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Kitchenmatch er en ung start-up, der arbejder med at skabe gennemsigtighed og det helt rigtige match mellem vores burger og vores køkken partner. Vi hjælper bruger med at indhente og sammenligne tilbud på deres nye drømmekøkken nemt og overskueligt. Vi er drevet af at skabe en simpel og nemt digital proces til vores bruger når de skal indhente tilbud på deres drømme køkken og derigennem blive den foretrukne platform, når jagten går ind på det helt rigtige tilbud til drømmekøkkenet.


Kartoffeldansk offers Danish classes to expats. The format is small groups of max 6 students and one-on-one, offering intimate, on-point, full immersion classes. Classes are online, in-person and hybrid and we also come to offices and teach. We help businesses retain their highly valued expats in Denmark by teaching them the Danish language as well as about Danish culture and norms. We also offer lessons to private persons who pay themselves.

September 22

September 22 is an experienced community of creators who, with professionalism, ferocity, and empathy, solve large and small tasks within film, photography, branding, art direction, copywriting, strategic communication - and whatever else is needed. But we are more than that. We are creative people with dreams, talents, quirks, families, friends, allergies, mid-life crises, clothing crises, ambitions, curiosity, and everything else that human life consists of. September 22 is therefore also an attempt to create one of Denmark's best creative workplaces with the freedom, empathy, and flexibility we believe creates the best working and living conditions - and the absolute best creative solutions and customer relations. September 22 is a crisp starting point for creative transformation and growth. Let’s start here.


Culture is your democratic value for money commercial focused branding, marketing and sales agency. We don’t have high thoughts on sophisticated strategies, advertising awards and complicated shortenings, that everyone has to look up anyway. We are the agency for everyone who’s main objective is to run a business or get going with a start up. That we make simply and affordable.


Siana is a university study project, that turned into a technology startup. We help manufacturing and utility companies in preventing unplanned downtime caused by worn down-machinery or unexpected failures. Essentially, our technology predicts machine failures, before they happen. Yes, we can in fact, predict the future 🔮. Our customers, which lists some of Denmarks largest manufacturing companies, typically monitor the performance and health of critical machinery such as motors, pumps, gears, and bearings ⚙️ We love to develop intuitive and easy-to-use solutions to very complex problems using technology. This is a vital part of Siana's DNA. User experience is therefore our first priority, allowing our users (technicians and maintenance staff), to easily utilise complex data-driven maintenance, even without prior knowledge of the specific domain. This enables them to schedule and carry out maintenance on machinery before they break down, saving them money, headaches and wasted resources. ♻️


Unafor is a division of Milford that was formed to focus on ensuring safety in urban spaces. The vision of UNAFOR is to create safe urban spaces through personalised design and to offer creative solutions for enhancing the liveability of cities, while adhering to international safety certification standards. We help create safe urban spaces without compromising aesthetics and creativity in design. Having developed an approved crash tested 'core' Unafor can offer both standard and bespoke urban element designs to suit any area or place whilst maintaining the charm of the city.


Vi laver relevant kommunikation til mennesker med afsæt i data. Relevans finder man i krydsfeltet mellem kreativitet og strategi. Derfor tænker vores kreative strategisk og vores specialister kreativt. Resultatet er en e-mailkanal, der både er hurtig, billig og rentabel - og formidabel til at opbygge relationer mellem dig og din modtager. Vores store erfaring med e-mailmarketing betyder ikke, at vi ved, hvad der virker hver gang. Men at vi ved, hvordan vi finder ud af hvad der virker. Vi arbejder med e-mailmarketing ud fra et gennemtestet framework, som vi ikke er bange for at justere på i takt med, at dine data gør os klogere. Og det er netop dét, der er nøglen til effektiv e-mailmarketing.

Quick Info

Create a customer universe that boosts loyalty and customer retention. Through our platform, you can create your very own preffered customer club - a VIP club for special customers. Create Ja-tak offers, bonus points, vouchers, games - and reward your special customers. We build tools that gives you the edge and lifts your brand even higher. The core is powered through SMS, which means we can send a personalized web-app with all your offers and events. But we also integrate to your existing platforms - Facebook, your website, payment system, table booking, etc.

Volcano Group

VOLCANO is the ‘mothership’ of the Volcano Group. The company started as a management agency within the music industry but over time the focus has shifted towards being a culture driven consultancy company operating in the creative industries. The company is specialized in urban development and creative placemaking. Volcano own a part of the other companies Backscatter and NordicLA.

Pift - People In FronT

Event and Brand activation We activate brands with the right people in front. Our motto is Real People Real Smiles. We do Company events and parties. Decorations and project management. Focusing on a sustainable way of running our business in all aspects, from decorations, balloons, staffing, relations and our local community


At Brandiaq, we understand that creating a successful brand is no easy doing. It requires a deep understanding of both the business and its target market, as well as the ability to craft a coherent and compelling brand strategy. That's why Brandiaq takes a holistic approach to branding, combining research, brand strategy, and design to create strong and sustainable brands that truly connect with their customers. We believe that the emotional and psychological connection that a brand has with its customers is crucial to building customer loyalty and driving long-term success. That's why we make it our mission to understand the needs, values, and motivations of our clients' target markets and craft brand strategies that resonate with them on an emotional level. At the same time, we also recognize the importance of sustainability in today's world. Consumers are increasingly concerned with the environmental and social impact of the products and services they purchase, and a brand that prioritizes sustainability can not only attract customers but also demonstrate its commitment to making a positive impact on the world. In short, our holistic approach to branding has proven to be effective in helping businesses create strong, sustainable, and emotionally resonant brands. We are dedicated to helping our clients differentiate themselves in a crowded market and build lasting relationships with their customers.


Moodings is Denmark’s largest e-commerce platform for interior design and is currently on an ambitious mission to conquer the European e-commerce market for interior. At Moodings, we strive to give you the best shopping experience every time you visit our universe. Here you can explore, be inspired, surprise, tempt and collect designs from the market's big and small players in your shopping cart - to then have them delivered to your front door a few days later - easily, quickly and safely every single time.


eSportligaen is a non-profit association that hosts and operates esports leagues on behalf of bigger organisations like DGI, Danish Company Sports, Boarding schools, youth clubs etc. Our purpose is to build a solid structure for esports, where anyone can play, regardless of skills, age, race or gender. Our associations official address is in Bredsten, but our offices and all operations are from our offices i Copenhagen.


SilkOcean is a spin-out of Ph.D. projects by students of AAU, DTU, and Chalmers specialized in Power Electronics design and Condition Based Monitoring solutions. At SilkOcean, we are focused on the introduction of chemical-free, zero-emission sustainable solutions. Our ideas and designs have been recognized and rewarded by business leaders and innovation sponsors, and foundations. Our team consists of highly educated and, at the same time, very industrial experienced members who at the same time value the friendly and fun working environment. We believe that doing our jobs in a distinctly innovative way is the key to our success.


Cyroinvest er et 100 % dansk registreret Anpartsselskab (ApS) der beskæftiger sig med investering og investeringsrådgivning i kryptovaluta. Cyroinvest er en professionel partner til virksomheder, der søger rådgivning og investering i kryptovaluta. Dette betyder også, at Cyroinvest, til trods for at handel og rådgivning vedrørende kryptovaluta i udgangspunktet ikke er omfattet finansiel regulering, i stort omfang vil vi forsøge at følge de regler, der analogt kan finde anvendelse på området. Dette indebærer også, at Cyroinvest vil holde sig ajour med Finanstilsynets Fintech afdeling, og på områder, hvor det findes relevant også at søge rådgivning. Det er vigtig for Cyroinvest, at Kunden føler tryghed i samarbejdet. Cyroinvest sørger derfor at skabe transparens i aftaleforholdet, ligesom Cyroinvest også har udarbejdet politikker samt skriftlige forretningsgange og procedurer på alle væsentlige områder, herunder for ordreudførelse, hvidvask, IT og databeskyttelse, ligesom selskabets regnskaber er underlagt kontrol af revisor.