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Userfirst arbejder med søgemaskineoptimering (SEO), hjemmesider, og webshops. Vores mål er at du som virksomhed eller offentlig myndighed får flere og tilbagevendende besøgende på din hjemmeside, flere som finder din information, og flere som køber dine produkter. Du skal bruge Userfirst hvis: du vil være synlig i Google du vil sikre dig, at brugerne finder den information de søger på hjemmesiden. du vil skabe mere salg gennem din webshop. du vil gøre din hjemmeside/webshop mere brugervenlig


Sathive is a platform where industrial manufacturing service providers can be discovered with a fraction of the time required to establish valuable Supply Chain leads. Thus, leveraging centralised manufacturing service database to cut costs, time and increase the efficiency of the sourcing process.Our unique "Request For Quotation" - RFQ tool helps to facilitate quick quoting process and an easy apples-to-apples comparison format to get the best deals out of manufacturing and sourcing projects. Our team is comprised of three great founders who are all rising stars within Mechanical Engineering, Software Engineering and Supply Chain fields.

Twenty/Twenty ApS

Twenty/Twenty is a B2B full-service design studio working with eyewear design, production and branding. The directions we choose, the methods we use and the products we create are based on our customers needs.In short: We create unique eyewear brands. We take pride in mastering every part of the process — from the first draft to the final execution.


Hi! We're and we strive to develop both aesthetically beautiful and technologically demanding websites and shops.Our target audience, our clients that is, never compromises with either aesthetics, quality or immersion, and surely we don't either. Contact us today if you'd like to become part of our small, but growing team.

Civics ApS

Civics was established in 2016 with the aim of creating and delivering innovative citizenship-based services. The two founders both have personal experiences of having elderly relatives living at long distances away. We also both spend decades with technology innovation and entrepreneurship, and both are only a little more than a decade away of being in the group of seniors ourselves and we want to help create platforms making it easy to be an active senior -  for ourselves and many others.

Highspeeddrinks Aps

Highspeeddrinks develops automated bar systems that are designed for high volume sales outlets such as festivals, concerts, nightclubs and cafes. Highspeeddrinks also aims to solve common problems in the bar and catering industry, such as long waiting times and shrinkage. Highspeeddrinks bar systems are able to dispense more alcoholic beverages at the same time in precise amounts to prevent overlap.

Gneis Agency

We are a strategic & creative digital agency. We assist companies and brands in their growth journey based on insights and strategies, and transform their vision into lasting digital platforms and online presence. We offer services such as digital strategy, brand design, e-commerce, and website development. Empowering your brand with creative simplicity.


Founded in 2011 SKAARHOJ is still a very young and small company, but with a very promising future.  As many other Start-ups, SKAARHOJ also started more or less by coincident, when Kasper Skårhøj in his profession as a Video Producer at DTU saw a need for a smaller and cheaper broadcast control unit instead of the solution available from the company Blackmagic Design.   After 2 years he achieved what he had started out to develop and in 2013 he incorporated SKAARHOJ as a company.

DIGILABS - Creative Agency

DIGILABS is international creative company founded in 2017.  Our specialisation areas are visual design, digital products and performance marketing. We take care about client needs in whichever phase of his business. Our dream team is created by designers, copywriters, programmers, socialists and marketers. Therefore we are able to cover different kinds of project briefs, campaigns and other requests. Our main goal is to fulfill clients visions, deliver on time and more than expected.

Woodmakers IVS

Vi er en københavnsk startup virksomhed. Der producere og forhandler plankeborde og plankemøbler. Vores mål er at tilbyde kvalitets plankeborde til priser alle kan være med på. Vi har værksted i Sydhavnen, hvorfra vi producere og sender vores plankeborde. vi ønsker at tilbyde møbler og interiør med et industrielt / vintage look.


Our vision at Soccerfitness is to create a community where coaches seek knowledge and inspiration to improve the quality of fitness training in soccer. We provide the newest scientific knowledge condensed and translated into practical advice, exercises and training programs. We offer workshops, courses and sell books from our webshop.   Our mission is to educate and inspire coaches working with fitness in soccer.

Founded in 2015, RejseGear is a brand new eCommerce venture in Denmark specializing in suitcases and - per ultimo 2017 - also outdoor & adventure products. We founded RejseGear for the sole purpose of offering an entire range of products for whenever the danes are traveling the world. We simply wanted to collect everything in one shop so travelers don't have to visit 5-6 webshops in order to acquire all neccessary stuff for the trip.


PRISAS er en sammenligningstjeneste inden for a-kasser, bredbånd og lån. Vi gør det enkelt at sammenligne udbydere, priser og finde den bedste løsning. Der er kommet et væld af udbydere på markedet, i forskellige brancher, så det kan være svært at holde overblikket som forbruger. Og endnu sværere at gennemskue priser og services over for hinanden. Det afhjælper vores sammenligningstjeneste, hvor man på én gang kan se priser, services og muligheder hos de enkelte udbydere. Se mere på


Odendo er en auktionsplatform, hvor du kan gøre en fantastisk handel på masser af spændende auktioner.Hundredvis af gode formål, anvender Odendo som fundraisingplatform til, at skaffe vigtige midler til deres virke. Faktisk har vi pt. indsamlet mere end 14 mio. kr. til gode formål.Auktionerne på Odendo, består af produkter, der sælges af virksomheder.Odendo vandt i 2015 E-handlesprisen i kategorien “Bedste nye ehandelsvirksomhed”.