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Showoff is a fashion discovery app that helps style-conscious individuals to keep up with fast-paced fashion trends by offering a platform where users can share and explore outfits. Our vision is to become the single source of truth of fashion. The problem is twofold: Consumers find it difficult to keep up with ever-changing fashion trends, and when they do, the trends they see aren’t always validated or trustworthy. At the same time, influencers struggle to monetize their influence effectively on current platforms. Showoff addresses these problems by allowing anyone—influencers and everyday fashion enthusiasts alike—to upload their outfits and contribute to shaping trends. The app’s trends are validated by real-time engagement metrics such as likes, ensuring that what’s shown as trending reflects what users truly love. The app offers shoppable links and a variety of filters—including age groups—for a personalized experience. Influencers are able to monetize their content directly, while fashion brands gain access to trend data and performance analytics on influencers, allowing them to find the right partnerships, improve sales and forecasting. The motivation behind Showoff came from the frustration of trying to keep up with the ever-changing fashion landscape. Like many others, I didn’t have the time to constantly follow fast-moving trends, and the ads I encountered felt disconnected from what was actually "in." I wanted a platform that would show me what’s actually trending for a person like me, and I realized many others shared this same need.

Type one systems

Our company is focused on developing a new scientific instrument that allows researchers to study quantum systems and fields in unprecedented detail. Our instrument utilizes advanced technology and innovative techniques to probe the fundamental properties of quantum systems, providing insights into their behavior and underlying mechanisms. The instrument is designed for use in a wide range of research areas, including quantum physics, materials science, and condensed matter physics. We are building a team of scientists and engineers to bring this revolutionary instrument to market. We believe that it will be a game-changer for the scientific community, providing researchers with the tools they need to unlock the mysteries of the quantum world and drive the development of new technologies.


We are building a cloud platform to allow companies to become SaaS providers with as little effort as possible. Our niche is technical applications developed for engineering, research and analytics. Our vision is: Empowering technical, scientific, engineering, financial teams looking to create web applications and platforms to unlock their fullest potential to support their users and customers. Mission: Accelerate time to market by 10x Keep specialists empowered to develop, market and manage their soultions.

Boligdeal er Danmarks største portal for boligudlejning og salg af boliger. På kan du finde stort set alle ledige boliger på markedet, og oprette en søgeprofil så udlejerne kan kontakte dig direkte med tilbud på ledige boliger. Du får besked med det samme om nye boliger som passer til dig.


Vågner du også ind i mellem og tænker, at det der arbejde, det har jeg faktisk ikke så meget lyst til i dag? Hvad skal det til for? Hvorfor skal det fylde så meget i vores liv? Måske du ofte vågner sådan. Vi slider og slæber i hamsterhjulet. Mere arbejde. Mindre søvn. Færre timer brugt på dem vi holder af og det vil bedst kan lide at lave. Vi føler os ufuldstændige, uforløste og konstant stressede. Sådan havde jeg i det i hvert fald. Min løsning? Økonomisk uafhængighed. Økonomisk uafhængighed, også kendt som FIRE, Financial Independence Retire Early, går ud på at spare aggressivt op tidligt i livet og investere pengene, så du kan leve af afkastet i stedet for at gå på arbejde. Sådan lidt forsimplet sagt. Mit formål med Frinans er at vise dig, hvordan du kan sætte din privatøkonomi i system. Op med indtægterne, ned med udgifterne og gang i investeringerne. Kort og godt, et exit fra hamsterhjulet.

NORD advise

NORD advise guider virksomheder gennem de komplekse udfordringer, som den nye bæredygtighedsregulering og stigende stakeholder krav medfører. Vi faciliterer rejsen fra at være compliant til at skabe bæredygtige strategiske initiativer. Vores primære formål er at hjælpe vores kunder med at udnytte muligheder og effektivt mitigere risici, samtidig med at regulatoriske krav imødekommes. Vores række af ESG services omfatter rådgivning relateret til rapportering, assurance, udvikling af strategi og generelt assistance med kommunikation om ESG. Herudover samarbejder vi med revisionsbranchen, som en uafhængig partner.


Feedball is a new danish football media that gather and analyse news from more than 100 danish media and categorize them based on danish football clubs. By doing this we can offer the user a live feed of news based on their favourite clubs. And always be the first to get breaking news no matter what media is publishing first. All free of charge.

Fredlund Husby ApS

Private investment company. Private investment company of Magdalena Fredlund Husby and Ståle Fredlund Husby. We support individuals with bold ideas that bring about a brighter future for our children: we work, invest, and do what is needed to make things happen. We start up, join or help grow 3-5 new tech companies per year.

Black Bird & Co.

Nye højder med Black Bird & Co. 🦅 Detailhandel har eksisteret i årtier. Det har sociale medier ikke og alligevel er det dér dine kunder søger deres viden og bliver inspireret. Det stiller krav til din tilstedeværelse, og til det bureau du arbejder sammen med. Vi er et bredt funderet og kompetencestærkt SoMe bureau, som er specialiseret i detailhandel. Vores nicheområde er kædebutikker og shoppingcentre, og vores team kender detailbranchen indefra. Vores Black Birds har arbejdet både i den fysiske detailhandel og i marketingafdelingen i et shoppingcenter. Vi kender de udfordringer, som butikker og et centerkontor har i dagligdagen. Vi véd også, at SoMe og Community Management bliver nedprioriteret, og af samme grund står vi klar til at hjælpe!


Partisia is a pioneer and a world-leader in commercial applications of Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC). The company is co-founded by world leading cryptographers and Partisia has provided state-of-the-art security solutions based on MPC across industrial and financial solutions since 2008. Partisia has worked on combining MPC with Blockchain technologies, aiming to set a new standard for digital infrastructures. The resulting infrastructure provides enhanced integrity, confidentiality, and transparency without the need to trust any single third party (sometimes referred to as “trustless”). Examples are financial trading with Tora and Caspian and data exchange with

Victor Brøgger

Victor Brøgger er en førende konsulentvirksomhed, specialiseret i at støtte virksomheder gennem Digital Transformation og Softwareudvikling. Med en dybtgående ekspertise i teknologi og innovation tilbyder vi skræddersyede løsninger, der hjælper virksomheder med at optimere deres operationer og udnytte den nyeste digitale teknologi til at fremme deres vækst. Vores tjenester spænder bredt, fra udvikling af avancerede API'er og plugins til komplette softwareløsninger og effektivisering af processer. Vores team af erfarne konsulenter arbejder tæt sammen med hver klient for at forstå deres unikke behov og udfordringer, hvilket sikrer at de løsninger vi udvikler ikke kun er innovative, men også direkte anvendelige og værdiskabende. Hos Victor Brøgger sætter vi en ære i at levere løsninger af høj kvalitet, der er både sikre og skalerbare, og som understøtter virksomheders langsigtede mål. Vores tilgang er baseret på et solidt fundament af branchekendskab og teknisk ekspertise, kombineret med en vedvarende stræben efter at forblive i forkant med de nyeste teknologiske fremskridt. Vi er altid på udkig efter talentfulde og passionerede professionelle, der ønsker at gøre en forskel i teknologiens verden. Hvis du er drevet af innovation og har lyst til at arbejde i et dynamisk og støttende miljø, er Victor Brøgger det perfekte sted for dig. Bliv en del af vores team og vær med til at forme fremtidens digitale landskab! Besøge hjemmesiden her:


 Reduce return rates and carbon emissions for fashion brands and online retailers with AI product images and Virtual Try On (VTO). Vision Become category leader for reducing returns and AI product images as an add on for fashion e–commerces, like Klarna for split payments. Simple for end users combined with a backend for e-commerces to monitor KPIs including savings in return rates and carbon emissons. About SWOP SWOP revolutionizes online shopping with a solution that combines AI-powered Virtual Try-On (VTO) with an extensive product image library. Our technology showcases clothing on diverse body types, ethnic backgrounds, and from multiple angles, addressing high return rates and customer dissatisfaction. This improved representation helps customers make better purchasing decisions, reducing returns, increasing conversion rates, and boosting average order values. SWOP provides a cost-effective, comprehensive solution that enhances customer satisfaction and e-commerce performance. SWOP's approach contributes to the green transition by reducing waste from returns and promoting sustainable consumption patterns.


Fiki is a Danish webshop that sells scarves and basic clothing for women and men in Denmark Fiki started in January 2024 and is in the process of positioning itself on the Danish market for quality clothing at competitive prices. We use freelance photographers, graphic designers and writers for our videos, product photos and texts.

IFT Denmark

IFT Denmark is a premier destination for wholesale food distribution. We pride ourselves on being a leading wholesaler in the food industry, offering a diverse range of high-quality products to meet the needs of our valued customers. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction and product excellence, we provide a comprehensive selection of food items sourced from trusted suppliers and renowned brands. In addition to offering a wide array of products, we also boasts our own proprietary brand, delivering exceptional quality and value across various food categories. Our commitment to innovation and excellence ensures that our branded products meet the highest standards of taste, freshness, and nutritional value. Furthermore, IFT Denmark proudly represents several agencies of well-known brands, further enriching our product offerings and providing our customers with access to some of the most sought-after food products in the market. Whether you're a restaurant owner, catering service, grocery store, or food retailer, we are your trusted partner for all your wholesale food needs. Experience the difference of working with a company dedicated to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Join us in creating memorable culinary experiences for consumers everywhere!

CollectiveAction Aps

It’s about culture: We are on a mission to empower employees to take a co-ownership for their workplace culture! We provide company-wide social well-being events to build a physical and mental well-being culture among employees. With our platform employees can build healthy habits with colleagues and friends & family. We develop tools for teams to take co-ownership of their team culture. We are a small 'get-shit-done' bootstrapped team that over the last 3 years has succeeded in developing and selling a software product to a handful of the most well-known Danish companies.