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Myselfie er Danmarks førende udlejer af selfie-kameraer til små og store fester, messer, udstillinger og andre events. Et Myselfie kamera er et morsomt samlingspunkt til enhver fest og giver kunderne unikke minder fra de særlige begivenheder i livet, som bryllupper, fødselsdage, konfirmationer osv. Myselfie er en spændende iværksættervirksomhed i stor udvikling. I 2018 fik Myselfie stor succes i tv-programmet ”Løvens Hule” og sikrede sig investering fra alle 5 ”løver”. Investorerne følger virksomhedens udvikling tæt og har bl.a. bistået under Covid-19 krisen. Virksomheden er nu for alvor klar til at skalere op og udvide internationalt. Grundlaget for udviklingen er den unikke, flersprogede IT-platform, der holder styr på salg, udlejninger, billeder og meget andet.


Planway er et dansk bookingsystem, der primært henvender sig til frisør og skønhedsbranchen. Vi hjælper vores kunder med at modtage online booking, så de får mere ud af deres afsatte tid. Ved brug af intelligente forslag til booking, bliver booking-kalendere automatisk optimeret efter kundens ønsker. På et marked med mange små erhvervsdrivende, arbejder vi hver dag for at give vores kunder det bedst mulige udgangspunkt for at drive deres forretning.

Hos Sweetdeal banker vores hjerter for at kunne tilbyde de bedste deals til rigtig gode priser. Vi gør os umage for at forstå, hvad vores kunder drømmer om, og hvordan vi kan hjælpe og forsøde hverdagen med lidt ekstra omsorg og opmærksomhed. Derfor kan du altid finde eksotiske rejsedestinationer, spændende oplevelser, lækre produkter eller services der kan gøre hverdagen lidt lettere - med en flot besparelse i en begrænset periode. Sweetdeal gik i luften d. 16. august 2010 og ejes af Deal Media Group, som er Nordens største deal forretning med over 2 millioner medlemmer i Norden, og består af Sweetdeal, Lively, Urbanguide og Sweetsaver i Danmark, Let´s deal i Norge og Sverige. Sweetdeal har sidenhen indtaget pladsen som Danmarks største udbyder af deals. I samarbejde med vores partnere kan vi tilbyde dig deals til rigtig gode priser, som vi løbende giver et kærligt kvalitetstjek.


The last decade has seen hyper-growth in the digital commerce space, and selling online is no longer just about having a webshop. New technologies enable merchants to deliver much more sophisticated experiences, iterate much faster on new features, and leverage a large variety of sales channels (SoMe, Apps, ChatBots, etc.). Unfortunately, existing platforms with monolithic architectures are too rigid to support this new wave of commerce technologies. This is where Medusa comes in. Medusa is the open-source alternative to Shopify. With Medusa, you get a robust set of features supporting all conventional commerce operations. What sets us apart is our composable architecture allowing merchants to build out fantastic customer experiences using best-in-breed services and add custom functionality to fit the exact needs of their business without compromising on the scalability of the setup. In July 2021, we raised funding from top-tier investors (Seedcamp and angels from Netlify, Contentful, Algolia, and more) and have, since the official launch in August 2021, gained ~10,000 GitHub stars, seen +4,000 new projects, and attracted +1,500 community members. The traction and interest in Medusa have been overwhelmingly positive, and all this is a result of a skilled team working towards a common goal - come join!


Som den eneste platform, der udelukkende fokuserer på kunstneriske og kreative oplevelser, sigter vi efter at være 'hjemmet' for alle kunstnere og kreative mennesker her og der og overalt - at støtte dem på deres rejse, at sørge for at eksponere dem og give dem værktøjer og muligheder for at tjene en meningsfuld indkomst gennem ARTXP ved at afholde workshops og oplevelser, som de designer omkring deres egne unikke kunstneriske færdigheder. De fleste kunstnere bliver ikke opdaget eller modtager den anerkendelse, de fortjener, for deres kunst. Slut dig til os i vores mission om at sætte fokus på de kunstnere, vi alle bør kende til, og hvis kunst vi alle bør opleve. Vi har hovedkontor i København, og er så heldige at have gode partnere til rejsen, herunder Accelerace ( Vi lancerede ARTXP i København i 2022, og i år planlægger vi at reklamere for vores sag og udvide vores gruppe af kunstnere. Hvem er kunstnerne hos ARTXP? Kunstnere og kreative mennesker der er knyttet til ARTXP, udøver mange forskellige former for kunst, og er bl.a. dansere, malere, fotografer, forfattere, billedhuggere, grafikere, designere, sangere, musikere, forfattere, filmskabere, og listen fortsætter.

Nordisk Family

Nordisk Family is a purpose-driven, science-based company in prenatal and pediatric nutrition and health developing better solutions for consumers. We have successfully solved the widely experienced problem with D-drops-related stomach aches in infants with a 98% success rate. Our science-based approach contributes to identifying the issues related to the problem and finding solutions for every aspect. Our approach is about solving the problems, increasing the quality of ingredients, and improving usability. We're improving the future by improving the health of our children.


At Meum we sell sustainable vegan bamboo razors on subscription for all women. All they need is a bit of hair... We try to swap small day to day activities out with more sustainable alternatives. We make razors for all women, young and elder, big and small, with short curly hair or long soft beautiful hair. We launched in the spring of 2021, and are therefore still further developing our products to make them as sustainable as possible. We believe that shaving should be optional, but great shaving shouldn’t.


SURFMORE designer, udvikler og sælger 'Stand Up Paddle boards', samt en lang række vandsportsartikler hertil. Hidtil har vi haft freelancere tilknyttet, men nu er tiden kommet til, at skabe et lille stærkt og dynamisk team, som skal sidde med den daglige drift på kontor i Aalborg.


MARDA is a modern men’s swimwear brand obsessed with creating a better world by using plastic from our oceans and landfills to make premium swim shorts that are made to last. Our philosophy finds the harmony between plastic and design to create highly sustainable swim trunks bought to life with the best in Japanese fabric technology. The driving force behind MARDA is simple. To design swimwear for men by unifying exclusive forward designs with a highly green focus. Buying a Marda product is about joining a lifestyle that cares about our future. Every production step, from sourcing 100% recycled materials, to the design aesthetic right through to fabric innovation, is enriched by our creative touch and profound love for the earth.


ProSave: Simplifying Procurement for Electricians and Plumbers ProSave is a Denmark-based SaaS procurement platform, dedicated to serving electricians and plumbers. Our platform is focused on helping these professionals save time and money when purchasing building materials. At the same time, we offer wholesalers an effective channel to expand their sales. Integration with top project management systems in the industry is a key feature of our service, ensuring a seamless experience for our users. ProSave has a strong presence throughout Denmark, with a growing number of active users. Our platform is easily accessible via the App Store, Google Play, and as a web application, making it convenient for professionals on the go or at the office.


Relewise offers a personalization and search platform (SaaS) used by E-commerce and Marketing managers to provide better CX and thereby increase sales and conversion rates. We are headless and can be integrated to any e-commerce, marketing automation or app platform via our REST API. Our platform has been shaped through our past experiences, through many years, having implemented large-scale e-commerce solutions, both in Denmark and internationally - and in those projects we have worked with numerous platforms and systems, including other recommendation engines. Few years ago we decided that 'we can do this better', and after a lot of thinking, design sessions and looking into the space of complex algorithms necessary, we went ahead and started the development of Relewise. Our primary mission was to have 'zero compromises' in the product. Today Relewise is fully operational - with large clients using our software to maximize conversions and optimizing user experiences by providing real-time personalized product and content recommendations as well as search functionality. Relewise supports millions of products and variants, where all data gets persisted, and where data is analyzed and used real-time with zero delay. We also have support for marketing automation, e.g. Abandoned Cart, Product- and Category interest triggers, working together with industry-leading marketing platform providers. Our ultimate motivation is to give the best end-user experience through personalized search and product and content recommendations - both offline and online. All while providing developers and marketers with the best tools to implement and tailor their solutions. With GDPR-compliancy built into every aspect of our software, any end-user request to exercise their rights, e.g. the right to be forgotten, can easily be handled. Contact us to hear more - book a presentation/meeting directly here:

Nomad Avenue ApS

Nomad Avenue is a direct-to-consumer jewelry brand founded in Copenhagen in 2020. Our jewelry is inspired by the big city, by urban art, and by the unnoticed beauty around us. The company is run by Nicholas (former founder and CEO of Maria Black Jewelry) and Anders (tech startup founder and business developer).


Storebuddy is a SaaS company dedicated to making the lives of webshop owners and online sellers easier. Online sales is on the rise i Denmark with more than 150 billion in online sales a year - and it's rising every quarter! More online sales creates new software needs and challenges, due to rising complexity, changes to laws, new business models and products. As we further immerse in the digital age and online selling is becoming increasingly popular a few issues are becoming very clear. There's: 1. Way too much time is spent on manual booking and reconciliation 2. Risk of human error when booking manually 3. Sellers are missing overview 4. Mounting administrative burden when scaling 5. Loss of competitiveness 6. VAT handling and compliance can be a headache This is why we focus on interoperability between webshops, ERP systems, payment gateways an aquirers, thereby helping both small and large webshops with the administrative burden. By automating booking of orders, payments, refunds, gift cards and providing easy reconcialiation, we give them the freedom to scale their business without losing the overview of the sales channels and administration. We have found the solutions We live and breathe for interoperability. We use sophisticated integrations to build and expand our platform, so we can go beyond the customer expectations of the current market. We work with alle the biggest webshop systems who are available in Denmark. Such as Shopify, Woocommerce, Prestashop, Magento, Wannafind, Smartweb, Dandomain. We also integrate to payment gateways, acquirers and ERP systems such as e-conomic, Billy and Dinero. We use our integrations to merge datasources to ensure accurate automated bookkeeping and VAT handling across borders. So online sellers and webshop owners can focus on value adding activities instead of manual administration. We aspire to enable EVERYONE to manage the administration of a succesful online channel with minimum effort. However. Great product needs great, driven people. Take a look at our open positions to see if we need someone spectacular like you!

Verisure Watch

Verisure Watch is a corporate start-up bringing modern technology to the classic neighborhood watch community. Verisure Watch aims to become the data-driven for home- and house owners within safety and security. We are powered by the largest private security company in Europe, Verisure, and operate in arms-length from the regular business. We are piloting in Denmark but have global scope.


Short term storage on every block of the city, hosted by local businesses Bounce is an app that lets you find a place to leave your bags or luggage when you’re on the go. We launched in 2019 on Product Hunt as #1 product of the day and have been growing 40% monthly since then. We're backed by top tier investors and are a small scrappy team with big plans. Read our story below and get in touch! Inspiration The founders have collectively lived in 15 cities and traveled to 60+ countries. We know how annoying it is to have your things dragging you down. I personally own less than 3 suitcases worth of belongings. Lightbulb Moment A few years ago, I was getting drinks with co-workers after work on a Friday. A friend said he’d join, but had to go all the way out of the way to drop his work bag at home. I thought “what a waste of time, there's got to be a better way.” Problem People spend so much time planning their days (and their lives) around the things that they own. The status quo when you land in a new city is to go straight to the airport just to drop your stuff off, even if it doesn’t make sense otherwise. Solution Tapping into local hotels and shops, we can open up storage space nearly everywhere in a city. Open the Bounce app and find a safe and secure place to leave your things (delivery back to where you’ll be later coming soon!). Key Features: * 24/7 storage locations * Secured and insured * Easy pricing: $6 / day * 24/7 customer support * Get to know your local shops! Vision: This is just the first step in creating what we hope will one day be a paradigm-shift product. Our end goal is for Bounce to be the interface between you and your physical things. Use Bounce to summon your things to you or away from you. We could talk your ear off for hours about what this can be long term.