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FindGaven helps users find personal gifts for their loved ones using artificial intelligence. Most people know the struggle of finding a gift at the last minute. The gift should create excitement for the recipient, be personal, and be within your budget. This often requires searching through multiple online or offline stores and hoping that you spot something that you think will match. FindGaven uses AI to match the recipient's description to the best matching gifts from over 16 Danish webshops. This allows users to find a gift across many categories instead of going through multiple webshops individually. We have partnered with some of the best and most trusted shops to ensure a big selection and trusted places with quick shipping. Danes spend more than 15 billion annually on gifts for Christmas, birthdays, weddings, and other special occasions. One out of five gifts gets returned, which can be frustrating for both the giver and receiver and takes an unnecessary toll on the environment. The goal is to be the global place to start your search and expand to other important purchases to become everyone's personal AI shopping assistant. We are a product-led company that believes the best solutions come from the interconnection between deep technology knowledge and a deep understanding of our user's needs.

Rezet Sneaker Store

About Rezet Sneaker Store In the heart of downtown Copenhagen Rezet Sneaker Store sprouted from between the cobblestones, soon to become an influential player within the vibrant sneaker scene attracting sneakerheads from all over. Since 2011 Rezet has evolved into an established multi-brand destination for carefully curated footwear, apparel, accessories and lifestyle products spanning from niche labels to well-known actors in the game. We’d like to think of ourselves as a creative movement at the intersection of fashion and culture, producing visual experiences and engaging stories while cultivating a dedicated and ever-growing community.


SILVERS is a digital platform that offers unique events and workshops hosted by seniors with knowledge. From a Full Moon Swim with an expert like Jette, a Wine Tasting in an atelier, or a Sailing experience with Niels (more than 50 years as a sailor). There is a need to get off “social media” and promote real human connections. We offer a unique space where active seniors host unique activities, showcase their talent and bridge the gap between generations. Our core value is to bring all the expertise from the senior set through real life experiences. We want to create the ultimate solution where seniors share their existing knowledge and people get inspired, meet a broader circle and live unforgettable experiences. #agingiscool

Scandinavian Web Project

The Scandinavian Web Project is dedicated to promoting the local economy in Scandinavia, starting with West Jutland. Our purpose is in line with the EU's Digital Decade Policy Program 2030, which has set goals to modernize and digitalize businesses, improve their presence and efficiency. We offer a range of essential services, including booking systems, webshops, and direct purchasing solutions. Having demonstrated a significant improvement in customer satisfaction and streamlining operations for both businesses and customers, we understand the importance of a modern website, and we complement this with a comprehensive re-branding kit and ongoing SEO improvements. Our goal is not only to increase your visibility but also to elevate the quality of your services. We are committed to assisting you through every step of this transformation.


1: Short Description (The Pitch) WePaint is revolutionizing the art world by integrating advanced AI with traditional artistry. Our platform is designed to empower artists and art enthusiasts, solving the challenge of accessibility and engagement in art creation. Our secret sauce? A unique blend of AI-assisted design tools and a vibrant community of artists, enabling a new era of collaborative and innovative art-making. 2: The What: The Problem and Details The art world often feels exclusive and disconnected, with many artists struggling to gain exposure and art enthusiasts finding it hard to engage with the creation process. This issue affects a broad range of individuals - from emerging artists seeking a platform to showcase their talent, to art lovers craving more involvement in the art they collect. The problem extends globally, impacting how art is created, shared, and appreciated. 3: The How: Our Solution WePaint tackles this by offering a digital platform where artists can collaborate with AI to bring customer-inspired visions to life. Our solution includes: - An AI-assisted design tool that helps translate ideas into visual concepts. - A digital gallery where artists can showcase and sell their creations. - Workshops and resources focused on marketing, brand-building, and leveraging technology in art. - A community-driven approach, fostering collaboration between artists and art enthusiasts. This blend of technology and community creates a unique ecosystem where art is more accessible, engaging, and reflective of diverse tastes and ideas. 4: The Why: Our Motivation The spark for WePaint was ignited by a passion for art and a recognition of the untapped potential in the intersection of technology and creativity. Observing the challenges artists faced in gaining exposure and the public's growing interest in more interactive art experiences, we saw an opportunity to make a difference. The motivation to start WePaint stemmed from a desire to democratize art creation, making it more accessible and engaging for everyone. This venture is more than a business; it's a mission to reinvent the art world and nurture a community where creativity flourishes without boundaries.


We combine real product photos with AI-generated scenes to create visually stunning images optimized for digital marketing, social media and advertising. IMAGINE… Visuals for your next campaign that are 10x faster to develop, 10x cheaper, more targeted, and, to top it all off, much more creative. At SCENES, we combine the craftsmanship of real product photography with the latest AI technology to produce never-before-seen visuals.


Vi er etableret af de førende eksperter inden for området i Europa, med en vision om at få flere virksomheder i abonnement, og ikke mindst sammen med den enkelte kunde skabe vækst og resultater sammen. Subscrybe, er et 13 år gammelt konsulenthus med kontor i København, Aarhus og Oslo, som arbejder med strategiske udviklingsprojekter og skaber hele abonnementsstrategien for et væld af nordiske virksomheder.

NUTIDENS OG FREMTIDENS IT- OG FRAGTLØSNING Vi har en mission. Vi vil gøre din forsendelse af pakker billigere og lettere. Den mission har vi allerede indfriet for en lang række kunder. Men heldigvis er vi ikke bange for at udfordre status quo. Derfor forsøger vi hver dag at effektivisere vores service gennem ny viden og erfaring. Sådan er du sikret de bedste it- og fragtløsninger til at understøtte dine høje ambitioner. NÅR IT OG FRAGT GÅR OP I EN HØJERE ENHED Homerunner er ikke den klassiske distributør. Ej heller den klassiske fragtplatform. Den bedste løsning til dig findes i en tæt sammenkobling mellem it og fragt. Som den eneste på det danske marked forbinder vi it-integrationen med leveringen til kunden. Din fragthåndtering forenkles og effektiviseres, fordi vi opererer med færre mellemled, da vi er til stede med vores egne vogne i de respektive lande. Det sikrer blandt andet en høj kvalitet og gode leveringstider til gavn for dig og dine kunder. VI LEVERER IKKE BLOT DINE PAKKER - VI UDVIKLER DIN FORRETNING Det er ikke nogen hemmelighed, at vi er glade for data. Vores it-platform er udviklet til at levere al data, din webshop skal bruge - både til den daglige drift og til udvikling af din forretning. Vores it-platform er skabt med et ønske om at gøre det uigennemsigtige marked gennemskueligt, så du som webshop har det fulde overblik over leverandører, leveringstider, priser og meget andet. Men det er ikke kun vores kunder, der nyder godt af vores data. Vi tager selvfølgelig vores egen medicin, så du kan få adgang til en fragtplatform, der understøtter dine behov på en brugervenlig måde.


The Lush Box is an artisanal gifting company that will bring you an elevated gifting experience. Unlike automated gifting platforms selling you the same old impersonal gifts, we believe in bringing simplicity with thoughtfulness into gifting. We are a female-founded, self-funded company dedicated to sourcing the best products in our gifts. Our products are locally-sourced from entrepreneurs and small businesses in Denmark. When you support us, you help local businesses flourish, create economic opportunities and help strengthen our community. Did we tell you that we are a gifting company with sustainability and circular economy in focus? One of our key aims is to eliminate the need for single-use plastics and introduce reusable gift boxes to reduce wastage. We collaborate with suppliers who share similar values and business sensibilities. So say goodbye to your generic cellophane-wrapped gift baskets today! Come, be a part of this unique journey as we bring a perfect balance to the art of thoughtful gifting and creating bespoke gifting experiences.


Vi hjælper danskere til bedre søvn ved hjælp af gode soverutiner og kvalitets kosttilskud. I Danmark oplever næsten 50% af alle danskere problemer med deres søvn, hvilket i værste tilfælde kan føre til stres eller sygdom som går udover deres helbred. Vi har derfor valgt at starte en mission om at nedbringe dette tal og hjælpe danskerne til bedre søvn.


GRVCE. is a diversified media and full-service marketing company with ventures integrating music, film, social media, and strategy. We work with established brands with a decent size across traditional marketing channels and through creative video production. GRVCE is made to connect marketing channels with purpose, energy and to resonate well with audiences.

Hidden Dimsum

We are currently working on a new concept that we call Dimsum Siblings. The concept is to deliver our Dimsum meal box to the entire Denmark. Hidden Dimsum is a family owned business where we currently have a restaurant, bar and a takeaway shop. We have high demand of our dimsum and a lot of our fans is from all over the world and across Denmark

Ratio Studio

Vi vil gøre det meget lettere for iværksættere og små virksomheder at få professionel hjælp til kommunikation, grafik, hjemmesideudvikling m.m. Disse ydelser er svære at tilgå, da det kræver erfaring og know-how at vide, hvor man finder hjælpen, hvordan man opnår sine mål og hvad det koster. Vi er ved at lave en digital platform, hvor disse ydelser kan bestilles online. Således kan den omkostningstunge behovsafdækning (fx møder, pitchprocesser og mailkorrespondancer) automatiseres. Det vil resultere i mere gennemsigtige arbejdsprocesser og priser uden uforudsete udgifter og løbende konsulenttimer. Det vil i sidste ende gør processen billigere og nemmere for både kunder og freelancere. Desuden vil der blive udviklet en decideret webshop for kommunikation, hvor man via få klik kan købe en pressemeddelelse og komme i dialog med pressespecialisten fx. På platformen udfylder kunden sine informationer, krav til opgaven og ønsker til resultater. På baggrund af dette vil der blive autogenereret en pris til kunden, og besvarelsen vil blive sendt til den bedste freelancer. Undervejs vil kvalitetssikre besvarelsen og produktet samt sikre, at der er fremgang i projektet, så fagligheden opretholdes.

Littleroom ApS

Nordisk design for børn og familier. Vi har fokus på leg og indretning i børneværelset. Virksomheden er etableret i 2020 og Littleroom skabt som projekt i 2021. Vi udvikler vores egne produkter og sælger dem direkte til familier online. Her har det enkle og genanvendelige design en særlig plads i vores virskomhed.


An automated, intelligent concierge for dog owners: We combine detailed dog profiles with clever tricks to generate top recommendations for your dog: Food, treats, you name it. It is essentially a recommendation engine that takes a dog's breed, age, weight, etc. as inputs, combines this with information about the owner, and outputs tailor-made recommendations.