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Showing: 4602 filtered startups

Vento Maritime

We are dedicated to helping maritime customers save fuel and time while improving safety at sea. Our team is passionate about excellent customer service and the art of communicating meteorological and oceanographic uncertainties in order to provide timely, essential and accurate decision support to our customers. Our weather forecast data is of very high quality in Northwestern Europe. Business sectors we serve include: Offshore Renewable Energy Shipping Oil and Gas Marine Transport and Operations


We are a bunch of professional game-industry veterans and we work across all disciplines as one team. We strive to create marvelous and original titles with special attention to design, development, business and swanky visuals.  Together we are Tumblecrate, an industrious indie studio bent upon creating highquality games. We are currently making Hello World - a beautiful and adventurous quiz game about our home - Earth.


All company owners have tried that their invoices for products or services have not been paid. At Debito we help all kinds of companies to retrieve money from their unpaid invoices. Simply upload your invoice and let us do all the boring legal stuff. We select the best option for retrieving your money.  Stop worrying about you unpaid invoices and let us help you get your money.


TechVeda, is the new ally in your quest to conquer the technology space. Based out in Copenhagen.  We make IT products for complex business requirements and make it simpler for users to play with. We also develop niche products that help users and society at large :) We are into the startup ecosystem. Helping companies get a digital footprint. Our culture is to make plenty of mistakes but learn from them and be better.


In everything we do, we trigger people’s imagination and creativity so that, together, we find solutions for a better future of our world. Everyone has imagination! Our portfolio of companies span across technology, consulting and media. The vision is to invent the future of organizations, where people can truly thrive.


CodeSpaghetti is a career portal for software developers. We are in the process of building an Adaptive AI based self assessment system for developers.CodeSpaghetti provides in depth guides on how to succeed in technical interviews. It has built a huge database of interview questions. And developing various other tools , tactics and resources to help developers ace their next technical interview.  I came to Denmark in 2004 to pursue a Bachelors Degree in Electronics engineering from DTU.  After graduation it was a long journey for me to find a job as non Danish speaking candidate. I went through a lot of rejections and really learned the process to do interviews. From last 10 years i have worked at some of the biggest tech companies in Denmark.  I felt that there is a need to create some some tools. Which can help software developers to assess their own skills and tech them how to prepare and do technical interviewsBased on my experiences I started codespaghetti to create the tools and resources which i wished to have at my disposal when i started my career.

Compware ApS

Vi driver sammenlignings hjemmesiden, der sammenligner priser på hardware. Vi er lige nu i startup fasen, hvor vi har en hjemmeside der virker, men stadig skal bruge meget udviklingskærlighed, som den får hver uge. Vi får flere og flere besøgende hver uge. Vi har bootstrappet fra starten.


Rubberduck offers on-location and on-demand wheel-and tyre change. No need to wait in line at the mechanic, never any non-transparent pricing, and most important of all: you'll finally experience the high level of service when seeing your mechanic.Whereas many industries nowadays are focusing on convenience, the auto industry still lacks behind. It seems as the industry doesn't want to innovate itself and that's why we've started Rubberduck - we'll bring the freedom back to the car owners!


Business innovators working on Fintech startup for consumers. Currently, turning the idea into a concept and outlining different scenarios for the roadmap ahead. Also, signing up founding additional partners in order to have the strongest team. Next step will be pitch for financial institutes in order to identify one or two development partners.

It's OK to Fail

It's OK to Fail helps people overcome their fear of failure and become proactive. We organize public speaking events, workshops,  online courses and webinars focused on real life experiences, risks and common mistakes. At It's OK to Fail people find stories they relate to and learn how to tackle difficulties. We help you dare, we help you do! It's OK to Fail is a one person company looking for a partner to grow with as the work load gets overwhelming. I am Ioana a 29 years old Romanian living in Denmark with strong organisational skills. I currently work from home. I cam to Denmark with 150 Dkk in my pocket and now I run a company that organizes events where over 150 people attend, I am studying Innovation and Entrepreneurship, soon to hold a degree. I am looking for someone passionate, with high work ethics that wants to deliver the best quality services to our clients. A community of volunteers and other independent stakeholders was created around the concept that help accomplish high quality events, workshops and seminars.

Naim Digital

Naim Digital er en lille virksomhed der beskæftiger sig med digital marketing, som Google Adwords, Facebook Business Manager, Instagram og LinkedIn.Vi tilbyder digital optimering og rådgivning indenfor online marketing, og vores fornemmeste mission er at opnå vores kunders målsætning - hvad enten det er eksponering af deres brand, salg, en god placering på Google eller det hele på en gang, så gør vi det.


Lapprador skal blive menneskets bedste ven. Vi prøver hver dag at bygge glæde gennem software.Det har pt. resulteret i skabelsen af verdens 3. største drukspil, en Mac-app der har været den mest indtjenende uddannelses-app i 40 lande, platformen zale der samler udsalg på tøj og meget andet.Fokus ligger fremadrettet på at gøre zale til den ultimative oplevelse for folk der elsker udsalg. Vi har pt samarbejder med Boozt, Kaufmann-koncernen (Quint, Kaufmann, Axel m.fl.), Stylepit og flere. Vuf! Lapprador skal blive menneskets bedste ven. Det bliver vi, forhåbentligt, ved at arbejde ud fra vores 3 værdier.#1 Vær en vovehalsVil man ændre noget i verden kræver det, at man sætter sig selv i risikable situationer. På grund af krybdyrhjernen har vi en hel naturlig tendens til at undgå farlige situationer. Denne frygt skal dog på ingen måde stoppe os, for ellers kommer vi aldrig til at udvikle os. Vil man ændre verden, bliver man nødt til at være en vovehals.#2 Hav maksimal betydningHvis man virkelig vil ændre noget, bliver man nødt til at pille ved fundamentet af det man vil ændre. Elon Musk kalder det “First Principles Thinking”, mens Lean bruger værktøjer som "5 whys". Vi prøver at handle mere end vi snakker, og have så stor betydning i de handlinger vi foretager os.#3 Bliv bedreHvis man bliver den bedste til at blive bedre, vil man på et eller andet tidspunkt overhale alle andre. I Lapprador har vi et kæmpe fokus på udvikling af os selv, så vi med større sandsynlighed kan opnå de ting vi gerne vil. Verdens 3. største drukspil blev til da en af os skulle blive bedre til at kode, mens zale er opbygget i kodesprog der både var optimale, men som folk også gerne ville lære. Læs mere om os på

Radimet ApS

At Radimet we make radon measurements easy. Radon is a radioactive type of gas, responsible for more than 20,000 cases of lung cancer in the EU every year. Radon is in the underground everywhere and only by measuring the levels is it possible to improve the levels by making installations such as improved ventilation and the like.

Copenhost A/S

Copenhost offer hosting of websites, server management, domain and mail management, hosted exchange and cloud filesharing based on a fully redundant environment divided into two data centers in Denmark with failover between the centers.  Our founders have over 15 years of experience and manage over 1000 customers who want the highest level of security and support for their website and e-mails hosting.


M-O-M er et digitalt bureau specialiseret i webudvikling, strategi, design & digitale oplevelser. Gennem de seneste 3 år har vi leveret digitale løsninger til små og mellemstore virksomheder i Danmark. Vores primære produkt er udvikling af hjemmesider, men vi arbejder også med design, egne projekter samt strategisk rådgivning og eksekvering.