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Studynow is an online learning platform for university students in the Nordics. You can think of us as the Netflix for online learning. We create and deliver a range of online courses such as Python, Excel, R, Latex, Powerpoint, Matlab and much more. Our focus is on finding the best instructors, creating the best possbile learning content for university students, as well as creating a quality user experience throughout our services.

Human Risks

Human Risks makes security risk management smarter. The Human Risks Platform helps you identify, assess and mitigate relevant threats, enabling you to meet your business objectives. Our focus is to help organizations approach risk management with a business management perspective. We help companies use technology to make decisions faster, based on data and cost benefit analyses. With the platform it's easy to involve and communicate with stakeholders. This leads to higher participation, ownership and awareness - fundamental to ensure better impact of mitigating measures and controls.


Focus on your business, not software. Cursum helps companies build and scale their digital business with a proven all-in-one platform for e-learning, onboarding, compliance and much more. Contrary to many other learning platforms out there, we don’t believe there is one “best way to learn”. However, we do know that to create a strong learning culture you need a platform that is easy to use and integrates seamlessly into your organization. With more than one million courses completed on our platform we know a thing or two about how to do this right, the first time. With our proven software solution, we’ve helped hundreds of companies create, educate and grow their businesses online with a digital first mindset. In other words, you have the idea or know-how within a specific area, then we have the software to transform your knowledge into marketable and scalable courses with your own brands look and feel. Setting up another revenue stream for your business has never been easier.

Paragit Solutions

Paragit Solutions is an early-stage medical device startup working to develop and market a novel solution to support early diagnosis and personalized treatment of neurological disorders – starting with Parkinson’s. Based in Copenhagen, the company has won several innovation challenges in Scandinavia and Silicon Valley and the development has largely been funded by EIT Health, Innovation Fund Denmark, and other innovation environments. We are working with leading clinical partners to test and validate the solution, and recently closed our seed round of 12 million DKK from prominent investors. We are a small team of 5 full-time employees and 7 part-time/freelancers working with high flexibility from our office in Frederiksberg. We are developing a solution consisting of both hardware and software. The patented Paragit Sleeve collects high-resolution data on muscle activity, movement, and grip force from patients during daily life. The data is transferred to the software suite, where it is modeled and correlated to clinical measurements of disease severity. This provides clinicians with a holistic overview of patients’ symptoms and treatment responses during daily life, which, in turn, fosters optimized treatment and better care.


The purpose of our company is to enable connectivity at any place, at any moment. The Attavik communication technology was developed to break down multidimensional digital inequality related to phone and internet connectivity problems. It can offer affordable digital communication in poor coverage areas and is independent to any external infrastructure since the technology uses unlicensed spectrum.


At Studly we aim to improve how people breed horses and we want you to be apart of that journey! We do that with working with modern technologies, AI and machine learning. By using Studly, horsepeople will have better tools to make a more qualified breeding decision . An internship at Studly is alot of fun and you will have a steep learning curve!


We are a cost engineering firm specialized in Danish projects, trying to make an impact in the industry by digitalizing all cost aspects of construction projects (5D - BIM). To do so, we have focused our efforts on standardizing and data collection as a first stage, and data management and automating processes to come.

Chimi Productions

We remind you of all the things that are right in your life like laughing out loud, taking your time and being present. We sell posters, postcards, coffee mugs and DIY projects like knitting and cross stitching based on the quirky drawings and sayings by illustrator Chimi Changa. Our products make you laugh but they also encourage you to create and take part. We all want to belong, we all want to feel sufficient, we all want to love and we all want to be free. Most of the time we don't but with a little bit of Chimi Changa in your life you will remember how effortless life can also feel. “When I first came up with these characters and way of writing I had no idea that there would be such a demand for it. After my first summer at Bornholm selling my posters and postcards I realized that I had created something, a universe, that people wanted to move into and live in”. Since 2014 we have continuously produced and developed the products that include 100 original sayings and illustrations,a line of knitted products including bags, dolls, gloves, scarves, hats, egg warmers and christmas decorations, another line of DIY products including cross stitch patterns and blockposters. Next for Chimi Productions is to develop the business and see how far we can go internationally.


Littleunbox er et månedligt abonnement, der er skræddersyet til gravide og forældre til babyer, som er mellem 0 og 2 år. Produkterne i boksen er særligt tilpasset til barnets alder og udvikling. Hver måned modtager vores medlemmer udvalgte kvalitets produkter til barnet, samt overraskelser der kan glæde mor, og far. De udvalgte kvalitetsprodukter vil hver måned variere og indeholde både økologiskbabymad, plejeprodukter samt lege- og pusleprodukter. Som nybagt mor, havde jeg set et stort behov for at blive inspireret af de kvalitetsprodukter til min baby, der er relevante for mig uden at jeg selv forestå al research på produkterne. Der fødes over 61.000 børn om året i Danmark og jeg ville gerne levere en service til de nybagte forældre, som gør det første år med den ny baby nemmere. Derfor har jeg oprettet og lancerede den 17. maj 2020.

Createch Garage

Createch Garage is here to serve the modern-day marketing system with its arrays of digital assets across messages, formats and devices. Rooted in an understanding of media and creative, we understand consumer journeys and how to create content that moves the consumer efficiently along. We do not focus on strategy or creative concepts but on defining tactics that will bring these to life at scale in digital spaces. With the explosion of programmatic advertising and the possibility of targeting the consumer at the most opportune time, campaign assets now need to be specifically targeted an array of touchpoints across the customer journey.

The purpose of is to improve dental habits and dental health of consumers through close cooperation with dental clinics. Dental health has a clear connection to overall health, and preventive dental care is very effective. Yet habits are hard to change for many consumers, and in Denmark only around 7-10% are green patients and have no active oral condition. Denmark is among most healthy countries with regards to dental health. Dentists and Dental Hygienists are the single most important authority concerning dental care in the eyes of consumers, but typically consumers or patients only interact with their dental professional 1-2 annually. We aim to get more out of this interaction helping both the clinic and the patients. We provide clinics access to a digital platform enabling easy access to high quality dental products for their patients as well as digital guidance on dental care along with personalized dental care nudging program for their patients, so they are not left alone between visits to the clinic.


ORDR er en platform, som hjælper frokostfirmaer med at holde overblikket i en travl hverdag. Med ORDR kan frokostfirmaer nemt få et overblik over deres kunder og modtage bestillinger fra disse via deres eget system, som ligger som en webapplikation. Udover at det er nemt for virksomheder at bestille deres frokost hos frokostfirmaet, så hjælper ORDR også med at holde styr på hvor meget der skal produceres i køkkenet, samt faktureringen af dets kunder.


DINLYD are developing a portable audio systems to enable users enjoy immersive sound indoors and on the go. Our wireless technology enables several speakers to connect seamlessly with very low energy consumption. We are a team of seasoned electronics and audio engineers, who have worked globally in the industry for many years. Now we are working on several exiting audio products with tested market potential.


Firmaet bag Primetime hedder Sventertainment Danmark ApS. Vi er et nystartet firma som helt enkelt elsker og brænder for live streaming og quizspil. Primetime sendes via live streaming på mobilen – hver eneste dag - hvor alle kan være med og svare! Det er helt gratis at være med. Primetime er LIVE i Danmark, Sverige, Norge og Finland