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Showing: 4602 filtered startups

Backup Bird helping people backup their MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL and MariaDb database to their favorite cloud provider.  You can select the cloud provider you want to use: Amazon S3 FTP Dropbox Google Drive OneDrive You just sign up and let Backup Bird do the rest. From our dashboard you can take backup of all your databases.

YourLocal - Stop madspild

YourLocal er drevet af visionen om at blive den førende platform for bekæmpelse af forretningers madspild på verdensplan. Vi vil bekæmpe madspild globalt ved at sætte ind lokalt. På godt et år har vi fået mere end 500 butikker og 130.000 brugere ombord i Danmark, som hver dag via YourLocal-appen er med til at reducere madspild i Danmark. Vores næste store mål er det tyske marked.

Vesterbro Vinklub

Vesterbro Vinklub wants to increase the quality of wine in the average consumers' glass. Stop picking the same wine, from the same shelf, in the same supermarket. Vesterbro Vinklub widens your wine palette by offering a subscription to our monthly wine box that, each month, is curated by a new sommelier. Check it out!

Northstar Consulting Group

Northstar Consulting Group was founded in 2013.We are a competent consulting firm that specializes in marketing automation software combined with consulting services. Our goal is to help your company to create dramatic growth.We are an Infusionsoft Certified Partner with focus on the markets in:Scandinavia and Germany.


Modstrøm er Danmarks første uafhængige og klimavenlige energiselskab. Vi lægger vægt på at vejlede vores kunder i en grøn retning. Derfor lytter vi og gør alt for at involvere dem i at spare mest muligt på elregningen - til gavn for forbrug og klima. Det skaber en god fornemmelse at arbejde et sted, der tager sine kunder alvorligt.

Accca Invest

We aim to build a digital solution offering value to retailbanking,  to their customers and to commercial companies with online payment exposure.  We believe we will be able to run a solid business model and we have a good idea about an executable go-to-market-strategy. The business will be fairly scalable although we of course are realistic about the obstacles in doing so.


Drive innovativ business.  Digital Transformation, Internet visionary, entrepreneurship, business start-up, internationalization, Sales management and sales strategy are my trademarks.  Specialties: Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship, Sales management, sales strategy ,business planning, building teams, marketing strategy, business development, market research, competitive analysis, lead generation, speaking, writing and presenting.

Refugee Text

Refugee Text work with aid organisations to help them deliver crucial information to refugees. We employ interaction and service design methodologies to research, build, test and implement SMS chatbots for major international humanitarian aid organisations. Our current prototype, provides refugees coming to Europe with important information that they need to know. Now we are seeking to rebuild our CMS ahead of a project in the Middle East.


STUDIO MINI is an online-based interior shop for modern kids and their design-conscious parents. STUDIO MINI was founded in 2015 by Louise Bomhoff, shortly after the birth of her second child. Unable to find a multibrand store with the children's furniture and accessories she was looking for, Louise decided to make that on her own. STUDIO MINI offers Danish and European parents an easy and convenient way to buy original, functional and beautiful furniture and accessories for their kids.

Teamwork Family

Follow the procedure at Teamwork Family’ platform and you will increase your chances of an amicable divorce considerably.Teamwork Family is an objectively portal that helps divorced parents make and navigate through the many difficult and important choices - before, during and after a divorce.You will have a tool there takes care of all the agreements made and keep track on the financial balance between you and your ex-spouse. And you keep track on who has the kids at any given day/time. We acknowledge that feelings and emotional needs often dominate the process of making a parental agreement. We can't do anything about the statistics, but we can help you handle the necessary agreements so that your divorce becomes more manageable. We have gathered the parental agreement, the division of property, and the financial agreement in one place. We provide you with an overview of both the details and the bigger picture making agreements more transparent, objective and fair.


JUST MONEY aggregates and compares financial options for individual danes. At JUST MONEY we recognize that there are tons of finance options available online, but its hard to find the one that suits your needs.We at JUST MONEY have developed an unique algorithm, that can match you with your best ledning options online with just a few clicks.

Coffee Growers A/S

We are a fast-growing coffee exporting company, with our headquarter located in Bogota city. Based on our strict quality protocols, social awareness we offer customers the best quality and compliance with the highest sense of social and commercial responsibility. We operate as an NGO to support local coffee grower families in Colombia.


PlusRen er et dansk-ejet og -drevet rengøringsfirma, der effektivt sikrer dig rene omgivelser og et sundt indeklima. Vores mål er at have mange glade og tilfredse kunder. Vi kan kun nå vores mål ved at gøre godt rent og gøre det effektivt.Vi går op i at gøre rengøring så nemt som muligt for vores kunder, og vi dækker hele Storkøbenhavn, men går nu nationalt og søger i den forbindelse iværksættere til at overtage franchise-andele i PlusRen.Hvis du er interesseret så send os gerne en mail.

MeeWee ApS

Human Friendly Leave Management. MeeWee easily integrates into renowned backends, EIS- and ERP-systems such as SAP ECC, but is also a stand-alone solution for those without current backends, or without any interest in integration.  Submit Leave of Absence, days off and vacation, register your work hours or "call-in" sick from mobiles or desktops - in a few seconds!


ContentTap is a tool to make it easy for companies to distribute and present their content - media and documents - in the best possible way to employees, partners and customersThe app is branded through the web interface and the use of content is tracked and available from the web based interface.Content can be searched, presented, annotated and shared with potential clients.ContentTap already have well known Danish and international brands as customers.