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Showing: 372 filtered startups


Vecourse helps people become Vegan. Veganism is becoming increasingly popular, as people realise that animal products have consequences for the environment, animal welfare, and their own health. However, the majority of people who try to change their diet and lifestyle still fail to stick to the habit. Vecourse is a unique attempt to solve this problem, built by a team with best-in-class experience of building gamified learning, motivational content, and community products.


Making CFO's better by offering a fast and cloud based Consolidation solution. Konsolidator® streamlines the financial consolidation and reporting process which enables the finance department to deliver data at a higher strategic level. Customers vary from small size, privately owned companies to large listed corporations - all with the same goal: To simplify the consolidation process and get a "best-of-breed" tool. Konsolidator® is a cloud-based, best-of-breed, SaaS consolidation and reporting tool that standardizes and streamlines the consolidation process through simple innovative functionality.


More than 40% of the electrical energy in office environments is used outside working hours. CO2 in buildings has too high a level, which gives sick employees and students who lose 12% of their learning ability. Ventilation is often oversized by 10-20% due to uncertainty about CO2 levels, which have not been adequately investigated and measured. Often, consulting firms offer a measurement over 30 days. The measurements are only a snapshot of the real picture, which does not take into account the season and number of people in the room. VOCs in buildings are more harmful than first thought. VOC combined with too high CO2 can cause allergic reactions and over time develop asthma. The solution for reducing electricity consumption is to use intelligent automation and with behavior control. A sensor can be set up in areas that are used that automatically turn on the light when there is a person present. Several companies offer this solution, but if it is to be used for something, the devices must send data to the central server, after which you can analyze when and how much. The data set provides better management and control. For the CO2 problem, sensors are set up in the premises. The problem with existing sensors on the market is they have to be mounted with cable that is led maybe 100m away to a central box. It is both expensive and often not without surprises, especially for older buildings where drawings are often not updated. Sawux solves several of the mentioned problems. Sawux is a combination of 5 sensors in the same unit that measure and operate wirelessly. The sensors have access to a Cloud server, where data is collected every minute. Then data can be analyzed and given a real picture over time, which forms the basis for the right decision and correct ventilation systems. Sawux fits into existing 230V electrical environment and does not require cabling, boxes, battery or external power supplies. Sawux connects to the Internet via standard WiFi, which is found in all modern buildings. Sawux's solution is very cost effective and user friendly which is able to provide valid data. The Sawux system comes with an app. and web based energy management system, where you can at any time perform analysis of the building completely at the contact level.


We are a dynamic start-up, created as a spin-off company of DTU. Our mission is to achieve great environmental quality in indoor spaces. How do we do that? We do that by: 1) Extensively monitoring buildings through our platform, finding faults, and correcting them. 2) Asking occupants' about their own perception of the indoor environment through our mobile app FEEDME 3) Controlling the engineering system of buildings accordingly to the feedback of the occupants through our 3D AI Try out our demo at and reach out to get a great indoor climate lower energy cost.


Klima Biler er sat i verden for dem, der går med tanker om at anskaffe sig en klimavenlig bil. Hos er der ingen benzin- og dieselbiler, medmindre der er tale om hybridbiler. Vi har fokus på klimavenlige biler og dermed fremtiden. Vi hører selv til i kategorien af dem, der elsker lyden af en V8’er! … men det er lyden af fortiden, det er lyden af afbrænding af fossile brændstoffer. Vi er også fuldt ud bevidste om, at det kan diskuteres, hvilke biltyper der forurener mest fra vugge til grav, og problematikker omkring rækkevidde, manglende ladestandere og ladetid. MEN jo flere der kører klimavenligt, jo hurtigere går udviklingen af de grønne teknologier, og jo hurtigere går det med at nedbringe de børnesygdommene med førnævnte problematikker. Derfor ønsker vi at kickstarte den udvikling og få så mange klimavenlige biler på vejene som muligt. Vi pudser ikke vores glorie! Vi glemmer også at slukke lyset og har masser af vaner, der er meget lidt klimavenlige, men stille og roligt bliver vi mere og mere bevidste om de valg der kan gøres anderledes for at belaste klimaet mindre. Det samme gælder Der er masser af ting, der kan gøres bedre for den besøgende eller for dem, der sætter deres bil til salg på … der kan vi heldigvis undskylde os med, at vi er helt grønne. Men nu er vi i gang og som med el- og hybridbiler, er det et skridt i den rigtige retning. Og vi er altid åbne for forslag til forbedringer eller ideer til indhold på siden. Jo flere biler, der bliver sat til salg på, jo hurtigere og jo bedre kan vi udvikle websitet og markedsføringen og dermed få flere klimavenlige biler på vejene. Ambassadør for klimaet! Vi synes, at man ved at køre i en klimavenlig bil viser sin holdning til klimaspørgsmålet og er med til at få tvivlerne over på den grønne bølge. Man bliver ambassadør for klimaet og er med til at vise vejen til et bedre klima i alle henseender, for vi ser klimavenlige biler som fyrtårne for udviklingen af grønne teknologier generelt. Og bla. Tesla har vist, at klimavenlig teknologi og biler bestemt ikke behøver at være kedeligt.


We are a Nordic company specialised in exponential technology and responsible disruption. For us, disruption is a strategy applied to create new solutions for new needs that shape new markets and transform value systems in society. We advocate technological intuition to impact directions of change. We design tools that enable creative and purposeful collaborations. We help organisations understand and utilise the potentials of exponential technologies and disruptive innovation.

Aquaturu Inc.

We provide the best available technology to make aquaculture sustainable and profitable. Our vision is to make farm-bred fish the healthiest, most sustainable food source. Aquaturu is a innovative Green Tech Company, that delivers disinfecting, environmentally friendly water solutions within the aquaculture industry. Aquaturu provides fish farms with new anti-bacteria and algae reducing technology to secure higher revenue and reduce costs, substitute medicine, chemicals, ozone and UV with a simple solution, that has numerous advantages. Our vision is real organic farm-bred fish.


Building the cities of the future. MONTEM develop intelligent infrastructure for different sectors on municipality and national levels. We are specialized in developing research-based, high resolution and low-power sensor networks for digitalizing existing infrastructure. We create the fabric of the intelligent city.


Our passion is entrepreneurship and start-ups. We are partners at eye level and making sure that your development and experience is in focus.Our The Hub profile will feature opportunities from different of our portfolio companies, including co-founder, marketing, front- & backend development, finance and much more.


We are a startup in the early stage that is developing a platform of vehicle-recyclingOur goal is to recycle the vehicles that are in disuse and put them available to anyone who needs one. This is for the purpose of contributing to the creation of smart cities, as well as to protect the environment since our philosophy is based on the Sustainable Development Goals.We are currently in a stage of fundraising and we are also looking for the right team to make our mission a reality. We are a startup with an office in Nykobing Falster, but we believe that you can work from anywhere, whether you are in Copenhagen, Aarhus, or traveling.We are motivated to know that we are doing something that will change the world to improve it since we believe that nobody needs to buy a new vehicle, but rather, recycle it.We are currently looking for great humans who want to accompany us on this trip and who want to join the team. Designers UX/UI and Programmers. If you think you should be part of something big that changes the world, then contact us.

Bygkontrol ApS

Bygkontrol er et byggerådgivningsfirma, som tilbyder en bred palette af byggesagkyndige løsninger.  Du behøver ikke nødvendigvis vide noget om byggeri, hvis du søger som kontorassistent eller online markedsføring. Vi har brug for alle de hænder vi kan mønstre til at vækste firmaet sammen. Vi arbejder med: - Byggerådgivning  - Projektering (arkitekttegninger)  - Droneinspektioner  - Og sidst men ikke mindst: 3D scanninger og optegninger i Revit (tegneprogram for arkitekter og bygningskonstruktører)     Vi har altid højt til loftet både når det gælder ambitioner og når vi er ude på en opgave. Dagens arbejde ender med et brag kl. 17, når vi skal byde ind på opgaver som vi booker. Der er fleksible arbejdstider, med mulighed for remote work, så du er ikke bundet til en kontorstol 8 timer om dagen fra 8-16. En gang imellem er der øl på havnen eller på Børsen. Og ja, Svendborg har både Børsen og en lækker havn, hvor man kan nyde hinandens selskab efter arbejde.

Vento Maritime

We are dedicated to helping maritime customers save fuel and time while improving safety at sea. Our team is passionate about excellent customer service and the art of communicating meteorological and oceanographic uncertainties in order to provide timely, essential and accurate decision support to our customers. Our weather forecast data is of very high quality in Northwestern Europe. Business sectors we serve include: Offshore Renewable Energy Shipping Oil and Gas Marine Transport and Operations


Aperitas is a CSR 2.0 platform for managing complete CSR intelligence concerning the company and the multi-tier supply chain. Taking reporting from data bureaucracy to applied intelligence, Aperitas acts as a central hub for internal CSR data, offers data-driven compliance, risk, and performance management, and makes effortless and concise disclosure possible.

BORN Denmark IVS

BORN Denmark is a danish company in growth. We are currently 3 shops online: ApS, ApS and BORN Nordic ApS (GreyLime) - we are constantly developing our companies and are always looking for news ways to do so. Currently we are 5 people connected to the projects: Luciano Bellacci, Jacob Oppenheim, Christoffer Nielsen, Mads Rosager and Allan Vincentzh


Nordsense is on a mission to make the world more sustainable through efficient waste, reuse, and recycling management. With an end-to-end solution based on IoT smart sensors, Nordsense provides the technology and data needed to transition to cost- and carbon efficient waste and resource operations.