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Showing: 4605 filtered startups

Unite & Write

We are youtube for authors! New authors have great difficulty to get through to publishers because publishers chooses books by celebrities - these books already have buyers built in. This leaves new authors with limited acces and no control. Readers can evaluate their work and like on youtube the most popular floats on top.  Publishers can use as out/crowdsourcing of the demanding task of eval received manuscripts.  Readers can interact with authors  Freelancers can find customers

Logos Logit A/S

Logos Logit er leverandør af hardware og IT-systemer til alle former for teknisk overvågning. Vores system er udviklet i samarbejde med førende danske hospitaler til overvågning af f.eks. temperatur, lufttryk og gasser. Vi tilbyder netværksbaseret overvågning og via anvendelse af trådløs teknologi. Og vores dynamiske og brugervenlige platform kører naturligvis både via web-browser og App.”


vCompany – for your online benefit Do you know how much you earned in the past week? Google Analytics shows you your revenue, but what are your profits? How well does your marketing work? vCompany’s plugins for Google Analytics gives you the answer.  vCompany is not like the others. We offer analysis tools and add-ons for e.g. Google Analytics that gives a true picture of your profits and your competitors. Tools that you cannot find elsewhere.

Cortsen Dining

Cortsen Dining leverer enestående og personlig madoplevelser, hvor dit hjem danner rammerne om en unik gastronomisk aften, med din helt egen kok i køkkenet. Den gastronomiske filosofi er relativ enkel. Cortsen Dining tager udgangspunkt i nysgerrighed, passion og hårdt arbejde. Vi elsker at blive inspireret af lækre råvarer, varierende omgivelser og forskellige teknikker. Stifter af Cortsen Dining, Mads Cortsen har stået som elev på Kokkeriet, samt været volontør på Frederikshøj.


Dansk virksomhed med fokus på at øge danskernes forståelse for økonomi online. Både for nybegyndere og dem med den grundlæggende viden i orden. Vi fokuserer på alle emner fra budget til investering og alt herimellem. Vi hjælper med at skaffe kunderne de bedste finansielle aftaler, og sørger for at de er opdateret omkring hvad der sker på de finansielle markeder.


FAIRMONEY Er en dansk sammenligningstjeneste der har til formål at guide og vejlede danske private til fornuftige finansielle ydelser. Siden har siden start 2016 været i positiv fremgang og forventes at være blandt de førerne sammenligningstjenester i DK. Hjemmesiden koncentrerer sig om kviklån og andre forbrugsrelevante ydelser.

Rub & Stub Group ApS

Rub & Stub is a social enterprise that focuses on sustainability. We ran the restaurant 'Spisehuset Rub & Stub' for three years: the first restaurant in Europe to put surplus food on the menu. Now, we facilitate food waste-workshops, do surplus food-events and consultancy - all to share our knowledge on food waste and inspire to more sustainable action.

Accuranker is the World’s fastest rank tracker helping over 15.000 companies save time creating ranking reports. Thanks to proprietary infrastructure, Accuranker delivers 100% accurate daily local and global rankings in the shortest time. Plus, it lets you hit the rewind button to view historic data per keyword, use the “set and forget” auto reporting to save time, and access the data on your terms with a powerful, yet simple to use API.


As the sun sets on a new night. Duskland is designing, making and selling high quality DJ- and music production equipment. Currently reseller of Alpha Recording System, OTO Machines, Dope Real, Phonon, Dorrough, Stokyo among others. Working on our first own audio product together with renowned audio engineer Andy Rigby-Jones who created the Allen & Heath Xone series fo DJ mixers.


GoDrive er et moderne CRM-system målrettet til både små og store køreskoler. Vi er sat i verden for at bringe køreskoler online og samle deres administration og kontakt med kunder på en platform. Vi giver kørelærere og deres elever det fulde overblik over deres aftaler.Systemet er tilgængeligt fra alle platforme og giver brugerne adgang til deres kalender hvor som helst. er en stadig lille, men hurtig voksende portal, hvor unge kan finde deres kommende elevplads. Siden starten har vi vokset med 50 % om året og vores fokus er både, at hjælpe med elevpladser og fremme antallet af elevpladser i Danmark. Som virksomhed er det 100 % gratis, at få en læreplads på, da vi er reklamefinansieret. Målet er stadig, at blive ved med, at vokse og hjælpe unge med, at gøre deres uddannelse færdig.

Security Academy

Behavior based e-learning. E-learning that actually makes a differences by focusing on real life measurable behavior change, instead of just awareness raising and knowledge GAIN. Specialized in cyber security and information security for employees in companies of all sizes and sectors including public sector.

Legal Cross Border

Welcome to  Legal Cross Border! We are an information platform for lawyers and companies, and since 2014 we are pushing the boundaries of legal innovation. We aim to ease research and coordination challenges that include a cross-border element. We currently offer two services - Change Board Member and Merger Control, both helping legal professionals to save time on manual work and increase their overall efficiency.

Refugee Text

Refugee Text work with aid organisations to help them deliver crucial information to refugees. We employ interaction and service design methodologies to research, build, test and implement SMS chatbots for major international humanitarian aid organisations. Our current prototype, provides refugees coming to Europe with important information that they need to know. Now we are seeking to rebuild our CMS ahead of a project in the Middle East.

Sprint Film

Producing cinematic and fast, Sprint Film tells stories through lenses to create deeper and more meaningful relationships between companies and clients. Many has heard that video marketing is the new thing, and some guru said that, so now we see iphone testimonials and selfie explainers all over the place.don't think that a selfie a day will make any difference for anyone, ever! Get some professional help, It costs about the same as your plumber!