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Showing: 372 filtered startups


The goal of ILIAS NVO is to optimize the overall operation and maintenance of the military equipment that very often is being used outside normal operation patterns and in extreme conditions. The challenge was to develop mathematical models that can turn the vehicles actual usage profile into relevant information that can be used for operational, maintenance and training purposes

YourLocal - Stop madspild

YourLocal er drevet af visionen om at blive den førende platform for bekæmpelse af forretningers madspild på verdensplan. Vi vil bekæmpe madspild globalt ved at sætte ind lokalt. På godt et år har vi fået mere end 500 butikker og 130.000 brugere ombord i Danmark, som hver dag via YourLocal-appen er med til at reducere madspild i Danmark. Vores næste store mål er det tyske marked.


Trusticate offers a data management white-labelling registry software specialising in carbon and biodiversity credit projects. Built on blockchain, our software allows for needed end-to-end transparency and traceability of projects. Designed by blockchain- and user experience experts the solution is made to communicate alignment to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by digitally showcasing sustainability efforts that are traceable and transparent. Using blockchain we enable clients, and suppliers of nature-based credits, to fractionalise assets, allowing for traceable allocation of “credits” on a product or transaction basis. Trusticate is not only a leader in offering a cutting-edge technical system that helps build trust within the field of sustainable development, but also a visionary company with a heart-based culture that envisions a world where we move from separation and fear to connection and love.


An environmental focus in Scandinavia is, for many companies, an ever-increasing parameter on which new suppliers are being assessed. At NovoDana, we have decided to meet this green trend head on, and give purchasers the possibility to intensify their sustainable engagement by selecting suppliers that favor a positive environmental impact.

FlexMeter ApS

FlexMeter is a Danish Cleantech dedicated to pioneering innovative solutions for energy savings. The company was co-founded by Andreas Rahelt and Lars Elmvang and has developed a unique concept that leverages data and technology to optimize energy consumption and reduce environmental impact. The company has completed more than 200 successful projects saving our clients up to 34% of their energy consumption. Our mission is to empower and nudge individuals and organizations to make smarter, more sustainable choices that benefit both the planet and their bottom line.

Casi Technology A/S

Casi Technology is a Danish family-owned company based in Taastrup which specialises in metering and allocation of energy costs, with a perpetual aim for energy optimisation and reduction. Vi bruger vores energi, for at spare på din. Casi Technology blev stiftet i 2010. Vi har således mange års erfaring med at montere vand- og varmemålere og lave korrekte, overskuelige fordelingsregnskaber. Vi samarbejder med Qundis som er blandt verdens førende udbydere af professionelt målerteknologi.

Verarca - Climate accounting made quick and painless

The hard part of climate reporting – made easy What we do: Verarca delivers accurate carbon calculations effortlessly and fast based on the available data – always in full compliance with legal requirements, fully traceable, and based on recognised sources How we do it Verarca integrates seamlessly with your accounting software, ensuring that all necessary data is automatically pulled into the system, now and in the future. Whether you’re purchasing a new business machine or ballpoint pens the carbon footprint is assigned and you get a complete overview. Artificial Intelligence-generated calculations We work with AI to make sure that Verarca really is an automatic, easy and less costly alternative to existing solutions. Our AI solution reads imported invoices and inputs purchases in the correct fields for calculation in just a few seconds per line. Our AI calculates everything for you, either automatically through integration with your bookkeeping software, or by quick and easy file import. Verarca has developed software for automatic carbon calculation for everything you purchase. And that goes for both the tricky Scope 3 and the energy purchased in Scope 1 and 2, so you can have the total climate report for your company – automatically calculated or inserted and in easy-toread dashboards and reports.


Smartpumps is a green company determined to reduce co2 emissions from private homes and larger building blocks. We sell and install heat pumps and the team has been doing so for more than 20 years. Our goal is to make it the obvious and easy choice to chose a heat pump. We do that by a streamlined organisation to keep the cost low while providing the best service on the market. Smartpumps provide service 24/7 all year. Our extended warranty programme covers up to 10 years. All installations are made according to the ISO-9001 standard and is covered by the warranty programme from Dansk Køl og Varme.

Plastic Change

Plastic Change en dansk miljøorganisation med et ambitiøst internationalt sigte Vi arbejder hårdt med at knække den stigende kurve over plastikspild. Plastik er overalt – på land og til vands. Tre generationers forbrug af plastik har sat sine spor. Kun en lille del bliver genbrugt eller destrueret. Resten ligger i naturen i hundredvis af år. Vi arbejder for at reducere vores enorme plastikproduktion ved blandt andet at eliminere unødvendig engangsplastik fra vores produkter, ved at sætte bedre rammer for hvordan vi designer produkter til mere genbrug, og det plastik vi ikke kan genbruge, skal vi kunne genanvende. Vi arbejder både på politisk niveau, sammen med befolkningen, i samarbejde med innovationspartnere, på internationalt niveau, sammen med forskere og med at uddanne vores fremtidige generationer om problemet. Plastic Change består af et fast dedikeret team og en række uundværlige frivillige kræfter. Alle yder en stor, uvurderlig og professionel indsats for, at organisationen kan gennemføre sine ambitioner om at knække kurven for plastikproduktion og hermed plastikforurening.

IPM - Intelligent Pollutant Monitoring

PM is a young startup company founded in 2014 as a spinoff from the Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology at DTU. IPM’s main interest is to develop environmental sensors using patentable technology.

Kiteborne Energy ApS / KIT sensors

Kiteborne Energy ApS makes IOT sensors for private sailboats, B2C. We have developed a family of sensors and now we must kick off sales and scale up. We look for a super creative marketing genius for general advertise and sales strategy. Geniuses with a flair for IOT are welcome to contact us aswell :)


While our eyes is on the fourth industrial revolution, we want to be part of the energy revolution and help to reduce the CO2 footprint in every single workplace. we move towards greener workplace by a software solution on energy optimization of dynamic mechanical systems (DMS). Our target industry for now is ventilation systems so called as HVAC for office building. The product is a software solution that monitors and optimizes energy consumption of HVACs. But why HVACs? Ventilations are installed in almost all office and industrial buildings. Only in Denmark, 12 M m2 of area is dedicated to offices and buildings. This corresponds to a huge energy consumption by HVACs (about 40% of total electrical energy consumption of a building and funny enough buildings are responsible for almost half of energy consumption of Denmark in a year). Despite of HVACs simplicity from system point of view, they are very complicated and confusing for the HVAC owners. The energy consumption and waste energy is not clear. Therefore, energy optimization becomes a long shot. 4i4’s product is solving these issues and brings values for the HVAC owners by peace of mind and valuable insight on how to optimize the energy and save on CO2 emission.

goforlocal Aps

Recent studies show that the majority of consumers, actually prefers local to organic produce. But given the cost of traditional supermarket logistics, or delivery, no one could effectively chase this huge market opportunity. Until now ! We'll get there by transforming DK's largest directory of local producers & farm shops, to an omnichannel e-commerce platform, that enables even the smallest farm shop to match Just Eat on glocal convenience, BilkaToGo on food delivery and GLS on demand planning.   Niels Høegmark | Co-founder International logistik og projektleder med 38 somre på samvittigheden og rødderne solidt plantet i den midtjyske landsby Sdr. Rind. Passioneret omkring udviklingen af vores små landsbyer og lokalt potentiale.    Niels Reinau | Co-founder Produkt og e-handelsveteran på 41 år med base i Aarhus. Madøre af hjertet, som elsker gode råvarer og sin maskinpark af køkkenmaskiner. Har et sydlandsk temperament overfor uærlige fødevarer og forbrugervildledning i detailhandelen.   Sofie Bjarup Hansen | Food developer Professionel madentusiast på 26 år. Bor i smukke Silkeborg og læser til daglig ernæring og sundhed med linjen ’fødevarer og ledelse’. Brænder for madglæde, køkkenkreativitet, smag, gode råvarer, bæredygtighed og et liv i balance. is a Danish comparison service where we help consumers getting the best green energy solutions. Our service is very easy to use and by filling out the form on our website we will get you up to 4 quotes on different green energy products. Some of our most popular products are: Heat pumps Geothermical heating Solar Panels

Mavi Bioscience

Livestock production is one of the largest contributors to global methane emissions. As the demand for meat and dairy grows, so do emissions. Our planet cannot afford this trajectory, but together, we can change it. We know that fighting climate change requires bold action backed by science. What if we could slash livestock methane emissions by 80 percent? We’re developing an innovative, nature-based solution designed to scale globally and deliver significant, lasting impact.