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Showing: 369 filtered startups

Preowned Project

We’re servicing companies within the Wind Turbine Industry, in the process of selling their Obsolete Stock/ Dead Stock products. Company Mission Our mission is to take responsibility for the environment by minimizing industrial production though easy re-use of produced products and components. Hereby we bring down the CO2 from global Production Facilities. Problem Obsolete Stock/ Dead Stock is an inevitable part of most industries. It ties up cash flow and represents a loss of revenue. The environmental focus of decreasing the high levels of CO2 coming from the production of new products, puts the industry in a situation, where they will have to report their CO2 emissions plus commit to a certain waste reduction within the following years. The situation calls for a high focus on protecting the world's resources and the necessity for re-using existing products and components. Especially Dead Stock components, which are still new and therefore hasen't yet been utilized.

Coatable A/S

Based on years of development Coatable A/S was established in 2021 to bring a set of unique coating formulas to the market. Our coatings serve a broad variety of ventilation application across industries but all with the same purposes – improving indoor climate, contributing to save energy costs, CO2 emissions and the use of raw materials. Our coatings are tested and validated by the Danish Technological Institute and The Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology, and the company is ISO9001 certified by DNV.


Introducing Celonis! We look for top talent- the people who know they are good at what they do and are ready to make a real impact with their work. We also know that talent can't be defined in a singular sentence. It comes in many different forms and most importantly from many different backgrounds. We value the diversity of our team because we see that innovation prospers when it is fuelled by a variety of perspectives, skills, experiences, and knowledge bases. Want to know the thing that ties all of Celonis talent together around the globe? We're all chasing the world of tomorrow. It doesn't matter where you are in your professional development. We have openings from fresh out of college to seasoned veterans in one of our three organisations... - Sales - Engineering - Customer value & Services

Frichs ReTech - CO2 negativ energi

CO2 negativ energi med termisk forgasning Teknologien har 4 værdi-fordele :Forgasning af tørstof fra gylle, træflis, halm, hønsemøg, spildevandsslam o.l.Restprodukt = ren biochar til NPK gødning Ren gas til energiCO2 negativ, biochar er kulstof - kulstof er CO2Gammel teknik i nyt design løser årtiers problemstilling til lukrativt marked.Innovation med høj kompleksitet har ofte lang diffusionstid, derfor – venligst – kun henvendelser fra investorer, der vil bruge mere tid end en kort pitch.

YourLocal - Stop madspild

YourLocal er drevet af visionen om at blive den førende platform for bekæmpelse af forretningers madspild på verdensplan. Vi vil bekæmpe madspild globalt ved at sætte ind lokalt. På godt et år har vi fået mere end 500 butikker og 130.000 brugere ombord i Danmark, som hver dag via YourLocal-appen er med til at reducere madspild i Danmark. Vores næste store mål er det tyske marked.

180 Degrees Consulting Copenhagen

This is a Copenhagen branch of 180 Degrees Consulting, the world's largest student-led consultancy for non-profits and social enterprises. The management board consists of student volunteers who dedicate their free time to organise and lead for sustainable impact. 180 Degrees provides socially conscious organisations around the world with high quality and extremely affordable consulting services. We work with organisations to develop innovative, practical and sustainable solutions to whatever challenges they might be facing. Each semester, we have a carefully selected team of 30 highly motivated and engaged university students who possess a combination of expertise, creativity and problem-solving ability.

Loftbolig A/S

Loftbolig A/S hjælper boligforeninger og professionelle med at konvertere de mange uudnyttede tørrelofter i København til moderne, miljøvenlige boliger. Vi samarbejder med ledende arkitekter og anvender de nyeste teknologier og materialer for at skabe unikke, miljøvenlige boliger. Loftbolig A/S køber tørreloftet af foreningen og sørger for al papirarbejdet og omdanner tørreloftet til lejligheder med minimalt besvær. IForeningen kan bruge pengene til at renovere taget, sætte opgangen i stand eller tage en tur sydpå - det vælger de selv. Uanset hvad kan foreningen sove trygt om natten. Vi stiller bankgaranti og forsikringer, der dækker selv den værste stormflod og vi insisterer altid på den bedste kvalitet.

KickAss Capital

What problems would you love to solve? What are your goals in life? What, like really, do you enjoy working on? If you could change the world what would you do? How would you like your kids to remember you?...And how can we help you accomplish that?KICKASS capital invest in extraordinary entrepreneurs with unique technologies that will define the next era of innovation. Sounds good? Send us your pitch!

Impact Business Modeling System™

We provide Impact Business Modeling System™. It is a startup methodology and coaching process for incubators, accelerators and investors to support their portfolio impact startups in making their sustainable impact measurable, operational, and profitable. We work with incubators, accelerators and VC funds globally, primarily in Europe, eg. Startup Wise Guys, Rockstart, Climentum Capital, Ideon Science Park, Climate Resilient Africa Fund and NEEW Ventures.