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Showing: 360 filtered startups


GoBoat is an experience company, which offers unique social experiences on the water to both locals and tourists, through sustainable boat rental. It was founded in Copenhagen in February 2014 by Anders, Carl and Kasper – three young entrepreneurs. Today the company operates boat rentals all over the world.

byFounders VC

🌟byFounders is the community-powered early-stage venture fund investing in globally ambitious teams. With our unique Collective of experienced founders and operators, we support our portfolio companies with operational expertise and a global network. 1. We're founders at heart We invest in founders and the relationship between us. Our compassion for founders permeates our every interaction, where we strive for transparency and candor. 2. Our community is global We operate together with a tight-knit community of founders and operators through which you can access a world-class network and operational expertise. 3. We care about Tomorrow We believe in the future and recognize the power we hold in shaping it. We, therefore, take an impact-aware approach to investing and help companies on their journey to make a positive impact on the world.


We are a dynamic and forward-thinking startup passionately committed to advancing sustainability in the construction industry. Our core mission is to pioneer sustainable solutions that transform textile waste into traceable, and circular insulation. These innovative products exemplify our dedication to sustainability, transparency, and the optimization of energy efficiency within the construction market. At Insutex, we recognize the critical need for sustainable building practices in today's world. So, we are on a mission to develop an advanced digital tracking system that enables real-time monitoring and comprehensive CO2 traceability. This system ensures that our insulation consistently delivers superior performance, all while minimizing its environmental impact. As a startup, we are driven by innovation, agility, and the desire to make a meaningful contribution to a sustainable future. We always choose sustainable construction solutions.

Dreamcraft Ventures

We are a Copenhagen-based venture capital manager investing in early-stage, tech-driven startups, primarily at seed stage in the Nordics and Germany, where we have a solid brand and network. Based on our own experiences, we believe companies reach their highest potential with diverse founding teams of high-quality dreamers and crafters as reflected in portfolio companies such as: ● Organic Basics, a sustainable-first essentials brand selling direct-to-consumer. ● Fuelsave, a German CleanTech company reducing emissions of the world’s largest combustion engines. ● Hiber, an open metaverse platform enabling anyone to create virtual worlds in apps and web browsers. The founders of Dreamcraft are also the founders as well still the dreamer (CEO) and crafter (COO) of what is now a +1bn USD global and listed company. Inspired by their journey, mission and DNA, we are hands-on venture engineers supporting similar teams through engagements that go deeper than just advice, guided by our core values: • Progressive e.g. in the way we build companies. • Proper e.g. in the way we make investment decisions. • Down to earth e.g. in the way we engage founders and others stakeholders. This is our style. We like t-shirts, not suits. We value advice and know there are always ways to improve. That is how we work, who we are and what we value - being casual and approachable.

Copenhagen Atomics A/S

We are changing the world! Copenhagen Atomics is building the next generation nuclear reactors for the world based on molten salt technology. This provides a cheap and clean energy source that aims to change the energy system in general. A thorium based molten salt reactor is small, efficient, safe and is burning the nuclear waste from current nuclear plants.

Nabo Farm ApS

Nabo Farm er et urbant landbrug drevet efter bæredygtige principper. Vi dyrker dild, koriander, fennikel, tallerkensmækker og andet mikrogrønt, som vi leverer til en kundekreds bestående af lokale restauranter og kantiner. Vores kunder er både kvalitets- og miljøbevidste. De kan se værdien i at modtage deres bestilling, senest to timer efter den er høstet. Hverken smag eller næringsværdi går tabt under leveringen, som selvfølgelig foregår med cykelbud. Sådan trækker vi i fællesskab fødevareindustrien i en sundere og mere bæredygtig retning. Det er det, vi forstår ved godt naboskab. Afgrøderne er naturligvis fri for sprøjtegift og genmodifikationer. Deres næringskilder er en nøje udvalgt sammensætning af ilt, mineraler, varme, vand og god musik. Tilsammen har vi mere end 15 år i tech-branchen på bagen. Den erfaring har vi brugt til at udvikle en software, som kan styre planternes omgivelser ned til mindste detalje. Resultatet er sundt og velsmagende bladgrønt. Det synes vi alle har ret til, ligesom enhver by har ret til en Nabo Farm.


At Coastgrass we have developed a sustainable replacement to crude oil-based plastic materials. By collecting and upcycling eelgrass from the Danish beaches we can offer a variety of different polymer compounds with a much lower carbon footprint than traditional plastic materials. We believe in using renewable natural resources to create climate-friendly solutions, so that we ensure a sustainable future.


We are creating a never seen before home light ecosystem which offers superior intelligent light functionality. We are working with internationally renowned light and lamp designers to create our first line of products. Shade aims to change the way the world uses light and create a better light for a better living. Working at SHADE means working with some really cool people. We take pride in getting things done and having fun while doing it. Our two core values are that we work with the best and then we give them room to succeed.


Drivn, is dedicated to revolutionizing how companies track and manage their carbon emissions related to employee transportation. We understand the pressing need for businesses to address their environmental impact, particularly concerning CO2 emissions from employee commuting, which is a significant contributor to climate change. Drivn offers an innovative solution that automatically tracks and analyzes employee commuting data in real-time, providing companies with valuable insights into their carbon footprint. By leveraging advanced technology and data science, and machine learning we empower businesses to make informed decisions and implement sustainable transportation strategies. Our mission is to help businesses reduce their carbon emissions, improve sustainability, and contribute to a greener future. We believe that by offering a user-friendly platform and actionable insights, we can make a meaningful impact on the global fight against climate change while enabling companies to align with their environmental goals and responsibilities.


We create a future where the entire water infrastructure can be monitored in real-time using a network of distributed wireless sensors. Dryp is a range of solutions that enable proactive and holistic decision-making for water infrastructure. Dryp builds data bridges across both physical and adminstrative boarders. We are uniquely co-owned by a major danish utility - along with private companies and investors. We are spearheading a data, iot and machine-learning revolution.


We are HEMBOO: an early stage start-up with the vision of making low emissions, renewable materials the norm in construction. Besides fossil fuels, the production of concrete is the worst emitter of CO2 in the world. However it is the most used material within the construction sector. But not for long: climate legislation is about to make concrete a whole lot more expensive, by introducing a CO2 TAX. This leaves the construction companies with a problem as there is no valid sustainable alternative they can use. HEMBOO offers an easy solution: prefabricated walls for new construction made of hemp and bamboo with a reduction of 80% CO2 emitted compared to the traditionally used concrete walls. BUT the construction industry is very conservative and risk-averse. Therefore getting to market is a long journey. We built our first prototype are now preparing for the second one and are gathering data on the needs of our customers. Our aim is to provide a solution similar enough in prefabrication and installation methods, to make the transition from concrete fast and easy. Our element is designed for large scaled production so that we can have the largest impact. Recently we have received a total of 520.000 dkk in soft funding for product development and are participating in multiple startup support programs so it is full speed ahead! The team behind it all: We are a diverse team of three, Elsa Maria Iuliano, Helena Brandt Rejndrup and Michael Hallam. Helena and Elsa graduated as architectural engineers from DTU while Michael is finishing up his studies in design and entrepreneurship. We started HEMBOO because we are all very passionate about making an environmental impact. As a team we have a lot fun together, while still being productive. We emphasize a friendly environment where we help each other even though everyone has individual responsibilities. Currently looking to expand and we want you to be a part of it! Reach out if you are interested in getting on board. We are particularly interested in commercial, communication and financial competencies. Based in our joint office spaces in the center of Copenhagen and at CBS in Frederiksberg. And yes they do they do have Friday bars :-) Feel free to contact us with any questions! E-mail:

Søger du et job med fed energi? I er vi 32 kollegaer, der sammen knokler for at skabe Danmarks bedste kundeoplevelse. Og du kan komme med ombord. Hver dag arbejder vi på at gøre de grønne valg til de nemmest. Med over 14.000 kunder er vi langt fra de største, men heller ikke ubetydelige af størrelse. Vi er store nok til at tilbyde en af landet billigste elaftaler, give en strømlinet service og rejse nye skove i hele Danmark – men ikke så store, at vi ikke har tid til vores kunder. Er du på jagt efter nye udfordringer, så hold et skarpt øje med vores jobmuligheder – Det kan være, at det er lige netop dig, vi står og mangler. Vi vil sikre, at vores kunder CO2 impact fra elforbrug ikke blot kompenseres, men giver overskud.


Enyday is a climate tech company with a full solution for billing of electricity and control of storage in large buildings with collective self-consumption of solar. Today enyday help customers to start and operate energy communities "behind-the-meter" and next step is to share energy with your local district. A customer could fx. be a large residential multi tenant rental building or social housing - all with collective solar PV installation and evt. battery storage.


In the European Union alone, more than 1.5 million paint buckets are discarded daily, constituting a disposal of 340 tons of single-use plastic that is incinerated each day. Starting from early 2023 (2025 in Denmark and Slovenia), manufacturers are obligated to cover the disposal costs of their packaging based on sustainability criteria. In Denmark, this translates to an estimated 15% fee on paint buckets. Furthermore, the conventional round shape of packaging has proven suboptimal for logistics and transportation. Beyond its environmental impact, the traditional paint bucket poses challenges for professional painters. These challenges encompass ergonomic issues during handling, such as the strain of lifting two buckets simultaneously, which exceeds recommended weight limits according to the Working Environment Authority. Painters also find themselves in awkward positions when pouring paint into a roller bucket for wall application. The demanding physical nature of the painting profession in Denmark results in accelerated fatigue and early retirement for painters. Additionally, issues like lid leakage due to dried paint and the use of fragile, porous plastic contribute to unexpected spills, particularly during abrupt vehicle stops. Our innovative solution involves a cardboard box housing two patent-pending plastic bags, each containing 5 liters of paint. This packaging not only enhances the workflow for professional painters but also reduces costs and lowers carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions by approximately 65% per unit. The box's design facilitates easy and ergonomic transportation, allowing for a 45% increase in units per pallet. The box is opened, and one of the bags is inserted into a standard roller bucket used by painters. The bag effortlessly opens and seamlessly fits into the roller bucket, wrapping around the edges, and enabling the painter to begin work promptly. This functionality is made possible through an innovative patented design and specific plastic welding techniques.

Aeromine Technologies

Do innovative, sustainable energy solutions inspire you? Do you want to help fight climate change and work with some of the largest and most ambitious clients in the world? Aeromine Technologies had developed a novel, building integrated “wind turbine” for industrial/commercial use. Aeromines have no visible rotating parts which make them ideal for root top installation as they make no noise and no vibrations. We help companies and organizations in their efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and convert to renewable energy. We have received more than 100.00 customer inquiries over the past year, and our innovative solution was selected by TIME Magazine as one of the best global innovations in 2022.