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SPIGA is an online platform that enables you to bet on sport with your friends without losing money. We're building a gamified universe of betting where you engage in your passion but while spending a fictional currency instead of your savings. We're shifting the focus of betting from being the "idea of getting rich" to competing against your friends and building tournaments together. We aim to become a platform that excels on providing social interaction in a gamified universe built on real-time sport events.

after_flow creation

after_flow creation is a social sewing initiative, empowering refugee and immigrant people through designing, sewing and repairing. We promote a more inclusive, local and circular way of producing fashion. OUR MISSION after_flow creation is on a mission to make a positive environmental impact by reducing carbon emissions, water usage and pollution caused by the fashion industry. We do it by working with Danish fashion brands who want to create new garments out of the flow of textile waste, recycled and up-cycled materials, and who want to bring their production back to Denmark. But we don’t stop here. after_flow creation is a social enterprise. We strive to make a positive social impact by working with refugee and immigrant people who often face difficulties accessing the labor market and empower them by using their unique set of design and sewing skills in safe working conditions and with a fair wage. OUR SOLUTION after_flow creation brings concrete solutions through the three main services we offer - (1) re-designing & up-cycling, (2) sewing, (3) repair & tailoring service - from which Danish fashion brands can choose and apply to their business.

Medikal ApS

Medikal er en dansk virksomhed beliggende i København, der specialiserer sig indenfor sundhed. Vi udvikler innovative MedTech-løsninger, er udbyder af sundhedsfaglige ydelser, samt tilbyder online salg af medicinsk udstyr (primært diagnostiske test) og andre produkter til både virksomheder og privatkunder.

Online Marketing Bureauet ApS

Hvis verdenen skal leve op til de 17 verdensmål, så er der ikke brug for greenwashing, manipulerende marketing og de sædvanlige opfordringer til unødvendigt forbrug. Faktisk vil vi vove at påstå at bæredygtig marketing er kernen i den omstilling der er indbegrebet af de 17 verdensmål. Vi laver bæredygtig markedsføring: Vi har også et "Etisk Marketing Manifest". Og det er ikke bare tomme ord. Vi er kendte i medierne for at tage den her kamp, se mere her: Vi har taget kampen, og vi tager kampen. Vi matcher den her platform, og vi matcher de firmaer der er her. Udover det er vi et et up and coming online marketing bureau med placering midt i København, Odense, Aarhus og Aalborg. Vi er både et SEO bureau, og et bureau der tager sig af alle andre former for online marketing, såsom Facebook annoncering, Linkedin annoncering, Youtube annoncering og Google Ads. Vi er lige nu et af Danmarks mest omtalte online marketing bureauer når du kigger på medieomtale i de største danske medier. Se vores "Presse" side under "Kontakt" på vores hjemmeside. Vi fortsætter ned af det spor, og med de links det giver, og det højkvalitets indhold som vi kontinuerligt lægger op på vores hjemmeside, så er vores forventning at være top 3 i Danmark indenfor alle de vigtigste søgninger i Googles organiske søgninger indenfor 2-3 år. Vi vil på daværende tidspunkt også have skabt Danmarks måske stærkeste brand indenfor online marketing. Vi vil på et givent tidspunkt være interesseret i investorer med erfaring i at skalere et online marketing bureau, eller andre formere for marketing bureauer. Se mere til vores side her: Online Marketing Bureauet ApS Vi er åbne for investorer som kan se fremtiden i bæredygtig markedsføring. Hvis det kun er vækst for vækstens skyld, så er vi ikke et match.

The Tasty Coconut Company

Tasty Coconut was founded because we want to make eating fruits more colorful and fun. We import exciting and different foods because we want to show consumers that it doesn't have to be boring and monotonous to eat more greens - especially fruits. We focus on ecology, biodynamic production, tree-ripened fruits and freshly harvested vegetables. That is why we work with smaller farms from all over the world, so that we ensure that the road from farm to fork is as short as possible. The majority of our selection will always be organic and we are moving towards becoming 100% organic and biodynamic.

Audientes A/S

Founded in Denmark, Audientes mission is to make smart, high-quality hearing aids accessible and affordable to the millions of people around the world currently suffering from disabling hearing loss. We achieve this by designing, developing and bringing to market innovative assisted hearing solutions.

Vitaro ApS

Vitaro driver en række webportaler med fokus på sundhed, træning, kost, motion og livsstil. Vi søger dig, der er passioneret omkring kost og træning og som kan bidrage med en god energi og et højt humør på vores team. Vi holder til på Frederiksberg i nye og moderne lokaler. Du er altid velkommen til at skrive til Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig og ser frem til et fedt samarbejde.


Workintra is a NextGen intranet and communication platform dedicated to startups, small and medium-sized businesses. It allows for improved communication and work productivity along with high-level Document Governance in one easy to integrate and cost-effective solution. Workintra is built to be super intuitive, which means that it can be integrated into any organization within a matter of a few hours, unlike traditional intranet solutions that often require months and considerable resources, both human and financial. We aim to democratize the cloud intranet space, specifically for small businesses and scaleups, and enable users to increase productivity, improve team spirit, and reduce time waste, by providing our award-winning intranet cost-effectively and fast. Our roadmap includes a list of exciting and unique new features as well as native iOS and Android APPs and full accessibility compliance (WCAG 21 - AA) to cater to our public and government customer base.


Our hiring software helps you collect unbiased insights on the skills and behaviours of both your team and candidates to hire the best-fits without bias, by using a gamified approach. Equalture leverages neuroscientific games to analyse your current team and culture in order to define your hiring needs. The same insights are then collected for candidates in order to assess whether they fit your needs, right during their very first interaction with your company.

Myra Production

Videography – video editing and photography services in Odense and in Fyn area. Myra provides professional video production services within the most customer-friendly prices on the danish market. We make wedding videos, film interviews and business events, while also create visual stories, advertisements and promotional videos for companies. Creativity is our key – number one. We adapt ourselves to customer needs and possibilities, and no matter what, we get the project done. We constantly work on developing our competencies in video production, and our talented team is always ready to create the highest visual value for your product.

Mimir Global

The workforce in the Fourth Industrial Revolution needs more reskilling and upskilling than ever before. For this, we need to more digital online and individualised solutions to engage a global workforce. Soft skills training like Emotional Intelligence and Coaching is some of the key skills we need to master to work as global citizens and perform in a changing world. These skills are what the founder of Mimir Global is trained in and as a professional educator understand how we need to innovate education across all ages and continents.


Caleta is an independent research and development company founded in 2017. We conduct research and promote concrete solutions for more inclusive and responsible finance at the global level. Our mission is to empower people by enabling access to financial services. We collaborate with all the stakeholders of the cross-border payments industry to reach this goal, as part of the global efforts towards reaching the Sustainable Development Goals.

We wish to create the leading community i Denmark for people who are searching for others with common interests. The goal is make more people feeling less lonely as well as make people become more outgoing. This should be achieved through the community, within events and user meetups based on geography

OliOli Meditation app

OliOli Meditation is bringing guided meditation to everyone, everyday. In just one beautifully intuitively designed app, users will have acces to hundreds of audio files with guided meditations, recorded by some of the best meditation teachers, from around the world. The app even includes OliOli Junior, where all meditations are made especially for kids. The app was first launched in Danish, and since July 2019, it has been available in English as well. OliOli's vision is to grow bigger, and to present meditations in even more languages, and to help people all over the world experience the benefits of meditation, and help them find a peaceful mental clarity and to be happier.


And Development was formed as a multidisciplinary real estate company, with a primary focus on small-scale real estate projects, rentals and much more within Copenhagen. We are young, dynamic and on mission to create and expand our business within several new fields. Each project or assignment is treated with individual expertise and a tailored and methodical approach in order to solve the tasks effectively.