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As the sun sets on a new night. Duskland is designing, making and selling high quality DJ- and music production equipment. Currently reseller of Alpha Recording System, OTO Machines, Dope Real, Phonon, Dorrough, Stokyo among others. Working on our first own audio product together with renowned audio engineer Andy Rigby-Jones who created the Allen & Heath Xone series fo DJ mixers.


GoDrive er et moderne CRM-system målrettet til både små og store køreskoler. Vi er sat i verden for at bringe køreskoler online og samle deres administration og kontakt med kunder på en platform. Vi giver kørelærere og deres elever det fulde overblik over deres aftaler.Systemet er tilgængeligt fra alle platforme og giver brugerne adgang til deres kalender hvor som helst. er en stadig lille, men hurtig voksende portal, hvor unge kan finde deres kommende elevplads. Siden starten har vi vokset med 50 % om året og vores fokus er både, at hjælpe med elevpladser og fremme antallet af elevpladser i Danmark. Som virksomhed er det 100 % gratis, at få en læreplads på, da vi er reklamefinansieret. Målet er stadig, at blive ved med, at vokse og hjælpe unge med, at gøre deres uddannelse færdig.

Legal Cross Border

Welcome to  Legal Cross Border! We are an information platform for lawyers and companies, and since 2014 we are pushing the boundaries of legal innovation. We aim to ease research and coordination challenges that include a cross-border element. We currently offer two services - Change Board Member and Merger Control, both helping legal professionals to save time on manual work and increase their overall efficiency.

Refugee Text

Refugee Text work with aid organisations to help them deliver crucial information to refugees. We employ interaction and service design methodologies to research, build, test and implement SMS chatbots for major international humanitarian aid organisations. Our current prototype, provides refugees coming to Europe with important information that they need to know. Now we are seeking to rebuild our CMS ahead of a project in the Middle East.


Wasoko's vision is to organize the world's food. We will achive this by connecting farmers, drivers and retailers to deliver products radically cheaper and fresher. We have started our distripution in the least efficient markets, while building the food supply-chain of the future. Our solution is an online B2B platform.

Hos Respace kan man få adgang til markedets bedste og billigste markedsføring, baseret på fair afregning. Respace vil have markedets største udvalg og kan derfor bruges af alt fra erhvervsejendomsmæglere, ejendomsselskaber og virksomheder til boligforeninger og private ejendomsinvestorer, der har erhvervsejendomme og lokaler til salg eller leje.Som kunde hos Respace er der ingen økonomisk binding, ingen minimumsperiode og ingen komplicerede afgifter at tage højde for. Med enkel prisstruktur og nem integration af ejendomsdata, ønsker Respace at sikre mindst muligt administrativt besvær for udlejerne.Respace har været under udvikling siden 2013 og er resultatet af et ønske om at forbedre brugernes oplevelse, udvikle den digitale emnepræsentation og styrke samarbejdet mellem udlejer/sælger og kunde.


Easy and user-friendly online accounting system - developed by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. We are a young and creative company with new, innovative solutions that provide an overview of finance and accounting. Facts and accounts are presented in an attractive and intuitive graphical interface with visual graphs and statistics of the economy and development. This includes time-saving features that are smart and easy-to-use without limiting options and functionality.


Brain+ brings new advances in neuroscience technology and gamification. The Brain+ apps enable users to Improve their mental health and performance with state-of-the-art scientifically designed and motivating brain training games for tablets and phones.


TEC OUT - exterior furnishing.TEC OUT makes outdoor scandinavian innovative design with high technical performance in colorful durable textiles.When investing in a TEC OUT product, one can assume it is weatherproof, have a flexible use and is thought through to the smallest detail. This means that the products can be used for many years in a sustainable manner.TEC OUT was established in 2015 by three creative entrepreneurs. The team consists of three very dedicated, hard-working and creative people; Lene Egyl, Rikke Borg-Lauritsen and Martin Stoltze.Working at TEC OUT means working with some really skilled people, who love what they do. We take pride in getting things done and still having fun while doing it. We are very curious and constantly work to improve and innovate new products. Our core value is that claimed quality must be equal to experienced quality.


We offer a B2B mobile app for companies who participate in trade shows in which they easily can register their visiting clients when participating in trade shows around the world. The app minimize the administration dramatically and offer the user a number of really nice features that structure all in the customer information so it is easy to import to existing CRM systems plus a number of other features. For full review we ask you to check out our website:

Bento Cam

Bento Cam is a new app that offers an easy and productive way to manage smartphone photos taken for private or professional purposes - ranging from vacation and family photos to your scans of receipts and whiteboard notes. Digital clutter is one of the emergent effects of the smartphone revolution - Bento Cam helps users save time, decrease clutter and improve productivity by instantly organizing their smartphone photos and connecting them to existing workflows, like Dropbox and Google Drive.


Hos Mearto fokuserer vi på at gøre den digitale auktionsoplevelse bedre for alle kunstinteresserede og samlere. Det kan være en kaotisk oplevelse, at navigere rundt på nettet mellem forskellige auktionshuse. Vi har derfor kombineret de vigtigste værktøjer fra den digitale verden med auktionsverdenen og fusioneret det til én stærk online auktionsoplevelse. Mearto faciliterer forbindelser mellem kunst, antik- og designinteresserede og de fineste auktionshuse i norden. Med respekt for den originale auktionsoplevelse har vi konstrueret en digital løsning, der sørger for at du ubesværet kan udforske auktionsverdenens enorme samlinger af spændende værker og værdifulde antikviteter. Vi vil skabe den ultimative oplevelse for dig der leder efter kunst, design og antikviteter. Vi fokuserer derfor på at gøre det hele mere tilgængeligt, simpelt og gennemsigtigt.


Transporteca is an online marketplace for international shipping of goods. Freight forwarders use the portal to offer their transportation services, which enables buyers to compare relevant services and to book online. Transporteca also handles pricing, sales, financial flow and document flow.Buying and selling shipping services has never been easier.


Accrease is an international consultancy that helps companies use data to answer high value questions that drive improved customer experience, revenue and profitability. We are passionate digital marketers that help customers create data driven organizations. We believe in data as the enabler to unlock great value – which we can help you strategize around and most importantly realize.