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Kontrafej is a new premium brand within the school photo category. We want to take school photography into a new league and commit to a portrait style with a unique signature that has not been seen before. We capture the child's personality and make room for spontaneity in the individual portrait. With honest and unpolished photos, we follow the child from the first to last day of school.


We are a new social startup named ColouReef and we are going to rethink and innovate the fashion industry. As you probably know, the fast fashion industry has a more negative impact on our environment and society than it does good. Being one of the most polluting ones, the industry emits more CO2 into the atmosphere than international flights and maritime shipping combined. Moreover, it is a water-consuming giant that is responsible for 20% of all industrial water pollution worldwide. Additionally, fast-fashion companies that produce garments in the global south, are profiting by exploiting local labour and nature. Fast fashion is the problem. Ever changing trends, consumerism and the fear of being left out, affects people psychologically, as fashion collections’ frequency jumped from 2 to 4 per year in 2000 to 12, 16 and sometimes 24 different collections per year in 2019. As a result, in 2014 to compare with 2000, on average people bought 60% more clothes and kept them just half as long. Consequently, this behaviour created another major problem of the industry – waste. Around 85% of the textile ends up in landfills or being burned, while barely 15% are recycled. In 2017 – 16.9 million tons of textile was produced, and only 2,6 million tons were recycled. The problem is, that many consumers in the global North are being held as hostages by the fast fashion trends, without many, if any, sustainable alternatives. This is our solution to the problems above: • To create a fashion rental service based on a circular economy, that allows customers to own different garments by paying a monthly subscription. In this way we will be able to reduce the impact of the fast fashion while allowing people an opportunity to change their outfit and style more often. • We will offer clothes ONLY from sustainable companies, which care about our planet and everyone living on it. Meaning that clothes will need to be produced sustainably and ecologically and/or contain recycled fabrics, as well as not to exploit labour within their supply chain. • Damaged and worn out clothes will be returned back to the clothing brand to upcycle or will be recycled and/or upcycled locally by ColouReef. This way we will fight together the problem of enormous waste caused by the industry. • We will change the habits of the consumers, by providing an alternative to own and wear sustainable clothing for a period of time instead of owning cheap and vastly produced fashion garments. At the same time, we will educate our customers about the damages that the textile industry is doing to our environment. • As the name of our company implies, we want to help to protect coral reefs that are on the verge of extinction. Coral reefs are a vital part of the whole underwater ecosystem. Warming ocean and ocean acidification are two of the main reasons why corals are bleaching and dying around the world. Besides our effort to transform the fashion industry into a more sustainable version of it, we will also support selected NGOs that are fighting against coral extinction. We are looking for people thinking in the same way, seeing the problems and wanting to solve them by disrupting the fashion industry. If you are interested and would like to know more, contact us on Informative links:

Mingo ApS

Vi er et team med 5 ansatte, som beskæftiger sig med mikro influencers (1.000-10.000 følgere) på Instagram. Vi har hidtil haft stor succes med vores første start-up Inmix, som primært sælger mikro influencer løsninger i høj kvalitet til brancherne; fashion, hudpleje, design og event. Vi har efterfølgende startet en ny virksomhed, som hedder Mingo. Mingo beskæftiger sig også med mikro influencer marketing, men rettet mod restauranter og caféer i Danmark. Vi har valgt at automatisere hele samarbejdet med influencerne i en app, der gør det nemt, sikkert og billigt at markedsføre sig med influencers. Helt konkret er vores løsning en app, hvor influencers kan finde lækre restauranter og caféer i Danmark, som de vil promovere overfor sine følgere. Mikro Influencerne kan deltage i kampagner on the go, når det passer dem. Når de deltager i en kampagne får de gratis mad eller drikkevarer og betaler med billeder eller stories, som de deler på deres Instagramprofil for at markedsføre restauranten eller caféen. Før en influencer kan få adgang til Mingo, har de været igennem en screenings-process, som sikrer at de har en troværdig og relevant profil uden falske følgere. Alle influencers bliver inddelt i forskellige niveauer alt efter, hvor værdifuld deres profil er for restauranterne og caféerne. Vi vurderer blandt andet profilerne ud fra æstetik, følgerantal, engagement og hvor mange danske følgere de har. Vi vil gøre Mingo til den største platform der forener influencers med restauranter og caféer, først i Danmark, og senere i hele Europa.


YOKO is a Nordic company and our name is a contraction of the two words Yogurt and Cow, in Danish Yoghurt and Ko. We are selling homemade yogurt cultures with probiotics which has a healthy impact on the body. Our yogurt is made on milk and plant-based drinks such as soy, hemp and coconut milk. Our vision is that YOKO should be your first choice for breakfast and healthy snacks. And the concept is simple: You buy our YOKO kit and month after month you’ll receive the cultures so you can make your own YOKO continuously - we call it YOKO byYou. Learn more about us on (in Danish)


We started out in Sweden in 2010, selling high-quality, healthy food supplements. Since then we've sent over 1 million orders and succeeded in growing into one of Europe's leading health and dietary supplement companies - constantly innovating to develop the best products backed by science. We are located in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Neurofy ApS

Neurofy Is a data-driven neuro-science agency and we inspire clients in making smart and intelligent decisions by processing empirical evidence into strategic actionable insights – accelerating market adaptiveness. Our mission is to help discover inspiring and innovative insights that empower businesses to make smart and intelligent decisions.  Our vision is to help businesses accelerate their brand & marketing performance by targeting and stimulating the decision making part of the brain. To obtain empirical data we use of EEG - Electroencephalography, EDA - Electrodermal activity, ECG - Electrocardiogram, Electromyography (EMG), Face and voice analysis, Eye tracking and heat map devices. To read more visit For career- and unsolicited applications send us an e-mail to:


ARCHITECTMADE is more than a collection. It’s a philosophy. We scour archives, museums and drawings to catch a glimpse of rare design objects that some of the leading architects created many years ago, on their way to fame. We collaborate with some of the most acclaimed designers of our time to reveal what makes for mastery. We discover emerging talents to create pieces that can be passed on for generations. Here at ARCHITECTMADE, we have a mission to create crafted, elegant, and simple products, serving as a reminder in today’s fast-changing world, that quality is still timeless. Established in 2006 in Denmark, the company encompasses a continuously growing collection of home accessories. We are moving away from impulsive consumerism culture and celebrating products that last. The kind of products you never get bored to look at: created using exceptional craftsmanship alongside three rounds of quality control, made to stand the test of time. Our products are currently sold in more than 20 countries around the world. ARCHITECTMADE´s products are designed with the precision of an architect and the vision of an artist. As a testimony of elegant simplicity and subtle craftsmanship, ARCHITECTMADE provides design icons that have been made to stand the test of time.

Flair Copenhagen

We are a Copenhagen based sustainable silk brand, inspired by the universal unisex minimalistic Danish design, that wants to make quality silk garments accessible to all. We believe in sustainable production and circular economy within the fashion industry, and strongly support waste reduction within the fashion industry. Sustainability lies in the core of our production process, as the silk we use is remaining stock from large productions in Italy. Each and every silk garment is handcrafted in Europe, avoiding overseas shipping and reducing waste of fabric. This results in big diversity of colors within our collections, and limited edition models.

Finpro - Financial Procurement

Den finansielle sektor er i disse år i forandring og FinPro (Financial Procurement) har som uvildig bankmæglervirksomhed specialiseret sig i rådgivning - samt optimering af mellemstore og store virksomheds finansielle produkter, løsninger og vilkår. Vi bidrager til at CFO’en, ejerlederen eller Treasury-manageren opnår den fornødne transparens – og benchmarking. Vi bidrager ligeledes til, at der opnås ideelle individuelle løsninger og priser for den enkelte virksomhed ved de finansielle leverandører, i form af banker, leasingselskaber, factoringselskaber og realkreditinstitutter. Dette sker med afsæt i en dybdegående analyse og vurdering. Du kan læse mere om FinPro på


Vicruit er en jobportal med videorekruttering. Rekrutteringsprocessen i dag er omstændig for både virksomheder og jobsøgende. Vicruit fjerner flere udfordringer ved den traditionelle jobsøgning og hjælper dig med at spare både tid og resourcer. Med videoansøgninger får du nemt og hurtigt et indtryk af den jobsøgende og den jobsøgende kan på samme tid søge sit drømmejob på få minutter.

Secondtots APS

We make it easier for families to sell and buy used clothes. At Secondtots we think it is important to reuse and therefore we have started a platform where you can sell your clothes. But not as normal where the seller has to spend a lot of time talking to 'customers' and negotiating the price. We have taken all the fuss out and all the seller has to do and turned the platform in to a webshop where we register, promote, sell and distribute the clothes directly to the customers. It's a win-win. The customers have a one-stop-shop with a big variety and the sellers have time to spend with family AND earn money.

HPQ Group ApS

Making businesses flow by connecting your smart things and people, in the cloud. We enable businesses by integrating the physical context with the digital, automating tasks, information-sharing, and collaboration. We streamline the deployment of IoT to operations, for faster Return on Investment . MISSION To enable businesses to observe the movement of people and things. All without compromising privacy. GDPR compliant flow analytics, through Cloud-IoT enablement. We believe that there is much potential in learning about the movement, of all sorts, in navigating our every day. Combined with strong and loose data sets. To analyze in scales larger than humanly possible. To predict outcomes in advance and optimize accordingly. All automatically reported, to make more room for doing human work. PURPOSE Our core belief is that humans are irrational. That it is inherently human to do things that do not necessarily make sense. To be creative. We aim to take human creativity to the forefront by reducing friction where friction makes no sense. Like documentation, information access, and trivial, day-to-day tasks. We work towards a world where people and organizations can flow optimally, safely, and naturally, to make room for what they truly value. SERVICES Jayflux - "Sense people-flow, to streamline your physical business with better data and intelligence" ( Jaysight - "Share Your Business Intelligence with external users, fast and secure" ( GOT YOUR INTEREST? Hit that apply/contact button and let's get talking.


Snapform believes that technology can improve the lives of amputees. We are constantly seeking to challenge the status quo and improve amputees’ mobility. Today most prosthetic sockets are handcrafted based on experience and trail-and-error, which is very costly. We have developed a new digital prosthetic design engine called Snapform SimFit that can calculate the optimal shape of a prosthetic socket using a patient-specific simulation. The ability to digitally design sockets enables cost-effective industrial processes such as 3D print, making high-quality prosthetics accessible to everybody. The first patients are already successfully using our sockets and we are now looking to commercialise the technology further.

Gamers Coin

Have you ever spent hours on a game and you gained only the glory of winning? Now you see the first ecosystem that will thickening your wallet and bring you more than glory. GamersCoin is the first open world coin and token to give back your hours spent in gaming. Why not make a new income, playing your favourite games. We will create specially designed tournaments, for each game to create extra excitement. Our Tournaments will be based on multiple entry levels from the beginner to the experienced Pro. You can setup an account for Free and play Freerolls and build your bankroll this way. You can also mine new coins and use them to play your favourite games and increase your bank roll. Our most exciting formats will be Bounty Hunting, where you will have a price on your head, and all your opponents as well. Knock some out of the tournament and you will receive Coins and your own bounty will increase. If you both win top 15% and have multiple knock outs, you can build up your bankroll. If you beat all and last man standing you get the top price, all the bounties you made plus your own. E-Sports is growing with amazing speed everywhere in the world. GamersCoin wish to award all Gamers for their efforts and time spend. Online gaming is becoming bigger and bigger and it is estimated that 2,2 billion people play online games already. But only a small fraction of a percentage makes an income playing. GamersCoin wish to change that economy and increase the adrenalin pumping when you are down the last competitors and looking for that crown win. We want to provide the gamers, who play games with their friends an option to make money from this in Realtime tournaments. Our App which is compatible on Android and iOS, will keep track of all the progress in the game and we have a small plugin that will track real time results, while you play. The App is your Wallet, where you always can cash out to any other currency on any of the exchanges we are listed on. We will initially focus on online multi player PC Games and once we have covered most of them, we will expand to web-based games, mobile and console games. er en del af en større formidlings virksomhed, vi formidler byggeopgaver og renoverings opgaver fra byggeglade danskere der indsender deres opgave via vores portal. Vi hjælper private, erhvervsdrivende & foreninger med at få 3 gratis & uforpligtende tilbud på deres bygge/renoverings opgave. Beliggenhed 300 meter fra Vanløse station & metro