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Showing: 467 filtered startups

Littleroom ApS

Nordisk design for børn og familier. Vi har fokus på leg og indretning i børneværelset. Virksomheden er etableret i 2020 og Littleroom skabt som projekt i 2021. Vi udvikler vores egne produkter og sælger dem direkte til familier online. Her har det enkle og genanvendelige design en særlig plads i vores virskomhed.


An automated, intelligent concierge for dog owners: We combine detailed dog profiles with clever tricks to generate top recommendations for your dog: Food, treats, you name it. It is essentially a recommendation engine that takes a dog's breed, age, weight, etc. as inputs, combines this with information about the owner, and outputs tailor-made recommendations.


• We are ORGANSK® ORGANSK® is an early stage fashion start-up, committed to sustainability, from raw material extraction to innovative production, use, and recirculation. Using efficient and long lasting natural fabrics combined with laser technology and innovative production applications, we provide A) pure cutting-edge jeans designs for men and women, B) scalable sharing and take-back schemes and C) we share these stories with you. It's a green way of doing things. It’s ORGANSK®. A key component to our product design puzzle is adopting circular thinking during the initial design phase. At ORGANSK®, the approach starts with a pen and paper in Copenhagen, Denmark. We work towards a sustainable future, which requires new thinking about materials, business models, design approaches, customer insight, story telling and aesthetics. • Environmental & Social Damages The fashion industry has a devastating impact on the environment. It is the second largest polluter in the world, right after the oil industry. The environmental damage is increasing as the industry grows while low wages , child and slave labor keep garment workers in a cycle of poverty. At ORGANSK®, we are tackling environmental and social damages and creating solutions at every level. From the fields to cotton gin, to textile mills and product in hand - the process is ensured in terms of working conditions, sustainability and ecology. Careful choices on production of fibers, processing and treatments result in a garment that is safe for you and our environment. Every fabric ingredient, accessory & every process is certified and recognized as eco-friendly to the highest possible standards to underpin our ORGANSK®Approach. We believe that our customers have the right to know how, where and by whom the product is made. That is why every fibre and each process is 100% traceable. Combining innovative technologies like Laser, e-Flow, Ozone and Atmos steam washes - we are reducing water usage as much as 95% in production processes and eliminating ALL toxic chemicals that can harm you or our planet. • Closing the loop It is not only design and production we focus on. For ORGANSK®, socially responsible production and circular design is just as important as health and ecology, and above all: ethical consumption. With our take-back and leasing schemes, we are generating unwanted and surplus fabric into something beautiful for you. With our technology and business approach, we keep the supply and value chain in a closed loop. We think globally, act locally and do not necessarily have to be the best in the world but the best for the world. KEY FIGURES Fashion Freedom • Subscribe, rent or buy. Your choice. • Get denim you like - wear them for as long as you like - swap them whenever you want. Cutting Edge Design • Designed for longevity using low impact materials and innovative technologies. • Backed up by hard data, lab testing & third-party accreditation bodies. Designed for the conscious Man & Woman. • It’s got to feel right. Green high-quality materials. • It's got to look good: Well-thought-out design • Fit is key: Superb fit and comfort Driving Impact on a larger scale: • Leading the way forward for true sustainability. • Integrating circular design into each step of the process.


LastObject is a Danish high-growth startup that develops sustainable alternatives to single-use products. We want to contribute to a more sustainable future by “making people proud and happy to choose reusable”. Our founder, Isabel Aagaard, 29, is a designer by trade and eco-conscious by nature. Frustrated by all of the single-use products out there, she decided to design innovative solutions to wasteful habits that make a lasting positive impact. LastObject was founded 2018 with the first product being LastSwab (2019) and earlier this year, LastTissue was bought to life. Isabel also just gave birth to her first child, a healthy perfect boy. As an eco-fighter and power-mom that always leads by example, she truly stands by her products and hopes to inspire others to adapt to living sustainably.

SalesComm ApS

SalesComm er en startup teknologi virksomheden med en vision om at bidrage til mere bæredygtige byer i form af mere diversificeret butikker samt større udvalg af dansk producerede produkter. Det vil vi opnå ved hjælpe detailhandlen med at blive mere digital og datadreven. SalesComm åbner op for bedre indsigt i hele værdikæden og automatisering af en række gængse arbejdsprocesser, som feks kommissions aftaler. Med SalesComm bliver forhandlere mere konkurrencedygtige og nye brands får nemmere ved at komme på markedet. SalesComm er en digital B2B platform hvor forhandlere og brands kan finde hinanden, etablere aftaler og ikke mindst administrere disse aftaler. Med SalesComm etableres et langvarigt forbindelse mellem begge parter således at der data fra hele værdikæden kan vises i realtid i hele aftalens levetid.

Skymill DK

Skymill is a full service software development company located in Malmö and Copenhagen. Our services include front- and backend development, cloud infrastructure and technical project management. Founded back in 2018, we have delivered a wide range of solutions to happy clients all over Sweden and Denmark. We want to change the way other companies work with consultants by offering to become a development partner to ur clients and not just a source for technical resources. We try to involve a variety of professions in each project that we are involved in, ranging from Project Managers and Scrum masters, to back and front end developers and DevOps/cloud experts.

Unikke Begravelser og Bisættelser Danmark ApS

Unikke Begravelser og Bisættelser Danmark ApS is a online funeral business, that focus on developing software that helps customers to solve there needs when a relative die. The software is easy to use on all platforms and gives customers a total overview of the costs of both the undertaker and other expenses. It is the first in the industry to do so. This business is huge in revenue and in gratitude from all the customers, so look into the possibilities in a category you never thought you should involve yourself in.


Som den eneste platform, der udelukkende fokuserer på kunstneriske og kreative oplevelser, sigter vi efter at være 'hjemmet' for alle kunstnere og kreative mennesker her og der og overalt - at støtte dem på deres rejse, at sørge for at eksponere dem og give dem værktøjer og muligheder for at tjene en meningsfuld indkomst gennem ARTXP ved at afholde workshops og oplevelser, som de designer omkring deres egne unikke kunstneriske færdigheder. De fleste kunstnere bliver ikke opdaget eller modtager den anerkendelse, de fortjener, for deres kunst. Slut dig til os i vores mission om at sætte fokus på de kunstnere, vi alle bør kende til, og hvis kunst vi alle bør opleve. Vi har hovedkontor i København, og er så heldige at have gode partnere til rejsen, herunder Accelerace ( Vi lancerede ARTXP i København i 2022, og i år planlægger vi at reklamere for vores sag og udvide vores gruppe af kunstnere. Hvem er kunstnerne hos ARTXP? Kunstnere og kreative mennesker der er knyttet til ARTXP, udøver mange forskellige former for kunst, og er bl.a. dansere, malere, fotografer, forfattere, billedhuggere, grafikere, designere, sangere, musikere, forfattere, filmskabere, og listen fortsætter.


WeRug findes på grund af dig og din unikke natur. Fordi du ikke skal begrænses eller nøjes. Aldrig puttes ned i en grå og generaliserende "one-size-fits-all" standard-kasse, når dit behov er ganske særligt. Det skal være nemt for dig at få det, som det passer dig. Også selvom det bare er et tæppe. Indtil nu var det netop besværligt at få tilpassede tæpper til sin bolig eller arbejdsplads. Man skulle gå på kompromis, enten med størrelser, farver, struktur eller pris. Og værst af alt – man skulle finde tiden og lysten til at slæbe sig ned i en fysisk butik for at få rådgivning og kigge på støvede tæpperuller – i stedet for at klare det hele online, ligesom man kan med stort set alt andet til indretningen. En unødvendigt trist og utilfredsstillende proces. Det udfordrer WeRug!


YouPhone er en dansk webshop der sælger brugte iPhones i den bedst mulige kvalitet. Vi forsøger hele tiden at forbedre vores forretning og kundernes oplevelser med vores produkter. Vi har blandt andet indført vores egen YouPhone garanti på 2 år som er mere omfangsrig en selv Apples egen garanti. Derudover tilbyder vi altid vores kunder gratis fragt og to uges fri returret.

Vendino ApS

Vendino delivers software supporting high quality dropshipping products from wholesaler to end customer. Eliminating all the hassle related to: 1. Sourcing dropshipping products. 2. Managing stock. 3. Setting up time consuming integrations. Currently supporting Shopify and soon many more e-commerce CMS systems. Vendino delivers a centralized solution, making it easier for both wholesaler and dropshipper to exchange goods. Vendino does not charge monthly fees. Simply pay as you sell. We exchange data between parties making supply chains perform better. Our vision is to interconnect e-commerce within EU and provide the best market conditions. Our belief is that a good software solution can make trade easier and more profitable. This eases sourcing of e-commerce products in Europe, which ensures swift delivery and thereby satisfies alle participants of the supply chain.

Hver dag kæmper jeres medarbejder for at skaffe din virksomhed resultater og deres tilstedeværelse udgør ånden i din forretning. Derfor mener vi at ved at belønne dine medarbejdere med fantastiske firmajulegaver fra opnår jeres virksomhed en bedre atmosfære for den enkelte. Vi har 6 forskellige prisgrupper du kan vælge mellem. I hver kategori finder du et bredt sortiment af lækre julegaver til dine medarbejdere. Vi tilbyder i år, at sende et fysisk gavekort i en flot æske, som du kan udlevere til dine medarbejdere, så de derefter kan vælge deres egen gave. Når du bestiller dine firmagaver hos, får du en unik kode som dine medarbejdere indtaster i deres valggaveshop. Herefter leverer vi alle de indpakkede gaver til jeres firma, på den aftalte dato. Det er nemt og problemfrit.


SURFMORE designer, udvikler og sælger 'Stand Up Paddle boards', samt en lang række vandsportsartikler hertil. Hidtil har vi haft freelancere tilknyttet, men nu er tiden kommet til, at skabe et lille stærkt og dynamisk team, som skal sidde med den daglige drift på kontor i Aalborg.


Digitale Marketing Strategier og eksekvering for mellemstore- og store virksomheder i ind- og udland. Vi arbejder primært med ecommercers, omnichannelists og B2B. Vi er et af de hurtigst voksende konsulenthuse i Norden, den yngste vinder af Nordic Search Awards nogensinde, det højeste scorende Facebook Bureau i Danmark og det eneste bureau med en medfødt specialisering at bruge AI og machine learning til at få mere ud af budgetterne. Derfor tør vi godt kalde os det absolut førende digital marketing performance bureau herhjemme.


Bookalista is on a mission to build the next-generation marketplace, dedicated to simplifying the buying and selling of preowned books. We envision a future where buying and selling used books is not only as common as buying new, but actually the preferred choice. Every year, countless books are published, yet many find themselves idle after just a few reads. We believe these precious resources should be enjoyed by more readers. The current methods for selling used books, however, are overly complex for many. At Bookalista, we're redefining the buying and selling process of used books, making it as easy as shopping on any other online store. Our platform eliminates the need for improvised buying systems, arranging meeting places and times, or dealing with the dilemma of "who sends/pays first." We handle all transactions, ensuring sellers receive their payment promptly once the book is in the hands of its new reader. Listing a book for sale on Bookalista is a snap, taking just 10 seconds. We, the Bookalista team, are driven by our love for books and our faith in the power of technology to enhance reading. Our aim is to ensure that captivating books are readily available to those keen to delve deeper and learn more.