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Showing: 467 filtered startups


Our mission is to eradicate waste of time, lives and ressources when deconstructing. We aim to fulfil this ambitious goal by developing a software solution, that maps, categorises and documents the building mass of existing buildings. This is the fundamental first step in transforming the building industry into a circular economy and all the construction waste into valuable resources. The materials that exist in our buildings today are perceived as waste even though they have the potential to be circular and valuable resources. The main issue is that it is complicated and involves many steps when you want turn an old house into a new. Where many others try to solve one problem at a time, Milva solves all of them by automations based on the initial data collection and thus eliminating a lot of work that is performed manually today. Today we use our software ourselves. This is our way of improving the logic and testing it in the field. And it shows great potential. - We spend 2 hours on projects where competitors use up to 24 hours. - We map ALL materials in a building, including risks and resources. Our competitors do not map resources - only risks. - Our standard delivery time is 5 days while our competitors take 10 days. At the beginning of 2022 we will start selling our software to our competitors transitioning into more of an IT-company than an engineering company. Within 2022 we will add several new features. - The world’s first marketplace for DOCUMENTED, clean secondhand building materials. - A tender platform for demolitions or renovations projects. Today the overview that the automatically-generated report we supply, improves the transparency, workflow and reduces costs for both entrepreneur and builder. Add to this the many new features we have in the pipeline for next year and we assure you, that in five years, Milva will be the go-to platform for reusable resources in the building industry.


Squire is a service marketplace that facilitates the connection between freelancers providing their services and customers in need of service help. If you want to work on Squire, you can experience true freedom and flexibility as you can choose when you work, what services you provide, and how much you charge. For customers looking for service help, Squire offers a variety of categories to choose from. Here they can find freelancers and businesses ready to offer their services. We have experienced that many people around us have lost their jobs. We want to build a solution to this, providing people who have lost their income a means to earn a living. Efficient access to services is something we believe the danish economy lacks, by facilitating new demand and supply for service jobs, we hope to stimulate the economy by creating a platform that encourages spending and income generation opportunities during a time of suppressed economic growth.

Plutonic Media

Plutonic Media er et online marketingbureau med digital performance i centrum. På vores adresse i København sidder 25 specialiserede nørder og feinschmeckere indenfor hvert sit felt. Talenterne spænder bredt på hele marketingspaletten indenfor bl.a. SEO, Google annoncering, Social Ads (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest), Marketing Automation samt foto- og videoproduktion. Vi tror på at gå i dybden frem for bredden, og derfor fokuserer hver af vores eksperter på netop dét, de er stærke i. Vi arbejder i krydsfeltet mellem erfaring, data og kreativitet og hjælper små og mellemstore virksomheder til flere læsere, klik – og i sidste ende også kunder. Vi leverer online marketing, der kan mærkes på bundlinjen. Vi bestræber os på at skabe de bedste rammer for vores medarbejdere, da arbejde fylder meget i hverdagen. Derfor har vi i høj grad fokus på personlig og faglig udvikling, behagelige omgivelser og ikke mindst et stærkt fællesskab. Vores stærke sociale værdier afspejles i de mange festlige, sjove og spændende arrangementer vi afholder i virksomheden.

Take Offer

Take Offer is Denmark's large online travel club with over 400.000 thousands members and still growing! Every year we send thousand of people on vacations and get-aways. Our main target is to make it easy and simple for you to travel with good substantial discounts. Take Offer ensures that you on a regular basis get exciting deals directly to your mailbox. We hope these emails and our website will work as an inspiration, that will ensure a travel experience, that you will never forget. All offered destinations on our website must be places that we would travel to ourselves. The team behind Take Offer consists of employees who are all passionate about travelling and want to inspire others to go on small or large breakaways from everyday life.


Aveugle is a luxury online-boutique offering a broad and diverse assortment of luxury clothing, shoes, accessories, bags and jewelry from a variety of renowned designer brands. Since 2013, we have worked intensely to establish relationships with authorized retailers, esteemed boutiques, and with the brands themselves.


Vellafit sælger en avanceret kropsscanner, der hjælper personer med at forstå deres krop på et dybere niveau i deres eget hjem. Dette kan hjælpe dem med at optimere deres kost og træning. Kropsscanneren giver 56 kropsmålinger i en brugervenlig app, som kan hjælpe personer med at tage bedre beslutninger og nå deres sundhedsmål hurtigere. Vores plan er at tilføje endnu flere produkter til vores webshop inden for sundhed, wellness og fitness. Vores mål er at blive et stort anerkendt firma i Danmark og Norden, der leverer kvalitetsprodukter, som hjælper folk i deres hverdag med at være mere sunde og raske.


 Reduce return rates and carbon emissions for fashion brands and online retailers with AI product images and Virtual Try On (VTO). Vision Become category leader for reducing returns and AI product images as an add on for fashion e–commerces, like Klarna for split payments. Simple for end users combined with a backend for e-commerces to monitor KPIs including savings in return rates and carbon emissons. About SWOP SWOP revolutionizes online shopping with a solution that combines AI-powered Virtual Try-On (VTO) with an extensive product image library. Our technology showcases clothing on diverse body types, ethnic backgrounds, and from multiple angles, addressing high return rates and customer dissatisfaction. This improved representation helps customers make better purchasing decisions, reducing returns, increasing conversion rates, and boosting average order values. SWOP provides a cost-effective, comprehensive solution that enhances customer satisfaction and e-commerce performance. SWOP's approach contributes to the green transition by reducing waste from returns and promoting sustainable consumption patterns.

Thrift It Up

At our vintage shop, we are solving the problem of diminishing uniqueness and personal style in today's fast fashion culture. Our goal is to provide individuals with a curated collection of high-quality vintage clothing and accessories, offering an alternative to mass-produced, generic fashion items. Furthermore, our vintage shop promotes sustainability and reduces the environmental impact of the fashion industry. By giving pre-loved garments a second life, we extend their lifecycle and reduce the need for new production. This contributes to a more circular economy, minimizes waste, and helps combat the negative effects of overconsumption.


Legetøjets svar på en måltidskasse. Dearbaby er et legetøjs abonnement tilpasset dit barns udvikling, som udskiftes hver måned med helt nye legeoplevelser. Vores kasser er skræddersyet i et samarbejde med forskellige babyeksperter, så du ikke behøver at være babyekspert. Leg har aldrig været lettere, det eneste du skal gøre er at unboxe og fylde stuen med leg. Aldrig mere tid skal du bruge på at finde det helt rigtige alderssvarende stimulerende legetøj til din baby. A/S

We are passionate reinventing how homeowners and skilled builders find each other. In the past, if you needed building work done on your home, you would have to rely on word-of-mouth or hope that someone you know could recommend a good builder. changed all that by creating a marketplace where homeowners can post their jobs and then the platform matches the best three builders for that specific job. This means that you can be sure to find a builder who is not only reputable but also has the skills and experience to do the job well. Our commitment to innovation has made us the market leader for Danish homeowners and builders alike.


Mikkeller is first and foremost beer. Showcasing all possible styles and ingredients, this is a universe whose endless possibilities include hops, malt, barrel aging, spontaneous fermentation, coffee, passion fruit, cherries, chilli, yuzu, chocolate and more. But it does not stop there. We also operate bars and restaurants around the world, host an internationally-renowned beer festival and have a world-wide running club with 250 branches in 37 different countries. Last but not least, Mikkeller engages in a myriad of fun projects and collaborations with talented, innovative people from the wondrous worlds of gastronomy and culture.


Keystones er Danmarks største netværk for investorer i startups Vi er sat i verden for at gøre investering i startups til en folkesport og bidrage til den økonomiske vækst i Danmark. Vi tror på, at fremtidens danske vækstvirksomheder bedst skabes sammen med et aktivt privat netværk af +350 investorer, erfarne erhvervsledere og kommercielle ildsjæle, som brænder for iværksætteri. Medlemmer og vækstvirksomheder bindes sammen via vores online platform og medlemsmøder. Vi er i en rivende udvikling. Vil du være med at bygge flere danske vækstvirksomheder og udvikle Danmarks største netværk for virksomhedsbyggere, så er vores team og kontor på DTU Science Park måske det rette for dig?


Find rental properties in all of denmark with ease. We make it easy and fun to find a new home. Search through thousands of apartments and houses in all of Denmark. ---- Find let lejeboliger i hele Danmark. Vi gør det let og sjovt at finde et nyt hjem i hele Danmark - hvad enten du leder efter huse eller lejligheder.

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Green Heart of Copenhagen (CopenhagenCBD)

Becoming involved with us at Green Heart of Copenhagen GmbH may be one of those unique opportunities of truly making a positive difference in many peoples lives. CBD is a key ingredient of the cannabis plant, specifically coming from a type of plant called hemp and hold no psychoactive content. It is therefore regulated differently than psychoactive cannabis. The market opportunity is large. CBD makes up for almost 75% of the total European cannabis market and the market is growing rapidly. Reliable studies show that: - Many CBD products marketed contain only 28-55% of the declared CBD content - Many CBD products marketed contain the much weaker/cheaper synthetic CBD isolate instead of being based on broad or full spectrum CBD - Up to 38% of CBD products marketed contains THC above the legal limit (0.2% in Europe and 0.3% in the States) In addition, hemp is one of the fastest growing plants in the world and therefore easily absorbs pollution from the dirt and environment. This means that many CBD customers today are either purchasing: - a weaker CBD content than expected - may be purchasing an illegal product above the legal limit for THC and/or - may receive and be using a polluted CBD product. The Green Heart of Copenhagen GmbH solution to the above is based on: #1 Thorough due diligence of CBD suppliers globally #2 Tightly controlled supply chain #3 Extra layer of reliable third-party testing of all individual product batches before any products are offered for sale. Our ethical standards are among the very top of the CBD industry. Let us know if we should talk!