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Impact startup SDGs
Showing: 360 filtered startups


Girls' education is an incredibly powerful climate solution due to its stong relationship with child marriage prevention and subsequent delayed motherhood; impacting population growth and lowering consumption-based emissions. 130 million girls in the world's poorest and most climate-vulnerable communities are effectively excluded from education due to poverty. Humanitarian organizations in low-income countries constantly struggle to fundraise and are never able to fully meet the needs of the most marginalized. SoGreen is a startup with a big heart and an even bigger ambition: A world where all girls realise their right to education and climate justice is placed at the heart of all climate action. In collaboration with leading scientists at renowned European research institutions in the field of demography and climate science,* SoGreen has developed a methodology to quantify the climate impact of girls' education in tonnes CO2-equivalent avoided. This allows for the generation of carbon credits (1 ton = 1 carbon credit) which can be sold on the international carbon market to channel climate finance to girls' education. In partnership with FAWEZA, a leading pan-African NGO focusing on girls' education, SoGreen's pilot project is being implemented in Zambia. Over the coming 5 years, the project will ensure a full secondary education for 180 marginalized girls. All carbon credits generated by the project have been sold ex ante to over 30 companies that have ambitious sustainability strategies, which allow for the use of carbon credits in addition to reducing their own emissions. SoGreen aims to be the provider of the worlds most popular carbon credits within the next 5 years; resulting in a powerful reduction in emissions and a massive increase in educational attainment - a basic human right. *International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Germany, and The Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (WIC) in Austria.


Ecobotix offers technology that can leverage pesticide-free crop protection. Ecobotix has developed and patented a unique spreader system for gently, evenly and precisely applying natural enemies (beneficial insects and mites). The system can be applied with sprayer booms, agricultural vehicles or drones. The company is commited to making pesticide-free food available to everyone that prefers this.

Zaptec Denmark ApS

Zaptec is a world leader in cloud-connected charging systems for multiple​ electric vehicles! Zaptec is a world leader in intelligent charging systems for electric vehicles. The global shift to electric vehicles will bring forward significant challenges in charging infrastructure. By combining its unique power electronics technology with cloud-connected and scalable charging solutions, Zaptec is able to put forward working solutions based on real experience from the country with the highest EV per capita in the world. Zaptec is headquartered in Stavanger, Norway, and all products are designed, developed and manufactured in Norway - and Zaptec Denmark ApS is a subsidiary based in the heart of Copenhagen (Bloxhub). We are looking for the best in class people to work with - and 👋🏼 we're are called Zapiens. We lead the EV charging market, and we will change the world for the better by creating a more sustainable electric future. Are you in? 👫👭👬🌎 Being Zapiens means we are modern humans who show feelings and actions towards each other. We act promptly, and we wholeheartedly and persistently work to get the job done💪🏼. We're innovative, and we most certainly recognise opportunities in all types of circumstances. Join the adventure! Join our adventure and have a look on our website for more info on working in Zaptec.

Klimakampen ApS

Klimakampen er en start-up, der laver klimakampagner for arbejdspladser, folkeskoler og gymnasier. I hold dyster ansatte og elever om at få klimavenlige vaner. Lidt en "Vi Cykler Til Arbejde", bare med klima. Konkurrencen varer typisk 4 uger og faciliteres i vores egen app. Her vælger man hvilke pointgivende aktiviteter man har udført og ser statistik for hvordan man klarer sig og hvor meget CO2 man har sparet. Vi afholdt flere kampagne med betalende kunder og forsøger nu at skalere. Vi sidder på kontor på KU Lighthouse - Tagensvej 16a Vi er tre i teamet. Nicolai der er klimaspecialist. Dan, der er programmør og Kristian, der er klimaformidler. Vi søger en til at hjælpe med kommunikation, salg og marketing.

Clearly Energy

Clearly Energy er en startup virksomhed; vi bor i Aarhus, og vores værditilbud hjælper B2B-kunder til at få indsigt i, og værktøjer til, at forbedre både den økonomiske samt den grønne bundlinje i energimarkedet. Vi opererer digitalt overfor vores kunder og udover at stå på solide nøgletal, som vores kunder kan bruge til noget, er vores mission at facilitere vores kunder i den grønne omstilling ved at formidle fakta og relevante data.


Watts er en dansk greentech start-up, under Danmarks største og mest innovative energikoncern Andel. Vi skaber energiløsninger for en lysere fremtid og leverer teknologiske og digitale værktøjer til private hjem indenfor energiområdet. Vi drives af en mission om at gøre menneskers energiforbrug mere intelligent, mere økonomisk og mere bæredygtigt, og vi er stålfaste i vores overbevisning om, at denne udvikling fremfor alt skal sikres gennem digital innovation, tekniske løsninger og intelligent dataanalyse.

Preowned Project

We’re servicing companies within the Wind Turbine Industry, in the process of selling their Obsolete Stock/ Dead Stock products. Company Mission Our mission is to take responsibility for the environment by minimizing industrial production though easy re-use of produced products and components. Hereby we bring down the CO2 from global Production Facilities. Problem Obsolete Stock/ Dead Stock is an inevitable part of most industries. It ties up cash flow and represents a loss of revenue. The environmental focus of decreasing the high levels of CO2 coming from the production of new products, puts the industry in a situation, where they will have to report their CO2 emissions plus commit to a certain waste reduction within the following years. The situation calls for a high focus on protecting the world's resources and the necessity for re-using existing products and components. Especially Dead Stock components, which are still new and therefore hasen't yet been utilized.

Coatable A/S

Based on years of development Coatable A/S was established in 2021 to bring a set of unique coating formulas to the market. Our coatings serve a broad variety of ventilation application across industries but all with the same purposes – improving indoor climate, contributing to save energy costs, CO2 emissions and the use of raw materials. Our coatings are tested and validated by the Danish Technological Institute and The Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology, and the company is ISO9001 certified by DNV.


Consibio is developing an IoT/Cloud platform for enabling real-time production data with advanced analysis features, that provide actionable and deep insights in the bio industry. Sustainable bio industries are suffering from inefficient resource usage and low productivity due to lack of data and insights, which is a major barrier to the green transition. That's why we created Consibio Cloud to solve that.

Klarifi is a wastewater data platform. We provide clear data about unclear water. Our wastewater market intelligence platform incorporates data from this world’s environmental protection agencies – US EPA, German Umweltbundesamt, Danish Miljøstyrelsen etc., combine it with other data sources, and make it all easily available in our data platform.


Climate change is one of the biggest challenges humanity is facing. Solar power is expected to play a big role in reducing the use of fossil fuels. We make solar power plants more efficient and cost competitive, by increasing the energy production. At Startak we design and manufacture control systems for solar trackers used in large solar photovoltaic plants, to increase the energy production by 10-20% (depending on latitude). We provide our customers with a simple to use, modern and reliable hardware and software solution that is designed to give you peace of mind and control for the lifetime of your solar plant.

Tollson ApS

Tollson has developed a compact, continuous and energy-efficient technology for filtration and dewatering of a wide range of liquids. Tollson offers an mobile filtration plant for sludge and sediments dewatering, enabling wastewater utilities to streamline their dewatering processes. Our cutting-edge filtration technology is also designed for processing of food and beverages, pharmaceuticals and chemicals as well as many other industrial fields. Tollson envisions utilizing its technology to optimize the use of waste streams from industrial companies to support the increasing global demand for food, feed and better use of natural resources.

Plastic Change

Plastic Change en dansk miljøorganisation med et ambitiøst internationalt sigte Vi arbejder hårdt med at knække den stigende kurve over plastikspild. Plastik er overalt – på land og til vands. Tre generationers forbrug af plastik har sat sine spor. Kun en lille del bliver genbrugt eller destrueret. Resten ligger i naturen i hundredvis af år. Vi arbejder for at reducere vores enorme plastikproduktion ved blandt andet at eliminere unødvendig engangsplastik fra vores produkter, ved at sætte bedre rammer for hvordan vi designer produkter til mere genbrug, og det plastik vi ikke kan genbruge, skal vi kunne genanvende. Vi arbejder både på politisk niveau, sammen med befolkningen, i samarbejde med innovationspartnere, på internationalt niveau, sammen med forskere og med at uddanne vores fremtidige generationer om problemet. Plastic Change består af et fast dedikeret team og en række uundværlige frivillige kræfter. Alle yder en stor, uvurderlig og professionel indsats for, at organisationen kan gennemføre sine ambitioner om at knække kurven for plastikproduktion og hermed plastikforurening.

Ntek ApS

Er du i tvivl om din virksomhed kan implementere energioptimerende tiltag og derved opnå energitilskud? Hos NTEK arbejder vi med helhedsorienterede energiløsninger hvor vi hjælper din virksomhed med alle trin i optimeringsprocesserne. Vi optimerer blandt andet omkostningerne for din virksomhed, hjælper med projektledelsen og optimering af din virksomheds ventilationssystemer.  Er du i tvivl om du kan opnå energitilskud på energitiltag, er du velkommen til at kontakte os på: 93 93 11 38.


Hvorfor står vi op om morgen?! Hos barry drømmer at om hjælpe alle europæere med at blive bevidste og aktive strømforbruger - og dermed støtte den Grønne Omstilling! ⚡️🌍 Vi ønsker at blive elbilisternes foretrukne el-leverandør, og hjælpe så mange som muligt med at skifte til en elbil barry er en el-leverandør gentænkt fra bunden. 100% digitalt i en app - simpel struktur, nyeste teknologi, transparente produkt og pris, med en stædig tro på, at alle fortjener den korteste vej fra WTF til FTW! Vi er i gang med at revolutionere det danske energimarked, der er domineret af gennemsnitspriser, faste pakker, gebyrer og bindingsperioder. I modsætning til traditionelle el-leverandører har vi sløjfet alt det med småt, og erstattet det med strøm til indkøbspris og en app der gør det nemt at få et smartere, billigere og mere klimavenligt strømforbrug.