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Sensfood ApS

Alle skal have mulighed for at få en god pizza-oplevelse hjemme ved spisebordet. Med udgangspunkt i de bedste råvarer vil Sens Food udvikle produkter, der kan gøre en hvilken som helst pizza til en større og bedre smagsoplevelse.Sens Food arbejder med stor opmærksomhed, åbenhed og kreativitet på at udvikle pizzabranchen i Danmark.

Sanitov Bicycles

We design and manufacture single speed and electric cargo bicycles. We are developing a solution for last mile delivery using electric cargo bicycles. We are working towards quieter, cleaner,and  more livable communities. We have a Nørrebro showroom selling both bikes and biodynamic/organic food and drink.  We are a small team passionate about improving everyday community life with bicycles. We are based in Copenhagen and London.


Our product enables freight forwarders and transport buyers: Visibility across transport stakeholders and geographies  Visibility in communication enables you to control all parties, from shipping line, airlines, truckers, freight forwarders and customers. Rate Visibility: Applying technology to achieve rate transparency can help organizations ensure that the most cost-effective rates, at the right service level, are consistently used. By using the latest technologies we serve both small and global companies with a digital platform that can compete with the biggest in the market.

Big Little Frank

We build, refursbish and upgrade Mac Pro systems, for all kind of creative professionals within video-creation, music-production, 3D & more. Each of these Mac workstations are built on the base of our clients specific needs, with the best modern components, with great attention to details and software optimization.Our Mac Pro are 100% Apple original machines, but we do also build PCs which can run MacOS.

We make personalized, digital bedtime stories for children age 4-10 years. Our character, Vilter Ørngot, bring the child to imaginative and adventurous dreams and then help them fall asleep by playing his lullaby on his harmonica. Our goal is to make the worlds greatest bedtime stories that actually work. Traction is proven with more than 1.000 paying customers and +100 five-star reviews of our stories and character Vilter Ørngot. We are on the verge of launching Vilter's app as well as personalized print books. Drømmepiloterne Aps is founded by musician and writer Anders Larson and journalist and writer Lars Henriksen. We both have children in the bedtime story age, and both experienced how letting the child be part of the story really help to engage them, and maintains their focus.  Our goal is not to make yet another series of nice-to-have children's books in a digital format. We want to help parents solve a real-world problem; how to get their children to bed and make sure they fall asleep - preferably before dawn... We are building a set of tools for parents and children with Vilter Ørngot as a central character.

Ubiqisense ApS

At Ubiqisense we created an occupancy & footfall solution, which collects data on the way people use and interact with spaces. We help create a better work environment and a better workplace experience, by helping companies adapt spaces to people’s real needs. Our solution provides valuable insights and by integrating it with other smart energy-saving solutions, it contributes to making buildings more sustainable entities. Join our team at Blox in downtown Copenhagen - an architectural landmark made to inspire.

Wavers by SundhedsDanmark IVS

Wavers is developed as a result of the challenges with mental health that workplaces are faced with today. Mental illness is increasingly prevalent, and The National Research Center for the Working Environment (NFA) estimates that the direct and indirect societal costs of mental problems are 55 billion Danish kroner (approx. 8 billion USD). Sadly, the corona crisis has certainly not contributed positively to this trend. The crisis generates huge insecurity for companies and their employees and can potentially trigger mental problems such as anxiety, stress and depression. We have just released our app “Wavers” which is supported by the union “the Velliv Association.” Wavers is a dynamic health platform that detects and prevents problems and challenges at workplaces before it turns into serious problems. Read more about Wavers and watch a short video that explains the app here: The unique about Wavers is that it starts with the employees. Through our app, employees are urged and motivated to take responsibility for their own and their colleagues’ wellbeing by answering questions (that can be asked by everyone), while maintaining their anonymity, until the unique reach out-feature is used which gives the unsatisfied person the opportunity to accept a helping hand from another colleague. Therefore, the workplace’ mental health becomes a shared project and responsibility for all employees. As a result of this, we hope that Wavers can help create a culture based on constant care and support at workplaces around the World, starting in Denmark. Please download Wavers in App store or Google Play: Learn more about Wavers on our website here: Contact: Karsten Kjær Mail: Phone: 44 22 11 44



PRISAS er en sammenligningstjeneste inden for a-kasser, bredbånd og lån. Vi gør det enkelt at sammenligne udbydere, priser og finde den bedste løsning. Der er kommet et væld af udbydere på markedet, i forskellige brancher, så det kan være svært at holde overblikket som forbruger. Og endnu sværere at gennemskue priser og services over for hinanden. Det afhjælper vores sammenligningstjeneste, hvor man på én gang kan se priser, services og muligheder hos de enkelte udbydere. Se mere på

Pricebid er en handelsplatform, som gør det muligt for brugerne, at prutte om prisen på nye produkter online. Brugeren kan søge på produktet eller oprette det, hvis det ikke eksisterer på sitet. Når brugeren har fundet/oprettet produktet, afgives den pris som brugeren vil betale. Buddet bliver nu tilgængeligt for alle tilknyttede forhandlere, som kan vælge at sælge, såfremt de finder buddet acceptabelt. Brugeren opnår en besparelse og sælger får solgt ud af sit varelager.

Help it Home

Help it Home er en community-baseret platform til genfindelse af tabte ejendele. Nemt, sikkert & anonymt. Vores nøgleringe og klistermærker, som du kan sætte på dine ejendele, er din mulighed for at genfinde dine tabte ejendele.I en verden hvor frygt & utryghed fylder meget, vil vi at sætte medmenneskelighed på dagsordenen. Vi tror Danmark er fyldt med mennesker, som gerne vil hjælpe hinanden – Vi drømmer om, at folk igennem Help it Home bliver bevidste om, at vi er omgivet af venlige mennesker.


Goleaseit er en online tjeneste, hvor besøgende har mulighed for, at indhente leasingtilbud fra forskellige leasingselskaber. Denne process er normalt langsommelig og enormt tidskrævende. Med Goleaseit udfylder du blot en formular, og så bliver de sendt ud til forskellige leasingselskaber. Efter du har sendt formularen, skal du blot vente på de første tilbud bliver sendt til dig. Når du har modtaget alle tre tilbud skal du blot vælge det der passer bedst til dig.


Målgruppe Vor målgruppe er SMV ejere/ledere. De står nu og i de kommende år over for tre store, indbyrdes forbundne udfordringer: Hvordan digitalisere? Hvordan skabe vækst i virksomheden? Hvordan undgå disruption?. Løsning Vi vil hjælpe SMVer globalt til at overleve og vokse markant gennem et modulopbygget e-lærings- og e-netværks-tilbud til deres ejere og ledere. Det sætter et stort antal af dem i stand til effektivt at implementere velprøvede metoder til digitalisering og eksponentiel vækst.

IPM - Intelligent Pollutant Monitoring

PM is a young startup company founded in 2014 as a spinoff from the Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology at DTU. IPM’s main interest is to develop environmental sensors using patentable technology.

SOMEFANCYNAME is a new go-to destination for one-of-a-kind fashion pieces from sustainable upcoming designers. We offer women all over the world an access to wearable statement pieces from sustainable designers.Our team personally curates sustainable independent brands, so we can give our customers access to one place, where they can discover a great variety of unique, innovative and sustainably designed clothes; clothes that have a meaning, a purpose. We are 2 co-founders building a global community for showcasing and nurturing the pioneers in sustainable female and non-gender fashion. Our CEO and Founder has 6 years experience from Retail and E-Commerce Management from Besteller A/S. Our co-founder is a full-stack developer who have an extensive experience in programming.