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Dansk virksomhed med fokus på at øge danskernes forståelse for økonomi online. Både for nybegyndere og dem med den grundlæggende viden i orden. Vi fokuserer på alle emner fra budget til investering og alt herimellem. Vi hjælper med at skaffe kunderne de bedste finansielle aftaler, og sørger for at de er opdateret omkring hvad der sker på de finansielle markeder.

Translated By Us ApS

Vi er et nyt oversættelsesbureau med mange års erfaring. Vi lever af at være gode til at oversætte på vegne af vores kunder samt tilbyde vi ultra-bilige oversættelser til den stadigt voksende online økonomi der slet ikke kan bære de store tunge traditionelle omkostninger forbundet med oversættelser. Priserne og leverings tid ned, teknologi HELT op! Mange af vores oversættere af unge mennesker der via vores app, oversætter mens de pendler til og fra universitetet eller lignende.

Vesterbro Vinklub

Vesterbro Vinklub wants to increase the quality of wine in the average consumers' glass. Stop picking the same wine, from the same shelf, in the same supermarket. Vesterbro Vinklub widens your wine palette by offering a subscription to our monthly wine box that, each month, is curated by a new sommelier. Check it out!

Rub & Stub Group ApS

Rub & Stub is a social enterprise that focuses on sustainability. We ran the restaurant 'Spisehuset Rub & Stub' for three years: the first restaurant in Europe to put surplus food on the menu. Now, we facilitate food waste-workshops, do surplus food-events and consultancy - all to share our knowledge on food waste and inspire to more sustainable action.

Accuranker is the World’s fastest rank tracker helping over 15.000 companies save time creating ranking reports. Thanks to proprietary infrastructure, Accuranker delivers 100% accurate daily local and global rankings in the shortest time. Plus, it lets you hit the rewind button to view historic data per keyword, use the “set and forget” auto reporting to save time, and access the data on your terms with a powerful, yet simple to use API.


As the sun sets on a new night. Duskland is designing, making and selling high quality DJ- and music production equipment. Currently reseller of Alpha Recording System, OTO Machines, Dope Real, Phonon, Dorrough, Stokyo among others. Working on our first own audio product together with renowned audio engineer Andy Rigby-Jones who created the Allen & Heath Xone series fo DJ mixers.

Abakion Supply Chain Box

Abakion Supply Chain Box develops it-software for supply chain management, with an ambition to expand into the European marketspace of supply chain companies. Our focus is on utilizing Microsoft technology to build standard solutions that can compete with traditional heavily customized erp solutions. The approach of standard solution makes it easy to maintain the solution. er en stadig lille, men hurtig voksende portal, hvor unge kan finde deres kommende elevplads. Siden starten har vi vokset med 50 % om året og vores fokus er både, at hjælpe med elevpladser og fremme antallet af elevpladser i Danmark. Som virksomhed er det 100 % gratis, at få en læreplads på, da vi er reklamefinansieret. Målet er stadig, at blive ved med, at vokse og hjælpe unge med, at gøre deres uddannelse færdig. ApS

Det er Computerfriends' vision at være Danmarks bedste support løsning for private og erhverv. Vi vil være kompetente, fleksible og billige. En sjælden kombination. Ved at have en grundig screening af vores supportere, og en stærk platform, arbejder vi os hver dag tættere på dette mål. Vi glæder os til at løse dine problemer, derved er du med til sammen med os, at ændre markedet for it support til private samt erhverv. Velkommen til en verden af support.


Jobih is a Danish e-commerce company, which main focus is helping unemployed people, to get a better chance at achieving their dream job. We're selling unique resume & cv templates, where you just have to put in your information and pictures, save it as PDF, and send it to your further employer. We're also creating a lot of content to help people in their search of jobs.

Legal Cross Border

Welcome to  Legal Cross Border! We are an information platform for lawyers and companies, and since 2014 we are pushing the boundaries of legal innovation. We aim to ease research and coordination challenges that include a cross-border element. We currently offer two services - Change Board Member and Merger Control, both helping legal professionals to save time on manual work and increase their overall efficiency.

momondo A/S

momondo is a free, independent and inspirational travel site comparing billions of cheap flights, hotels and car hire deals. We offer free local and global travel inspiration, and we’re dedicated to giving our users the best travel search experience possible, on user-friendly platforms. Our purpose is to give courage and encourage each one of us to stay curious and be open-minded so we can all enjoy a better, more diversified world.


Cloud-based solution for sports clubs and teams. Comprehensive member and club/team management. Payment processing as a service. Klubmodul has 2 offices in Denmark, 1 office in Oslo, 1 office in Hamburg.   Our Mission To provide sports team and club owners a complete online solution for all their online presence and member recruitment, sign-up, scheduling, and payment processing   Pain We Address Sport clubs are not proficient in setting up and managing team and member administration tools for their business online    Our Solution One-stop shop for all the tools needed to manage a team or club including the development and online management of the website, member signup, scheduling, communication (email/text) and payment collection/processing


CrowdEyes er danmarks nyeste frem- og efterlysningsfællesskab. Appen CrowdEyes er tjenesten, der hjælper dig med at genfinde de ting du mister. Via et hurtigt opslag kan du eftersøge ting, personer, kæledyr eller vidner til hændelser. - og med ét enkelt klik få din eftersøgning ud til alle brugere af CrowdEyes samt dele det med mine venner og bekendte på facebook.

Lexly Danmark

Lexly is a platform for legal services. Our platform helps all types of businesses with their legal issues. Become a member and get unlimited access to our legal hotline and tailored legal documents. If you need to assign an lawyer to a specific project, choose between one of our 150 handpicked legal experts. Wanna join? Shoot us an email: Techies & lawyers Lexly's team is a mix of young and experienced members consisting of both lawyers and developers. Together we have a digital-first approach, to the issues in the legal industry. We consider ourselves a tech company that works with the legal industry. Not a law firm that wants to work with tech. Lexly is based on mutual trust and respect, giving each team member the freedom and responsibility to solve their tasks the way they see fit. We are open to remote work and welcome all people from all backgrounds.  Wanna join the team? “Men wanted for hazardous journey, small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful, honor and recognition in case of success” - Sir Ernest Shackleton, early 20th century polar explorer.