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Peliba is a new process modeling & documentation tool. Peliba enables the entire organization to collaborate on designing the most efficient processes, while providing an easier way to document data privacy compliance.Being a young, fast-growing start-up, Peliba is looking to bring aboard new members on the team who wants to be a part of our mission, while still being able to challenge our existing assumptions and bring new ideas to the table.


FemaleCup is a strong brand within female hygiene. We have developed a menstrual cup which is positioned in the higher end of the products on the market. A FemaleCup is a revolutionary female hygienic product that can be used during menstrual periods. Instead of using unhealthy pads or tampons. You can dance, swim, train and much more with a FemaleCup. Feedback from women all over the world is that we have changed their life and their period for good!

Founders House ApS

Founders House and Startup Village, is a community of almost 50 tech startups building companies side by side, helping each other succeed. Notable community members, past and current, include Realm, Vivino, Peakon, Planday, Autobutler, Brain+, Woomio and Dixa. Founders House is the most dedicated tech co-working space in Denmark. We specifically service tech companies with scalable technology and a sky high ambitions. Founders House recently won “Best Coworking Space in the Nordics”.

Symmetric ApS

We are a small but ambitious consulting and product development company. Our focus is on implementing Service Design and Workflow design into our consulting services and product development. Read more on our homepage or about our main product here: http://tidligopsporing.dkWe're doing some exciting projects primarily in health care and need you to help us create outstanding digital products. We are currently looking for back-end developers, front-end developers and consultants.


In everything we do, we trigger people’s imagination and creativity so that, together, we find solutions for a better future of our world. Everyone has imagination! Our portfolio of companies span across technology, consulting and media. The vision is to invent the future of organizations, where people can truly thrive. is the place where families, au pairs and nannies (Only DK) find each other.You have the opportunity to finding an au pair or a family from anywhere in the world.But how to find the best au pair for your family? We have developed a search function which allows you to define the criteria for the person you seek. You can create a “search-agent”, which will automatically send you emails with relevant profiles for your family.

Aglance Solutions

Aglance Solutions (AGS) is a software company that  provides a platform for clinicians to assess changes in their patients symptoms prior to and between consultations. Our vision is to collect , analyze and display health status data on any individual to improve the quality of their care and well-being.  AGS is dedicated to transforming the way pain and related symptoms are reported and displayed to achieve an accurate and quantitative picture of a patient’s status. Aglance Solutions in the media:

Babyspire is a new platform that gathers Babybloggers from all over Danmark. Our vision is to make life easier for parents, by providing an overview of the most relevant Bloggers. Furthermore our platform is facilitating the blog writing process and we providing the bloggers with a flourishing community. Our goal is to prepare all new and coming parents with the best tools, so that they can provide their children with the best possible start.

Beep Analytics ApS

Beep Analytics was founded in 2016 for the sole purpose of developing high-end analytics solutions for aviation OEMs, distributors and other companies active in supplying parts and services to the aviation aftermarket. Our core products is Beep FlightDeck, which predicts demand for parts/services and helps suppliers optimize their sales and market share.


Business innovators working on Fintech startup for consumers. Currently, turning the idea into a concept and outlining different scenarios for the roadmap ahead. Also, signing up founding additional partners in order to have the strongest team. Next step will be pitch for financial institutes in order to identify one or two development partners.

Naim Digital

Naim Digital er en lille virksomhed der beskæftiger sig med digital marketing, som Google Adwords, Facebook Business Manager, Instagram og LinkedIn.Vi tilbyder digital optimering og rådgivning indenfor online marketing, og vores fornemmeste mission er at opnå vores kunders målsætning - hvad enten det er eksponering af deres brand, salg, en god placering på Google eller det hele på en gang, så gør vi det.


Vi vil sikre DK en førende position i fremtiden. Vi anvender innovative undervisningsmetoder og udvikling af digitale produktioner og værktøjer. Vi underviser børn+unge på grund-, efter-,  ungdomsskoler og gymnasier m.m. i digital spiludvikling, programmering m.m. Alle bør opleve dette. Ikke kun de, der vælger at lave spil eller at programmere af interesse. De andre bør også prøve det sjove i at være digital skaber. Sådan hjælpes flere til at lære fremtidens kompetencer på en motiverende måde.

Rosenberg Technologies

Rosenberg Technologies is a tech consultancy developing apps and websites. Offerings: • Native apps for Android and iOS • Websites with the mobile user in focus (including custom features and integrations) • Advice to help you make the right technical choices in order to fulfill your needs Read about our team and how we work on You are very welcome to contact me for an informal talk if you are interested in the above. Email: We have a common passion for creating innovative solutions that have a positive impact on the lives of others. Driven by this excitement, we want to build sustainable businesses in accordance to our values of ambition, curiosity and honesty.  We distinguish ourselves from many entrepreneurs by having a highly structured and evidence-based approach to innovation (Outcome-Driven Innovation), which we believe maximizes our chances of success. Currently, we are building up an app and website consultancy, Rosenberg Technologies. At this point, we see ourselves at stage 1 on our entrepreneurial journey with a lot of more exciting solutions to come. Besides building great apps and websites, we closely follow the development and applications of: - Internet of Things - Machine Learning - Blockchain Technology

Radimet ApS

At Radimet we make radon measurements easy. Radon is a radioactive type of gas, responsible for more than 20,000 cases of lung cancer in the EU every year. Radon is in the underground everywhere and only by measuring the levels is it possible to improve the levels by making installations such as improved ventilation and the like.

Copenhost A/S

Copenhost offer hosting of websites, server management, domain and mail management, hosted exchange and cloud filesharing based on a fully redundant environment divided into two data centers in Denmark with failover between the centers.  Our founders have over 15 years of experience and manage over 1000 customers who want the highest level of security and support for their website and e-mails hosting.