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YOUANDX er en ung virksomhed fra 2017, der gennem de seneste år har været på en større vækstrejse. Vi er i dag en af de førende formidlere af foredragsholdere og eksperter i Danmark, med en vision om at blive en komplet digitaliseret løsning for vores kunder – en Airbnb eller inden for booking af foredragsholdere og vidensspecialister. Med udgangspunkt i denne vision, er vi i dag i fuld gang med en stor omstilling til at blive en SaaS-virksomhed og releaser den nye platform i sommeren 2021. I den forbindelse har vi brug for nye, dygtige mennesker til at blive en fast del af vores team og hjælpe os på rejsen.


FestmusikNu gør det nemt og enkelt at finde festmusik til sit næste event. Hos FestmusikNu skal du blot udfylde lidt info omkring jeres fest og dernæst vil du blive kontaktet af vores dygtige festmusikere, hvorefter du kan håndplukke det band eller den musiker, der passer jeres behov bedst. Vi vækster hurtigt og har på få måneder fået mere end 300 musikere tilknyttet. Målet er at blive den største portal, der hjælper festglade danskere med at finde den perfekte musik til festen.


IOImachines Develops and sells machine Vision solutions for automatic quality inspection systems. The Company uses proprietary and innovative vision algorithms and techniques based on state of art Artificial intelligence. AI take machine vision systems to next level in terms of their technical capabilities, driving the mass adoption of the technology in several industries Machine vision for os, is the art of image analysis aiming at classifying objects into pre-defined categories representing various and different types of defects and abnormalities. Machine Learning aspires to mimic the human brain – learning by observing. By introducing sets of classified images representing normal and different types of abnormalities, The algorithm learns to classify a new image as representing normal objects or objects belonging to a specific category of abnormality. Our novel algorithm distinguishes fine and tiny features in images that indicate small deviations from normal features.

We develop tools that help other companies develop exciting products like: 1. A build service that executes a projects test-suite and report back on Github. 2. Error reporting that automatically collects information and organises it in an interface. 3. Measure developer productivity. 4. Time tracking that automatically connects logged time with tasks, pull requests and commits. ...and much more!

Play Your Talent

Play Your Talent er et innovativt softwaresystem udtænkt til nemt og effektivt at arbejde med talentudvikling til brug af virksomheder såvel som privatpersoner. Det er et unikt ledelses værktøj der kan afdække den skjulte kultur og talentpotentialet i hele virksomheden og som samtidig giver et digitalt tool til at sammensætte teams ud fra højeste effektivitet og arbejdsglæde.


STRØM Bikes is an innovative eBike company based in Copenhagen on a mission to make urban commuting more sustainable and convenient. We believe the eBike is an essential part of the transition to a green urban transportation system. Our concept is Danish design and high quality at affordable prices. We design, produce and sell our own unique eBikes. By focusing on direct online trade, and eliminating all expensive intermediaries, we get the opportunity to provide high quality eBikes at affordable prices. In this regard we have launched all of our bikes with succes through crowdfunding.

Bonsai Institute

Bonsai Institute er et kompetencecenter, der udbyder uddannelser og kurser inden for pædagogik, naturpædagogik og ledelse. Vi udbyder kurser og uddannelser for forældre, pædagoger og andre, der arbejder med børn og har interesse i at skabe rammer for en god og sund barndom. I tillæg har vi en ledelsesuddannelse, der henvender sig til alle slags ledere.  Vores kurser og uddannelser spænder over en bred vifte •  Kurser for forældre •  Kurser og uddannelser for pædagoger og andre der arbejder med børn •  Kurser, uddannelse og praktikforløb om naturpædagogik •  Uddannelse og kurser om personale- og ledelsesudvikling •  Kreative kurser I tillæg til dette har vi tilknyttet et lille forlag - Blue Pearl Books, der udgiver pædagogiske bøger til børn, voksne og fagfolk.


AYOOLA gives you the best natural energy by turning things upside down. Enjoy organic coffee differently: naturally energizing with a refreshing twist.
 ORGANIC - NO ARTIFICIALS - VEGAN - NATURALLY SWEETENED - NATURAL CAFFEINE - ECO-FRIENDLY PACKAGING At AYOOLA we like to turn things upside down without making compromises on either taste or quality. Striving to supply you with the energy needed to make it through the day, we have created a refreshing alternative to a regular cup of coffee. While keeping the good, pure energy naturally found in coffee, we are adding our own twist to this well-known source of energy: AYOOLA Cold Brew Energy is an everyday energy drink, based on 100% natural and organic ingredients – pure and simple. We believe that this world needs more good energy, therefore are we 100% certified organic, vegan and eco-friendly. We are strongly committed to use all our energy to make a difference: Lets turn things upside down!


ROOF Management is an alternative investment fund manager (AIFM with license) providing attractive real estate investment opportunities i Denmark. ROOF Management caters to real estate investors from multiple segments. ROOF Management is looking for a flexible and serviceminded IT-developer to support our Team and investors with technical issues on our platform.


Vicruit er en jobportal med videorekruttering. Rekrutteringsprocessen i dag er omstændig for både virksomheder og jobsøgende. Vicruit fjerner flere udfordringer ved den traditionelle jobsøgning og hjælper dig med at spare både tid og resourcer. Med videoansøgninger får du nemt og hurtigt et indtryk af den jobsøgende og den jobsøgende kan på samme tid søge sit drømmejob på få minutter.


mploy is an AI powered recruitment platform for enterprises, which uses AI to automate the whole candidate hiring process, from scheduling and taking automated video interview to evaluating the best candidate for you. Ultimately saving months of time and mechanical workloads for recruiters and its unbiased evaluation process gives equal opportunity to candidate and creates greater impact in society.

Absolute health

We are a collection of 3 brands. Absolute health, Mums Get Fit and Ed Ley. We work with individuals and companies using neuroscience through coaching and physical practises to helped our clients create lives that they love where that's better health, mental clarity or creating a thriving culture within their company.

Vi hos hjælper dig til en forbedret hverdag med vores massage- og kompressions støvler. Vores støvler hjælper dig med gigt, uro i benene, ødemer, smertelindring og meget mere. Når støvlerne anvendes giver det en øget blodcirkulation, som fjerner hævelse, smerte og affaldstoffer og hjælper lymfesystemet.

Reach Active

The Pitch Reach has developed a 100% online physiotherapy app to help MSK pain sufferers (the #1 cause of disability globally) access quality and evidence based care and build up the active habits that are shown to most effectively treat and prevent pain. The What Pain management and prevention should be centred around a multidimensional approach - focusing on physical activity and exercise but also on building understanding of pain and the confidence in one's ability to deal with pain. Frustratingly, MSK pain is a global epidemic, and a lot of the current treatment is part of the problem, not the solution: 1. Still, too many health practitioners promote passive treatment approaches and passive coping strategies. 2. For most, the active approach that best treats pain requires active habits to be formed, which includes both belief and behaviour change. Sadly, no one offers this high-quality care in a way that supports habit change. At Reach, we build up people’s ability and confidence to self-manage, so they do not become dependent on health professionals. In everything we do, we strive to make recovery and prevention more reassuring, accessible and motivating. The How Currently patients complete a 8 minute online assessment and receive a personalised video exercise program, we then motivate and evolve their program to recovery. During your time with Reach, we’ll work with you to develop the confidence you need to stay active at your own pace, in a way that suits your lifestyle. We’ll also support you with ongoing educational material to make sure you fully understand what’s going on ‘under the bonnet’ of your pain. You’ll get access to new educational material at checkpoints throughout your road to recovery so that you can make informed choices about how best to deal with your symptoms and keep progressing. The Why This is where it all started, and what drives everyone at Reach, everyday. - We really believe in all the benefits of being active - social, stress relief, increased energy, better health and more. - And we admire all those trying their hardest to make themselves and their lives better - and I genuinely believe most people are trying their hardest in life (shout out to Brene Brown’s book on Shame and her ted talks for this learning). - There are loads of great tools and people helping you to be active and stay active, but when things go wrong and you’re held back by pain and injury, the available choices are all so frustratingly inconvenient, slow and boring. - SO, we are ‘empowering people when their active best is under threat’. And we hope that by helping people become stronger and move forward, we can help make their lives that much better, in-turn increasing their capacity to make the lives of those around them better, and bit by bit we’ll make the world that bit better. – Musikviden samlet ét sted. er websitet hvor man kan finde alt musikviden alt sammen samlet samme sted. Find viden om musikinstrumenter og højtalere fra hele verden. Så i stedet for at lede mange steder, kan du slippe med kun at lede et sted. MusikMM - Musikviden for enhver. Derfor kan du i stedet for at lede flere steder, så kan du slippe med bare at søge et sted. - Musik for enhver.