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Business innovators working on Fintech startup for consumers. Currently, turning the idea into a concept and outlining different scenarios for the roadmap ahead. Also, signing up founding additional partners in order to have the strongest team. Next step will be pitch for financial institutes in order to identify one or two development partners.

It's OK to Fail

It's OK to Fail helps people overcome their fear of failure and become proactive. We organize public speaking events, workshops,  online courses and webinars focused on real life experiences, risks and common mistakes. At It's OK to Fail people find stories they relate to and learn how to tackle difficulties. We help you dare, we help you do! It's OK to Fail is a one person company looking for a partner to grow with as the work load gets overwhelming. I am Ioana a 29 years old Romanian living in Denmark with strong organisational skills. I currently work from home. I cam to Denmark with 150 Dkk in my pocket and now I run a company that organizes events where over 150 people attend, I am studying Innovation and Entrepreneurship, soon to hold a degree. I am looking for someone passionate, with high work ethics that wants to deliver the best quality services to our clients. A community of volunteers and other independent stakeholders was created around the concept that help accomplish high quality events, workshops and seminars.


We book entertainment to events all around Denmark. We aspire to be the leading entertainment provider for all kinds of events. We cover a wide range of areas, and we some of the countries best magicians, stand-up comedians, musicians and bands. Our mission is to always bring an unforgettable experience to your next party!


SkoleIT is an IT department that helps 85 schools and more than 15,000 users. The founders of the company have their roots in the free schools, and the team of employees each presents their respective angles in a rich, varied, technical and pedagogical field of competence. The company's values ​​are developed in a reflective interaction with the school world, focusing on modern teaching with IT, trust in people and faith in the future.

WeMoveCoins ApS

WeMoveCoins or WMC is an innovative company in fast growth.We sell digital currencies, primarely bitcoins, to both private customers and businesses. We are a part of an industry that never sleeps and that is constantly developing - alongside is our company.Come join our team and be a part of a business where we create the future together.

Naim Digital

Naim Digital er en lille virksomhed der beskæftiger sig med digital marketing, som Google Adwords, Facebook Business Manager, Instagram og LinkedIn.Vi tilbyder digital optimering og rådgivning indenfor online marketing, og vores fornemmeste mission er at opnå vores kunders målsætning - hvad enten det er eksponering af deres brand, salg, en god placering på Google eller det hele på en gang, så gør vi det.

Mouldflo A/S

Mouldflo A/S is a hardware/software company with innovative and new solutions for the injection moulding industry. We have great hardware and algorithms. Mouldflo can protect your mould and improve quality by quickly identifying cooling problems and alerting the user to various common cooling circuit problems. The Mouldflo system will digitally monitor all of the flow circuits within the mould recording data, both flow and temperature, for every circuit.


EasyCorrect is a fast growing edtech company producing innovative feedback and assessment solutions for educators and learners at secondary and higher education worldwide. Our aim is to improve student learning from better feedback on written assignments. Currently, more than 350 schools and institutions and 5000 teachers use our solutions in the Nordics and we are currently expanding international.

Radimet ApS

At Radimet we make radon measurements easy. Radon is a radioactive type of gas, responsible for more than 20,000 cases of lung cancer in the EU every year. Radon is in the underground everywhere and only by measuring the levels is it possible to improve the levels by making installations such as improved ventilation and the like.

Copenhost A/S

Copenhost offer hosting of websites, server management, domain and mail management, hosted exchange and cloud filesharing based on a fully redundant environment divided into two data centers in Denmark with failover between the centers.  Our founders have over 15 years of experience and manage over 1000 customers who want the highest level of security and support for their website and e-mails hosting.


M-O-M er et digitalt bureau specialiseret i webudvikling, strategi, design & digitale oplevelser. Gennem de seneste 3 år har vi leveret digitale løsninger til små og mellemstore virksomheder i Danmark. Vores primære produkt er udvikling af hjemmesider, men vi arbejder også med design, egne projekter samt strategisk rådgivning og eksekvering.

På har vi skabt en platform, hvor bloggere og virksomheder kan møde hinanden. Den er fuldkommen gratis og det kommer den til at fortsætte med at være endnu.Her kan bloggere altså let finde jobs, så de kan tjene mere på deres blog. Siden bliver ofte opdateret med nye jobs.OG virksomheder behøver ikke spilde tid på at lede efter bloggere - de er samlet her. Jeg har erfaring med at blogge og ejer også sitet Linkshoppen hvor jeg hjælper hjemmesider med at rangere bedre i Google.

SoMeCentral ApS

We help companies to collect and administrate photos and videos for a customer workforce. Content is collected in a simple way, and stored in our system to be the visual foundation for future storytelling. Our customers are using our system to promote marketing or employee branding.We also facilitate the shipment of approved photos and videos back to the workforce using the SoMeCentral app. Any employee can use company-specific visuals without the need for asking for permission. SoMeCentral is a Born Global start-up APP and back-end system. We are based 1-hour drive outside Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. We have initial funding but need more to expand and improve our product. See more about us here:

We are a content agency with more than ten years of history. We own the Global Startup Awards brand and handle external clients such as Pandora, Copenhagen Business School, and Porsche. See presentation: See website here:


Ordrestyring er Danmarks førende indenfor timesagsstyring til håndværkere. Vi arbejder hver dag benhårdt på, at tilbyde vores kunder det bedste, mest intuitive og nemmeste redskab til at holde overblik over deres forretning.  Vores cloudbaserede løsning gør det nemt for håndværkeren at registrere timer, oprette ordrer, kvalitetsikre samt fakturere. De har altid direkte adgang via app eller pc.