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MiniFinans er en 100% dansk låneudbyder der opererer under egen licens fra Finanstilsynet. er en af de sikreste lånegivere på internettet. Vi har lavet en meget simpel låneproces, som kun tager få minutter for kunderne. Det er en vision for os, at penge skal være nemme at låne og simple at tilbagebetale. Derfor kan man nemt bruge og låne det man skal bruge indtil man får løn, hvor man kan indfri sit lån.


Hedia is a smart diabetes assistant driven by a personal need. Living with insulin requiring diabetes demands constant control and a great effort to achieve well-regulated blood glucose at the expense of freedom and quality of life. As a person with diabetes you never get to live without the distress of dealing with diabetes.  We aim to solve this by offering a personalised smart diabetes application that helps with the everyday struggles of diabetes, like carb calculation, insulin dosage recommendations and tracking diabetes data.

Vi vil gøre webmastere bedre til deres arbejde.Canecto er et webanalyseværktøj der gør det mulig at forbedre kvaliteten af et websites indhold.Værktøjet giver indsigt i brugeradfærd baseret på brugernes interaktion med websitets indhold, og ved at kortlægge de underliggende trends og mønstre der kan forklare brugernes adfærd.Vi anvender mønstre i brugernes interaktion med indholdet af et website til at beskrive, forstå og forudsige brugernes webadfærd.

Kit Couture

Kit Couture revitaliserer håndarbejdstraditionen.Vi gør det let for den moderne kvinde at strikke, hækle eller brodere modeller i et æstestisk design, som hun har lyst til at bruge. Vi sælger kits over nettet og leverer altid letforståelige opskrifter sammen de materialer, som skal bruges.  Vores kits giver fritiden mening. Vi giver den moderne kvinde ro og fred til at skabe netop det, hun drømmer om.


vCompany – for your online benefit Do you know how much you earned in the past week? Google Analytics shows you your revenue, but what are your profits? How well does your marketing work? vCompany’s plugins for Google Analytics gives you the answer.  vCompany is not like the others. We offer analysis tools and add-ons for e.g. Google Analytics that gives a true picture of your profits and your competitors. Tools that you cannot find elsewhere.

Sealand Capital A/S

Sealand Capital A/S is a small Copenhagen-based investment company working with start-ups and real estate assets. The company was founded in 2008 and is privately owned.    We believe in investing in great companies and teams, that we can help going from great to world-class. We do this by taking an active role in the investments we make eg via the board of directors, mentoring, sparring, coaching of portfolio companies management teams. Also we take an active role in the initial go-2-market phase.

We are - acknowledged event professionals in Denmark, with a very strong position in Danish event market and already have expanded to London, Hong Kong and New York. Our stronghold is event management, cocktail catering, cocktail courses, bartender hire, bartending flair show. There are some strong project on a side that we are working with:;


FAIRMONEY Er en dansk sammenligningstjeneste der har til formål at guide og vejlede danske private til fornuftige finansielle ydelser. Siden har siden start 2016 været i positiv fremgang og forventes at være blandt de førerne sammenligningstjenester i DK. Hjemmesiden koncentrerer sig om kviklån og andre forbrugsrelevante ydelser.

Vesterbro Vinklub

Vesterbro Vinklub wants to increase the quality of wine in the average consumers' glass. Stop picking the same wine, from the same shelf, in the same supermarket. Vesterbro Vinklub widens your wine palette by offering a subscription to our monthly wine box that, each month, is curated by a new sommelier. Check it out!

Mobile ACE

We design and build neat, feature-rich, and competitively priced, mobile apps and sell them on the Scandinavian and the German-speaking B-2-B market. We want to exploit the full potential of being one of the most innovative actors in the marketplace. We want to develop business activities that are in good and meaningful synergy with the 2016 activities.

Rub & Stub Group ApS

Rub & Stub is a social enterprise that focuses on sustainability. We ran the restaurant 'Spisehuset Rub & Stub' for three years: the first restaurant in Europe to put surplus food on the menu. Now, we facilitate food waste-workshops, do surplus food-events and consultancy - all to share our knowledge on food waste and inspire to more sustainable action.

Exruptive A/S

EXRUPTIVE develops innovative solutions for the optimization of the security- and commercial experience of travellers in airports offering improved security at lower cost, better flow and increased revenue and efficiency.We target airports with a proprietary security scanning solution for cabin baggage, as well as scanner compatible context aware shopping trolleys offering an integrated touch screen platform for personalised traveller interaction, way finding and commercial data acquisition.

Abakion Supply Chain Box

Abakion Supply Chain Box develops it-software for supply chain management, with an ambition to expand into the European marketspace of supply chain companies. Our focus is on utilizing Microsoft technology to build standard solutions that can compete with traditional heavily customized erp solutions. The approach of standard solution makes it easy to maintain the solution. er en stadig lille, men hurtig voksende portal, hvor unge kan finde deres kommende elevplads. Siden starten har vi vokset med 50 % om året og vores fokus er både, at hjælpe med elevpladser og fremme antallet af elevpladser i Danmark. Som virksomhed er det 100 % gratis, at få en læreplads på, da vi er reklamefinansieret. Målet er stadig, at blive ved med, at vokse og hjælpe unge med, at gøre deres uddannelse færdig.


Mobile Backend with customer app and merchant app   Customers can locate businesses near them easily with geo-location, the app allows them to discover new businesses all over the world and never miss a discount. Businesses can run and manage loyalty program easily, process orders via merchant app from any location and access history along with all their data in their own backend hosted on our servers.