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Showing: 359 filtered startups

Kiteborne Energy ApS / KIT sensors

Kiteborne Energy ApS makes IOT sensors for private sailboats, B2C. We have developed a family of sensors and now we must kick off sales and scale up. We look for a super creative marketing genius for general advertise and sales strategy. Geniuses with a flair for IOT are welcome to contact us aswell :)


An environmental focus in Scandinavia is, for many companies, an ever-increasing parameter on which new suppliers are being assessed. At NovoDana, we have decided to meet this green trend head on, and give purchasers the possibility to intensify their sustainable engagement by selecting suppliers that favor a positive environmental impact.

CMP Company ApS

Fra MVP til Launch til Updates Hos CMP Company udvikler- og tester vi altid markedet lokalt, men har visionen til at begå sig globalt. Vi nedbryder konceptet til dets minimum kerne funktionalitet, med henblik på lancering. Vi tror på informeret udvikling fremfor “nice to have”. Vores team består af entusiastiske full stack in-house udviklere, designere og rådgivere på vores kontor i København.

Zaptec Denmark ApS

Zaptec is a world leader in cloud-connected charging systems for multiple​ electric vehicles! Zaptec is a world leader in intelligent charging systems for electric vehicles. The global shift to electric vehicles will bring forward significant challenges in charging infrastructure. By combining its unique power electronics technology with cloud-connected and scalable charging solutions, Zaptec is able to put forward working solutions based on real experience from the country with the highest EV per capita in the world. Zaptec is headquartered in Stavanger, Norway, and all products are designed, developed and manufactured in Norway - and Zaptec Denmark ApS is a subsidiary based in the heart of Copenhagen (Bloxhub). We are looking for the best in class people to work with - and 👋🏼 we're are called Zapiens. We lead the EV charging market, and we will change the world for the better by creating a more sustainable electric future. Are you in? 👫👭👬🌎 Being Zapiens means we are modern humans who show feelings and actions towards each other. We act promptly, and we wholeheartedly and persistently work to get the job done💪🏼. We're innovative, and we most certainly recognise opportunities in all types of circumstances. Join the adventure! Join our adventure and have a look on our website for more info on working in Zaptec.

Simply Power

We implement and trade, energy storage solutions, that supports THE GREEN TRANSITION and ancillary services related to this. We have a desire to go where no one has gone before and generating the flexibility that is required for the transformation of the energy sector into a greener alternativ. We work in many different industries and are engaged in public research facilities.

Wise Home

Wise Home, founded in 2016, is a Danish tech start-up specializing in developing software for property administration. We position ourselves as a fresh entrant in a traditional industry, offering solutions that streamline operations and provide valuable insights into property management and utility usage. Additionally, we provide automated distribution statements. If you like to find clever solutions in complex domains, Wise Home is the perfect place for you. Our work culture is characterized by informality and kindness, fostering an atmosphere where every team member is engaged in meaningful and dynamic work. We are located in Ry, which is quickly reached from Aarhus, Skanderborg, and Silkeborg. Additionally, we offer remote work options.

Clearly Energy

Clearly Energy er en startup virksomhed; vi bor i Aarhus, og vores værditilbud hjælper B2B-kunder til at få indsigt i, og værktøjer til, at forbedre både den økonomiske samt den grønne bundlinje i energimarkedet. Vi opererer digitalt overfor vores kunder og udover at stå på solide nøgletal, som vores kunder kan bruge til noget, er vores mission at facilitere vores kunder i den grønne omstilling ved at formidle fakta og relevante data.


Watts er en dansk greentech start-up, under Danmarks største og mest innovative energikoncern Andel. Vi skaber energiløsninger for en lysere fremtid og leverer teknologiske og digitale værktøjer til private hjem indenfor energiområdet. Vi drives af en mission om at gøre menneskers energiforbrug mere intelligent, mere økonomisk og mere bæredygtigt, og vi er stålfaste i vores overbevisning om, at denne udvikling fremfor alt skal sikres gennem digital innovation, tekniske løsninger og intelligent dataanalyse.

Box Co-op

We are making sustainable food choices attractive and affordable for people living in cities. We buy food every day without knowing how it's grown or where it comes from. We buy food knowing that it is bad for the planet and for our health. Why do we do this? And how can we change? Join us and let's find out!

Loftbolig A/S

Loftbolig A/S hjælper boligforeninger og professionelle med at konvertere de mange uudnyttede tørrelofter i København til moderne, miljøvenlige boliger. Vi samarbejder med ledende arkitekter og anvender de nyeste teknologier og materialer for at skabe unikke, miljøvenlige boliger. Loftbolig A/S køber tørreloftet af foreningen og sørger for al papirarbejdet og omdanner tørreloftet til lejligheder med minimalt besvær. IForeningen kan bruge pengene til at renovere taget, sætte opgangen i stand eller tage en tur sydpå - det vælger de selv. Uanset hvad kan foreningen sove trygt om natten. Vi stiller bankgaranti og forsikringer, der dækker selv den værste stormflod og vi insisterer altid på den bedste kvalitet.


Light only where it should be. NorthLED is a LED Technology company founded in 2016 that design and produce high-performance LED solutions. Our patented technology is built on high-end brand components, optical modulation, and customization. We are moving into the IoT world and are looking to expand into IoT development, device management etc.


Vi har flere års erfaring med at hjælpe startups.  Vores fokus er at hjælpe med de ting I ikke er eksperter i, så I kan fokusere på det I er bedst til. Vi bliver en aktiv del af jeres startup, og I får hurtigt kompetencer og ekspertviden ind, som kan løfte virksomheden til næste niveau. Arbejdsopgaver er bl.a. forretningsudvikling, daglig ledelse, produktudvikling, økonomistyring og funding (fx InnoBooster og Vækstfonden). Vi kan investere timer og penge i jeres startup - pitch os på

Ubiqisense ApS

At Ubiqisense we created an occupancy & footfall solution, which collects data on the way people use and interact with spaces. We help create a better work environment and a better workplace experience, by helping companies adapt spaces to people’s real needs. Our solution provides valuable insights and by integrating it with other smart energy-saving solutions, it contributes to making buildings more sustainable entities. Join our team at Blox in downtown Copenhagen - an architectural landmark made to inspire.

FreezeTec ApS

FreezeTec is a small but ambitious and expanding manufacturing and trading company in Næstved. We offer a range of standard setting, environmental friendly plastic products used to streamline the freezing process within the professional food industry.  As our products contribute to considerable savings in our clients energy consumption we have a green, environmental friendly image as well as an extremely interesting value-proposition


BUG AMOK’s opgave er at vise, hvordan insekter er et velsmagende, sundt og grønt fødevarealternativ gennem udvikling og produktion af innovative færdigretter med insektprotein, samt opskriftudvikling, afvikling af madkurser og foredrag med klimavenlige fødevarer på menuen. Virksomheden har base på iværksætterkontoret ‘The Kitchen’ på Nørrebrogade 44 i Aarhus C. BUG AMOK blev startet i 2017 på baggrund af en lyst til at vise, hvordan vi gennem ændringer af vores madvaner kan gøre en forskel i den grønne omstilling og dermed omsætte verdensmål til konkrete handlingsmål. Vi ønsker at inspirere unge familier til at vælge bæredygtigt insektprotein frem for konventionelt kød og gøre det nemt og tilgængeligt ved at producere attraktive færdigretter.