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Centraliseret blogging- og medie platform der tillader den enkelte skribent at indgå i et større fællesskab og udgive sine artikler, historier og holdinger direkte til læseren med en pris per enkelt artikel finanseringsmodel. Hos Samland får du en SEO-venlig, betalingsintegreret, Stock-billede optimeret blog eller medie lige ud af posen.


Hobbysport is a Copenhagen based startup who runs a webshop that delivers affordable quality products for niche sports and hobbies. We are dedicated to promote and support the world of hobby sports. Our goal is to encourage and inspire more people to engage in physical activities while having fun, with high quality products from the best manufactures in the world. Enjoy your game

Pomp & Co. Danmark

Skabt af Master Barbers. Kvalitetsbevidste grooming produkter udviklet af master barbers, med mange års erfaring inden for den klassiske og stilet tilgang til frisørfaget. Originale autentiske hårprodukter. Hos Pomp & Co. stræber vi efter at forkæle vores kunder med, hvad vi mener er de bedste produkter på markedet og den bedste service.


We are small local business from Copenhagen and we are making handmade interior items from concrete. Our current focus is on wall clocks and trays for jewellery, creams and other precious things. We primary use natural materials for creating beautiful home interior details and our focus is really all around the world!


Finematter is the new online destination for fine designer jewellery, connecting jewellery designers and consumers across the globe. With offices in London and Copenhagen, Finematter has its roots in Scandinavian design with a global outlook. We have Pernille Teisbæk on board as Creative Advisor (+1M IG followers, model, author, influencer, etc.), are investor-backed with $2 million, and have been dubbed the new Farfetch for fine jewellery by global publications like The New York Times, Financial Times, British Vogue and The Sunday Times. We’ve partnered with renowned jewellery designers from across the world such as Repossi, Charlotte Chesnais, Delfina Delettrez, Alighieri, Wwake and CVC Stones and have launched authenticated vintage jewellery from houses such as Chanel, Dior and Celine.


Driven by an ambition to empower software users to be more self-reliant, we build the next generation of user adoption. We want to bridge the gap between users and software, enabling anyone to use any web-based software. The first step is a platform for creating interactive step-by-step user guides. We work with e-commerce and SaaS businesses to increase both user adoption and satisfaction on their platforms.


LittleRecycle har en ambition om, det skal være nemt, bæredygtigt og hurtigt for dig at købe eller sælge brugt børnetøj. Vi har derfor lavet denne online formidlingsplatform mellem sælger og køber, hvor du som sælger slipper for alt besværet med at sælge dit barns aflagte tøj, og hvor du som køber kan shoppe rundt, til gode priser, når du har tid. Gevinst for miljøet – og for dig!


Earbuddy’s vision is to become the most demanded company in the in-ear industry. Earbuddy has developed and tested a new setup that provides a crucial competitive advantage in the sale and production of custom-made in-ear products. The new setup consists partly of an app solution and partly of a new production setup. The EarbuddySCAN app brings an advantage in all markets, and the technology will disrupt the in-ear industry, and thereby solving the logistical problems around the imprint process and ordering the product. The Earbuddy app gives Earbuddy's end customers the opportunity to scan their ears in 3D, and thereby be able to order their customized in-ear product online, and wherever they are physically located.


Digitale Marketing Strategier og eksekvering for mellemstore- og store virksomheder i ind- og udland. Vi arbejder primært med ecommercers, omnichannelists og B2B. Vi er et af de hurtigst voksende konsulenthuse i Norden, den yngste vinder af Nordic Search Awards nogensinde, det højeste scorende Facebook Bureau i Danmark og det eneste bureau med en medfødt specialisering at bruge AI og machine learning til at få mere ud af budgetterne. Derfor tør vi godt kalde os det absolut førende digital marketing performance bureau herhjemme.


Cognifirm is a Danish tech company that uses AI to automate micro-processes and small tasks. We have created a personal process assistant that runs in your browser. This makes it possible for our customer to create many automation tasks fast and easy since our solution does not require any tech integration. We call it Robotics As A Service. We are established by Per Damgaard Husted, Per Tversted and Ramesh Ramesh Packirisamy.

Frisk fra Gården

Frisk fra Gården is an online farmers market established in 2020 in Copenhagen. We make outstanding products, produced responsibly by small farmers, available to food lovers in the city through the platform We are proud to have a high loyalty and customer satisfaction in our growing client base and a network of fully exceptional suppliers. However, we are still a young start-up, improving our market-fit while we prepare to scale.

Comic Club

Comic Club er en tegneseriewebshop, som tilbyder superheltetegneserier fra Marvel og DC Comics til indkøbspris til deres medlemmer. Vi garanterer de billigste priser på tegneserier fra Marvel og DC Comics. Første måneds medlemskab er gratis, derefter koster det 50 kr. pr. måned, hvor medlemmerne typisk sparer fra 40-100 kr. på tegneserierne i forhold til almindelig pris. Der er selvfølgelig ingen binding på medlemskabet, som kan opsiges når som helst.


I AmiNIC udvikler vi en håndholdt sensor der kan måle friskhed og holdbarhed af kød og fisk. Apparatet er tiltænkt fødevareindustrien og vi er pt. 7 ansatte, hovedsageligt i udvikling. Sensoren er baseret på high-tech teknologi som udvikles og valideres sammen med vidensinstitutioner og vi er nu på tærsklen til markedsintroduktion.

Webshop with clothes, shoes, toys and interior products for childrens bedroms. We have a large selection of delicious brands such as Molo, Angulus, Pippi, CeLaVi, Mikk-Line, The New, Filibabba, Bundgaard, Bibs, Bisgaard, Oball, PlanToys and many more. Find products for both baby and kids here between the age of 0-12 years of age.

Ruumble - the dating Q&A game

Ruumble er den ven som kender dig og når du får et match, stiller den jer spørgsmål i 4 runder, hvor interessante og relevante ting om dig og dit match vil komme til udtryk. Spørgsmåls runderne er opbygget som et spil, så syntes du ikke om dit match besvarelser, kan du til enhver tid afslutte spillet. Er der kemi og kan lide hvad hinanden svarer igennem spillet, så fortsættes matches i chatten, hvor grundlaget for en date er startet, så hold den på sporet.