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Africa Reframed

Online marketplace for African imagery - Powered by online learning. Africa is rising and a visual reframing of the continent is emerging. A reframing crafted by African content creators, telling Africa's story of change. At Africa Reframed we connect a community of African photographers to the world’s leading companies and organizations to create and promote captivating imagery and bespoke projects that propel new storytelling from the African continent. Imagery in the Africa Reframed imagebank has been used by the worlds leading organizations such as: Gates Foundation, UN, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Pfizer, Ernst & Young, Spotify, NBC, Yahoo, Sitecore, Exxon, Cambridge University Press, Hearst, Condé Nast, Lloyds bank, Europe- an Investment Bank, Shell, AOL, ABC, NEC, CNBC, KPMG, Discovery, VISA, Deloitte, Accenture, Ogilvy, UPS, Viacom, Pearson, Barclays, BBC, Axel Springer, British Council, M&C Saatchi, ASUS, Del Monte, Time inc., RTL, Virgin, McKinsey, Airtel, Guardian, Uber, Orange, 3M, HSBC, Samsung, The World Bank and many more. We are looking for investors sharing our vision of Africa Reframed as a value-driven, profitable business that strives to alter the global community’s perception of the African continent while also building sustainable job opportunities for photographers across Africa. Alongside its sister organization, Commerce & Culture, Africa Reframed has managed an array of long-term projects with leading contemporary visual artists globally and organized photo exhibitions with more than 100.000 paying visitors across 3 continents. Among these, the largest exhibition to date with African photography in northern Europe. SDGs: Quality education and decent work and economic growth, SDGs 4 and 8, are an integrated part of the Africa Reframed business model. When the United Nations In 2015 was launching the SDGs with Project Everyone, they did so with a campaign to share the global goals with 7 billion people in 7 days. This happened via global broadcasts, outdoor advertising campaigns, cinema ads, mobile partnerships, and more. Because of the above, Images from our program were among the officially chosen for the campaign and were singled out by the global campaign team as good education and economic growth in action. Misson: Most of the imagery we encounter from the African continent tends to either depict the beautiful scenery and wildlife or scenes of poverty, war, and desperation. While these indeed are bona fide aspects and challenges, Africa is also a continent characterized by immense growth, varied opportunities, and not least, change. The mission of Africa Reframed is to capture and contribute to the spurring of this change by a visual reframing of the continent. A reframing that reflects African enterprise, innovation, and everyday life. Africa Reframed exists to create and promote this new imagery in the belief that by changing the visuals, we can help change the conversation. Thus an inherent part of Africa Reframed’s DNA, which is also mirrored in the name of the company, is to be a catalyst for the way the world looks at the African continent. The wish to illustrate the real Africa and thus to spur optimism and hope around its future makes the company strongly value-driven, and it is believed that such a shared view will help bind contributors, clients, and other stakeholders close together. In 2020 Africa Reframed received an investment from Innovation fund Denmark and was selected as a finalist for the SDG Tech Award.


We have built the 'next level' marketplace for new and used items. A platform with similar concepts from DBA, Gul & Gratis etc. but with unique features that the users of 2020 would love. Several earning sources like video ads, plus membership, one-time buy etc.   A list of some features: • Place a bid & accept bid. Attach message or set timer for your bid • First organised app in Denmark with ability to add video of what you are selling • Shame bid feature that blocks very low bids (we know the feeling) • Integrated bot that eases the steps to sell something • User friendly user interface that have been tested many times and we still improve it every day Generally speaking are we 'crazy' entrepreneurs with high sense of quality and efficiency. We are four young people with a vision to make a great impact on the growing markets for e-commerce. Our CEO, Precila, is a full blood entrepreneur with good experience from past startups and law student at SDU.🧐 Our CTO, Mahmoud, have a comprehensive technical and commercial background as a former CEO for a Danish app agency in 2 years. 🤓He also studies Product Development and Innovation at SDU where we also have great facilities at Cortex Lab, Startup Station. Asbjørn is the passionate marketing and research enthusiast and he has a catching enthusiasm, literally. 🤩Jacob is an experienced UX/UI designer. He is always updated on the latest design trends. He also has a part time job as Visual Editor at TV2 🙅‍♂️ We believe that we can change the way people think of the traditional marketplaces. We dare to dream and are willing and able to execute. If you wanna join don't hesitate to drop a line or two 🙌


Wedio is the fastest-growing European camera-sharing community for Filmmakers and Photographers. We make it up to 50% cheaper to rent video equipment on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis — with global insurance. We help more than 7,000 filmmakers become better creators — together, and we currently experience extensive growth. Our mission is to keep great stories alive. We achieve this by offering the tools and services that benefit creators so that they can focus on their craft. We believe that visual content plays a crucial role in the future of communication, and thereby we have a vision of becoming the preferred global community for creators.


PSV cares about a conscious future. As a venture house, our mission is to clear the path for founders who build companies that matter. Our hybrid setup, comprising PSV Foundry, PSV Lab, and two unique venture funds, PSV Tech and PSV DeepTech, sets us free from adhering to a singular method. Rather we rethink existing ways and models to maximise our impact beyond any individual firm or investment. Together, we can punch above our weight.'s vision is to become Denmark's leading and most comprehensive online portal for comparing products, services and services within finance, insurance and the internet. We strive to always give our users updated and accurate information on the best prices on, among other things, insurance, loans, broadband, mobile telephony and more.

Barberskabet ApS

Barberskabet er en abonnementsforretning målrettet mænd, som leverer hverdagsprodukter af højeste kvalitet, udviklet med unikke materialer og egenskaber, til en fair pris. Vores vision er at være mandens bedste følgesvend i hverdagen. Vi ønsker med en abonnementservice at matche danskernes travle hverdage og behov hertil, uden at gå på kompromis med kvalitet og uden urimeligt høje priser. Vi tilbyder derfor både barberingsprodukter, boxershorts, sokker, T-shirts og vitaminpiller, der alle er med til at optimere mandens hverdag og sikre den gode start på dagen. Den vigtigste målestok er vores medlemmers tilfredshed og vi bestræber os på at opbygge et tillidsforhold til alle medlemmer ved at være: Inkluderende, oprigtige og tilstedeværende. Barberskabet udsprang af et eksamensprojekt, som stifterne afleverede som en del af deres bacheloruddannelse. Det hele startede med idéen om, at der måtte kunne findes en praktisk og favorabel løsning på problemet med alt for dyre og middelmådige barberblade nede fra det lokale supermarked. Dette skulle ende med at blive startskuddet til en samlet platform for en simpel, fleksibel og nem forsyning af pleje- og hverdagsprodukter til den danske mand. Ved siden af kandidatstudiet blev der pakket barberblade på kollegieværelset, levering til kunderne foregik på cykel, specialet blev udskudt, og der blev optaget SU-lån blot for at få virksomheden og platformen op at køre. I dag står Barberskabet stærkere end nogensinde, og værdierne er stadig de samme: Vi vil være den bedste abonnementsservice for pleje- og hverdagsprodukter til danske mænd. Vores produktportefølje er i konstant udvikling, og kan allerede nu dække danske mænd ind på langt flere områder, når det kommer til personlig pleje og velvære i hverdagen. Vi går fortsat aldrig på kompromis med kvalitet, tilfredshed, eller det gode forhold til vores medlemmer. Vi tror på, at man gennem høj integritet, gode kvalitetsprodukter, et simpelt og ærligt koncept, samt en højt prioriteret kundeservice, får de absolut gladeste medlemmer - og det er netop dét, der betyder mest for alle os hos Barberskabet.


We live in a world where mentor-based knowledge sharing, sparring and networking are shared between the few - we are on a mission to change that. We democratize access to business mentorship and make it easily accessible for anyone to find, book and have online 1: 1 conversations with skilled business mentors and experts. That's only fair. So with the Bluementor platform - no matter where in the country you are - you can go and book online conversations with friendly and super skilled mentors. We call it business mentoring on demand. The access to competent sparring is today often limited to the larger cities, where entrepreneurial ecosystems are far more cultivated and the opportunities to join office communities, incubator programs, growth programs m.m. are larger. With Bluementor, everyone is just a few clicks away from talking to +110 (and counting) entrepreneurs, experts and coaches. A community we are proud to be in the process of creating, so that we one online mentor conversation at a time can help people move forward with their project, business or career. (The platform will soon be available in English as well) ❤︎ Thanks to the more than 110 mentors who have already joined the platform and welcome new mentors who want to share their knowledge with people or mentees who need sparring! Go to Bluementor and have a look around!

20 Skridt

Through books, online courses, blogging and other digital content 20 Skridt helps people to live a slow, simple and meaningful life. The corner stone in this work is the website and blog and several online courses. 20 Skridts weekly mailing list, Søndagslisten, currently (summer 2021) has more than 3,500 subscribers. 20 Skridt is owned by Danish author Ole Ditlev Nielsen who works with a small team of freelancers. He has written several textbooks on teaching, pedagogy, stress management and slow living. On 20 Skridts roadmap is a stronger presence in the online space, a new SoMe strategy and launching books, website and online courses in English. 20 Skridt has a happy home in Hubspace, a coworking space in Ørestad, next to Fields shopping center and Ørestad Station.

TAKK Living ApS

Hos TAKK Living arbejder vi hver eneste dag på at gøre vores kunder tilfredse. Om det er ved at yde den bedste købsoplevelse, finde et bredt og nøje udvalg af designs til netop alle typer hjem eller være til rådighed og hjælpe alle ugens dage, så er målet for os at gøre vores kunder glade. Vores online univers indeholder møbler og interiør til det nordiske hjem Vi gør en stor dyd ud af at kunne tilbyde produkter i lækre kvaliteter til fordelagtige priser. Vi ønsker at give vores kunder muligheden for at shoppe deres interiør samlet ét sted og i et inspirerende univers. Derfor opdaterer og udvider vi vores produkter på shoppen med jævne mellemrum og har altid fingeren på pulsen, når det kommer til de nyeste boligtrends. TAK, fordi du vælger os! Vi mener, at ordet “Tak” bruges for lidt og det vil vi gerne bidrage til at lave om på. Ordet har ikke alene egenskaben til at gøre dagen bedre for én selv og andre omkring os, men det kan også vise, at man værdsætter og er taknemmelig for nogen eller en handling. Vi tilstræber derfor at have den bedste kundeservice, der yder en tand mere, end hvad der forventes, så du trygt, nemt og hurtigt kan handle alle dine møbler og interiør hos os - og bliver vi kvitteret med et lille tak fra en af vores kunder, er vores dag reddet. TAKK Living ApS

Mads Olesen Holdings

Mads Olesen Holdings is owned by entrepreneur Mads Andreas Olesen. After selling his first companies for more than 100 mio. kroner, he now invests in startups, real estate and more through Mads Olesen Holdings (CVR: 36917997) and subsidiaries. In 2020, Mads Olesen Holdings invested in more than 50 ecommerce businesses through its investment in, that specializes in alternative ecommerce funding. In 2021, the holding company is looking to add 10 properties to its current portfolio of 19 rental properties.

Intelligo Denmark ApS

Based on vast amounts of data, Intelligo Denmark ApS, provides scaling eCommerce business' with the necessary insights and action points to grow their profit margins. Intelligo Denmark has it's root in the founders natural science background and therefore we have data analysis one of our core values.

reWear it

The average consumer is believed to buy 60% more pieces of clothing than they did 15 years ago. The more we buy, the less we're wearing our clothes, leading to increased fashion waste. reWear it is a mobile app for fashion rental and sharing. Through our platform, women who love fashion and want to reduce consumption can rent clothes from peers and brands, and list their wardrobes to lend, swap and resell.


SHUP er verdens nemmeste hostede webshop løsning. Det har aldrig været nemmere og hurtigere at starte en webshop op, end nu! De mest populære hostede løsninger til at åbne en webshop er WooCommerce, ShopOrama eller Dandomain (og resten af BlueGroup) - og det er virkelig komplicerede løsninger som kræver tekniske skills og lang tung onboarding. Eneste seriøse bud på disse løsninger er Shopify og Wix. Dog er de efterhånden blevet så komplicerede pga. mange krav fra millioner af brugere og samtidig er de blevet dyre og tilbyder ikke samme service niveau som tidligere. SHUP kommer til at ændre dette ved helt bevidst at være en simpel løsning målrettet de 80% som ikke har krav til avancerede analyser, komplekse indstillinger, udvidede integrationer osv. SHUP kan "all the basics", som typisk er nok for en stor målgruppe. GoShup!


ToGoTryk is a start-up within the packaging market. We sell to go packaging with individual print for our customers, ranging from small cafes to large private companies. We develop a platform that makes it easy for everyone to buy to go packaging with individual print. To make the platform a succes we need to be the best of online marketing, why we also are trying to be the best within the field.We are based in Copenhagen, where we are apart of an accelerator programme for ambitious start-ups. We are three young entrepreneurs, with ambitious goals to change the slow industry of promotional packaging in Denmark. We do this by sourcing the best manufacturers in the industry, manufacturers who in collaboration with us offer smaller quantities, better prices and faster delivery time than the current companies in the sector. Our daily tasks, whether it is cold calling, social selling or improving our website, are strategically delegated to the respective person who will execute to the very best of his abilities. We believe in a supporting, positive attitude while pushing each other to become a little better every day. We all three partners students on the side, so our working hours vary from day to day. We have daily meetings to ensure congruency and consensus.At ToGoTryk we care for a healthy social setting, and do not shy away from a fun activity, such as grabbing a bear on a great friday afternoon, exercising together or go out to experience a cozy late night board game.

Petlux Nordic ApS

Petlux Nordic is a Family owned Danish company specializing in high quality products for dogs and cats. Quality, Design and Functionality are important values and our range is carefully selected according to these criteria. Animals mean a lot to our family and we will do everything we can to give them the best living conditions. Petlux focuses on exclusive products to the discerning pet owner who wants to see and feel before expanding home with stylish and functional luxury products. Petlux operates shops in Østerbro, Copenhagen, Frederiksberg and Strandvejen, Hellerup, as well as Online shops, and