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Greencubator is a green startup community and incubator for creative entrepreneurs, freelancers and NGOs focusing on sustainability. We strive to create an informal, collaborative and impactful workspace for tomorrows companies and organizations.  We offer a wide range of events and counseling opportunities for our members.

Effectmanager ApS

Effectmanager is an online account management software solution designed to build trust and improve your relationship with your most valuable accounts. One, integrated solution that aggregates data to allow more time for planning, analyzing and building better customer relationships so profits soar.

Karlog-IT ApS

Vi har tre forretningsområder, som alle skal vokse i 2019.Time-Reg: Vi tilbyder et timeregisterings-system, som på nuværende tidspunkt er i Alpha stadiet (vi har et par kunder på systemet).Webhosting: Vi har serverhosting, hvor vi blandt andet tilbyder, at hjemmeside udviklere kan bruge vores services til deres kunders hjemmesider.Konsulent: Vi laver også timebaseret arbejde for et par kunder, hvor vi udvikler systemer/værktøjer efter kundens behov.


Sathive is a platform where industrial manufacturing service providers can be discovered with a fraction of the time required to establish valuable Supply Chain leads. Thus, leveraging centralised manufacturing service database to cut costs, time and increase the efficiency of the sourcing process.Our unique "Request For Quotation" - RFQ tool helps to facilitate quick quoting process and an easy apples-to-apples comparison format to get the best deals out of manufacturing and sourcing projects. Our team is comprised of three great founders who are all rising stars within Mechanical Engineering, Software Engineering and Supply Chain fields.

eHub Nordic

Ehub Nordic in Denmark that markets Nordic brands and sells a wide range of products to the Chinese consumers through their multi-brand store and an independent distribution platform. We operate a multi-brand store and takes care of go-live activities, product page design, marketing, customer service, logistics and return.

Danish user controlled food media.Our goal is to educate Danes on better eating habits and use new and old food techniques.We especially work with the sous vide technique, dry aging of meat, baking procedures and translate how the fancy restaurants recipes can be produced in the private kitchens.In the future we want to expand to other countries as well.

Plain Simple ApS

Plain Simple is a small design company located in wonderful Nyhavn in a beautiful old and refurbished building from the 18th century. We focus on building great user experiences, with a strong emphasis on digital platforms. We have some great clients and appreciate the professional and personal relations with each one of them.Some of the many different experiences that we work with include:Mobile app design, interface design, web design, UX design, automotive.


DareHero is the social video platform where users and brands engage directly, through video challenges and competitions, creating unaltered and unmediated relationships.  We are on the mission to make DareHero the global digital competition platform.  Users and brands experience and capture life through fun, engaging and short video challenges and responses, taking part in local and global competitions. All communities are invited to show their skills and passion. Currently growing in Denmark.


Vi har flere års erfaring med at hjælpe startups.  Vores fokus er at hjælpe med de ting I ikke er eksperter i, så I kan fokusere på det I er bedst til. Vi bliver en aktiv del af jeres startup, og I får hurtigt kompetencer og ekspertviden ind, som kan løfte virksomheden til næste niveau. Arbejdsopgaver er bl.a. forretningsudvikling, daglig ledelse, produktudvikling, økonomistyring og funding (fx InnoBooster og Vækstfonden). Vi kan investere timer og penge i jeres startup - pitch os på

Inspire Film & Content Strategy

Inspire is a Copenhagen-based production house specialising in TV production and corporate communications. ​ We help leading international broadcasters capture the best of Scandinavia and beyond. We help NGOs and global organisations spread their messages to the world. We work with small and large companies to tell their stories. We are masters of powerful storytelling, creative concepts and visual content that inspires.


Vi er Danmarks største (og første) abonnementsordning til premium Gin & Tonic. Der er oceaner af gin derude, og der kommer nye oceaner til hver måned. Det er et fuldtidsarbejde at navigere blandt det store udvalg som forbruger, og valget ender som oftest på hvad den lokale vin & spiritus butik har taget hjem. Det er det, vi hos ginkassen laver om på. Vi finder det mest interessante gin fra hele verden, matcher med en tonic og laver en perfekt servering - leveret direkte til hoveddøren.


WE ARE A CREATIVE DIGITAL AGENCY BASED IN DENMARK, AND WE WANT TO HELP YOU STAY AFLOAT.It is crucial to establish a solid, but agile foundation. Because we specialize in improving online storytelling, we know exactly what it means to be adaptive and flexible. We develop and monitor diverse platform strategies, campaigns, content creation, performance analytics and publishing to secure the best possible results are reached.

We offer a complete webshop solution via proprietary software. We focus on a user friendly interface and a modern webshop system that is flexible and extendible. Everyone can create and run a webshop, regardless of skills. We are a small team of people dedicated to quality, stability and usability of our SaaS.


Founded in 2011 SKAARHOJ is still a very young and small company, but with a very promising future.  As many other Start-ups, SKAARHOJ also started more or less by coincident, when Kasper Skårhøj in his profession as a Video Producer at DTU saw a need for a smaller and cheaper broadcast control unit instead of the solution available from the company Blackmagic Design.   After 2 years he achieved what he had started out to develop and in 2013 he incorporated SKAARHOJ as a company.


FlexLogical is a company which design and develop medical devices used during minimal invasive surgeries. It has been found that the major cause of human errors in minimal invasive surgeries, eg. laparoscopy surgery, is unstable movement of the minimal invasive devices. FlexLogical's patented devices  enables variation in the operational position of the devices used, and will therefore reduce the error rate and minimize the mortality risk on public and privat hospitals.  FlexLogical is a start-up who wants to cultivate talented people to help change the way surgeries are done today. If you have great knowledge about product design, web design, graphical design, marketing, sales, engineering or something else, we would like you to become a part of our team. We believe young talent will shape the future, and if that sound like something for you, then way not be part of the change of the world’s largest market - the medical device market.