to become the best we can be.   Our vision is to ”Empower everyone to make qualified people decisions” - and while skills a commonly easy to expose, personality is just as important, and Praice is the most simple and trustworthy way to provide that information.

WeFly ApS

We help drone pilots start up their companies and help them get their dispensation from The Danish Aviation administration. Furthermore, we are striving to be the best supplier of aerial shots in Denmark.


Vi er IGGYs! :) ​ IGGYs er lillebror, og det nye madkoncept i Middelfart, udsprunget af den famøse familie restaurant, beliggende i hjertet af Fredericia, Café K. Café K har i over 21 år serveret byens bedste sandwich med top hygiejne, friske råvarer og fremragende service, og dette eventyr ekspanderes nu til det nye madkoncept, IGGYs, med åbning i Middelfart. Café K er det første valg når der skal nydes lækre sandwiches, i hele Fredericia og omegn, hvilket også kan ses på Wolt med hele 9.2 ud af 10 stjerner. Den hjertevarme ånd, ungdommelige kultur, lækre med og formidable service kommer nu til Middelfart i form af IGGYs. Hos Café K, og nu også IGGYs, kan der, på trods af vores fast-food koncept (som er enestående i Fredericia), stadig smage kærligheden i maden. Vi ses hos IGGYs.


Jalolu er et start-up som søger den rigtige co-founder til at tage den næste del af rejsen med. Om jalolu Jalolu er en social platform til familier, som vil skabe aktiviteter på tværs af generationer og forevige minder til de kommende generationer. Inkubator program Jeg har fået verificeret Jalolu, af kunder og erhvervsfolk. Lige nu er jeg med i et inkubator program med Nordic Female Founders, det er et 16 ugers program, hvor jeg også har fået tildelt min egen mentor. Når forløbet er omme, er planen at søge founding.


Vi tilbyder konkurrencedygtige priser og skræddersyede løsninger tilpasset dine behov. Kontakt os i dag for en uforpligtende samtale om, hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig med at tage din virksomheds finanser til næste niveau. Vi ser frem til at samarbejde med dig! Bogholder timepris af 499.- eller 10 kr. pr. bilag. Bogholderen henvender sig til dem der vil have taget sig af hele sin bogføring, lønadministration indberetninger og regnskab. Her skal kunden stå for levering af bilag fysisk eller digitalt samt tilhørende kontoudtog til bogføring, resten ordnes af bogholderen. Interval af bogføringen efter kundens ønske! Du kan trygt overlade alle bogføringsopgaver til din bogholder og koncentrere dig om at drive din virksomhed. ved større opgaver kan prisen justeres! Vi kører også ud til virksomheden hvis dette ønskes, Normal pris + Kørselstillæg.


Mobilscooter sælger hjælpemidler. Især Mobilscooters el-scooter fra producenten Movinglife er særdeles populære grundet dens innovative funktioner og design. Det er nok markedets smarteste el-scooter som er foldbar solid og lavet af kvalitetsmaterialer. Mobilscooter ATTO har vundet flere priser grundet den funktionelle og moderne design og udseende. En el-scooter fra mobilscooter kan gøre en kæmpe stor forskel i dagligdagen for den person der har en funktionsnedsættelse. Du kan se el-scooteren på vores hjemmeside. Hjemmesiden er


Trusticate offers a data management white-labelling registry software specialising in carbon and biodiversity credit projects. Built on blockchain, our software allows for needed end-to-end transparency and traceability of projects. Designed by blockchain- and user experience experts the solution is made to communicate alignment to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by digitally showcasing sustainability efforts that are traceable and transparent. Using blockchain we enable clients, and suppliers of nature-based credits, to fractionalise assets, allowing for traceable allocation of “credits” on a product or transaction basis. Trusticate is not only a leader in offering a cutting-edge technical system that helps build trust within the field of sustainable development, but also a visionary company with a heart-based culture that envisions a world where we move from separation and fear to connection and love.

Growth Island

We are richer than ever and living better than kings and queens did back in the days. Yet more people are depressed, have chronic diseases, and missing purpose in life. Growth Island aims to help various ambitious individuals - entrepreneurs, top performers, and personal development enthusiasts - by providing them with knowledge, coaching, experts network as well as other digital personal development activities. It is a digital platform that offers a global podcast, educational activities, and access to a like-minded community. Born in Denmark, Growth Island's podcast covers over 70 episodes with experts from all around the world - doctors, scientists, psychologists, and entrepreneurs. Past guests include Sean Percival, former CMO of MySpace, Dan Brule, breathing master, and Tony Robbins’ breathing coach, and Dr. Olli Sovijarvi who co-founded The Biohacker Summit.


MentaNudge er en løsning, der skal være med til at skabe større velvære hos danskerne i en tid, hvor ensomhed, manglende struktur på hverdagen hersker og hvor hjemmearbejde bliver den nye normal. Vores mål er at forbedre velværet hos danskere, som arbejder hjemme derved får en ensporet hverdag, hvor vi vil komme med kvalificerede bud på aktiviteter som kan udføres i løbet af dagen og derved modvirke dyk i humør og velvære/selvværdet. Vi ønsker effektivt at forebygge depressioner og nedture ved at nudge danskerne med det, de har brug for, når de har brug for det.