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Showing: 360 filtered startups


ZEVIT is a software and consultancy company specializing in asset data management in the renewable energy sector. We are on the lookout for a colleague and potential partner to join our fantastic team in Copenhagen. We provide a range of digital solutions all centered around Asset Integrity Hub, a cloud-based platform, enabling key industry players to collect, manage and analyze and utilize asset data.

Tollson ApS

Tollson has developed a compact, continuous and energy-efficient technology for filtration and dewatering of a wide range of liquids. Tollson offers an mobile filtration plant for sludge and sediments dewatering, enabling wastewater utilities to streamline their dewatering processes. Our cutting-edge filtration technology is also designed for processing of food and beverages, pharmaceuticals and chemicals as well as many other industrial fields. Tollson envisions utilizing its technology to optimize the use of waste streams from industrial companies to support the increasing global demand for food, feed and better use of natural resources.


GreenLab is the world’s most advanced truly green and circular industrial park. We generate sustainable energy, supply it to the businesses located here, and transform it into heat, electrofuels, and other green products. In the park, everything is connected by the SymbiosisNet™ - an intelligent grid of energy and data that lets companies share their surplus energy and resources. We are a team of 9 purpose-driven green energy professionals, and we are very excited to welcome the future talents who are eager to learn about green energy and P2X, and who also are driven to contribute with their knowledge, energy and new perspectives. You will become a part of a start-up environment, where we are on a shared exciting learning journey in which many projects have never been done before.


SQUARELY is Copenhagen-based Danish Design Brand combining modularity with user data, to create high-end planters and furniture with plants. SQUARELY offers a collection of compatible products to furnish homes and offices with greenery and ease plant maintenance. An added self-watering technology reduces the time used for plant maintenance by 3 and improves plant growth. SQUARELY sells primarily through e-commerce and is now present on 4 European markets. SQUARELY does not only design green but lives green with the products sustainable from its core: re-used wood, re-cycled plastic.

Vento Maritime

We are dedicated to helping maritime customers save fuel and time while improving safety at sea. Our team is passionate about excellent customer service and the art of communicating meteorological and oceanographic uncertainties in order to provide timely, essential and accurate decision support to our customers. Our weather forecast data is of very high quality in Northwestern Europe. Business sectors we serve include: Offshore Renewable Energy Shipping Oil and Gas Marine Transport and Operations

Copenhagen Startup Weekend

We`ve been organising Startup Weekends in Copenhagen for 4 years, educating and inspiring hundreds of people to become entrepreneurs. We were lucky to see it from the first row how #CPHSW helped people get into the entrepreneur mindset and to try new challenges. We always believed that one of strongest forces were the network of people you created during those crazy weekends. This is why we created Startup Weekend Mega: The biggest Startup Weekend ever organised in Europe.  We´re an awesome group of volunteers coming from a wide variety of backgrounds. All of us have their own stories about how we ended up joining the #CPHSW family.  We are proud that we`re 100% voluntarily run organisation and that we created a culture where everybody feels safe to experiment and make their own decisions. And we`re always there to support each other outside Startup Weekends.  We think being part of the organiser family is an excellent opportunity to try out craziest ideas in your field. A playground where we can have a lot of fun and learn a ton. After years of experimentation now we`re organising our biggest event, Startup Weekend Mega, and we would like to involve new people on this journey. If this makes you excited then please feel free to reach out  or directly at the job posts. Fun guaranteed!;)

We want to save the world. How about you?We are the Center for Acceleration of Change: a non-profit knowledge platform, event and project space and a co-creative community for people who want to work towards a brighter future. By applying a holistic approach to sustainability and promoting alternative solutions, we spread awareness and promote human connection. Our Center an intersection point for Changers of all kind and empowers people to act.It is time to take a step. Join us now. is the Center for Acceleration of Sustainable Change - a platform for all initiatives that aim to support the development of society towards a more sustainable lifestyle.The Center was opened in September 2016 and is since then run by Martin (Ideologue, developer, writer and (r)evolutionary in spe) and Anja (Environmental manager, epicurist, enthusiast and hopeless optimist). We have always been concerned about the fact that this planet is step by step ruined by how things work today. So finally we decided to try to change the world, full-time.Today, there exist numerous initiatives for a more sustainable lifestyle, but they stay hidden in niches because they lack a lobby - and people are stuck in their old habits. This is why we now host a platform for new ideas and offer events and workshops which further sustainability, sharing and collaboration. We encourage and facilitate discussions on new paradigms and explore new work/life patterns.We want to offer serious and sustainable solutions to the problems that affect everyone every day. And we want to make a difference. We are extremely happy to say that the same goes for all of our members. It's not about what we could do in the past, but what we can do today. We think that this is how tomorrow is made.At, we:Provide and promote alternative and sustainable concepts for everyone (shareconomy | reuse/reduce/recycle)Offer new perspectives and raise awareness with talks, movie screenings and workshops on sustainability topicsBuild an accumulating service environmentQuestion the established consumption habits on all scalesConnect and combine like-minded people and sustainable initiativesExperiment with new paradigms and challenge the normWe accelerate sustainable change. We aim to save the world. Join us now!


Spiio is an In-Ground Data as a Service provider, helping sports turf professionals enhance agronomic decision making, to save money and labor time when managing their golf courses and sports facilities. Our customers include high profile golf courses in the USA, great American Football teams, baseball fields, champions league soccer clubs in Europe and multinational agriculture fertiliser companies.


Plastic waste and single-use packaging is one of the great unsolved problems for our planet. In Denmark, we produce 844KG of household waste annually per person. Most of this packaging is used for food and beverage products and it is an increasingly large environmental challenge. At Cirqle we are driven by our mission to make single-use a thing of the past and make reuse packaging the norm. Reusing packaging reduces the impact, and greatly minimizes the natural resource use of packaging. With our pioneering reuse packaging service and technology platform, we make reuse a reality for companies in the food and beverage industry. We are already breaking new ground with our meal-kit service, but the sky's the limit when it comes to reuse packaging. With partners we cover the full supply chain from packaging production and software development to sanitation and logistics making sustainability the easy choice for our customers.

Fischer Lighting

Fischer Lighting is a sustainable front-runner who has developed a unique circular business model where waste is transformed into new beautiful lamps that make buildings more sustainable and people healthier. In 2023, Fischer Lighting saved more than 53 tons of discarded lamps from being thrown away, and with the concepts ReUse, ReDesign, and ReCreate, unique lighting solutions are created in a beautiful and industrial design that meets all the requirements of a new lighting fixture. In addition to environmental sustainability, social sustainability is also an important part of the concept. Therefore, all the old lamps are separated and assembled by people on the edge of the labor market in Denmark. At the same time, the lamps are equipped with the latest technology, which, among other things, enables circadian lighting, which can stimulate the production of hormones in our body and create better well-being for people in buildings.

CORO, Co-lab Roskilde

CORO, Co-lab er Roskildes innovationslaboratorie, der skaber vækst, vi er stolte af. Vi identificerer muligheder, indgår i nye relationer og innoverer for at løse samfundets udfordringer. Medlemmer samarbejder på tværs af sektorer og beriges med ny viden og nye løsninger, der skaber værdi. Innovation skabes i krydsfeltet mellem videninstitutioner, virksomheder og offentlige organisationer. CORO forbinder beslutningstagere, driver udviklingsprojekter og giver adgang til events og testplatforme.


Airlabs is an organisation with foundations in atmospheric chemistry and airflow engineering that has been established out of a desire to tackle the huge social problem of air quality in cities across the world. Our work is the result of active collaboration between our team and some of the world’s leading applied environmental research and engineering institutes. Our team brings together experts from widely varying disciplines: from atmospheric chemistry to pollution monitoring, from fluid dynamics to environmental health and from economics to engineering and design.


Steamgreen er en Dansk Greentech virksomhed i Ballerup, fokuseret på at levere grønne løsninger til bilvask-industrien. Vi passer på miljøet og bruger kun 3l. vand Vores dampmetode sparer på vandforbruget. En liter vand forvandles til 1.700 liter tørdamp. En dampvask af din bil udgøres reelt set kun af tre liter vand – i modsætning til en traditionel bilvask hvor der anvendes overr 100 liter vand. Når der anvendes tørdamp, rengøres bilen vigtigst af alt helt uden brug af vaskekemikalier. Hensynet til miljøet er nemlig Steamgreen’ absolutte metier, og det er vi rigtig stolt over. + Kun 3-5 l. vand pr. bilvask modsat traditionel bilvask, hvor der bruges over 100 l. vand. Den ultimative bakteriebekæmper Vi dræber ca. 95% af bilens bakterier Steamgreen’ metode til dampvask dræber mere end 95 procent af bakterierne i din bil. Du bliver med sikkerhed beriget med følelsen af en ny bil, som også er ren og bakteriefri for dine børns sundhed og dit helbreds skyld. Metoden er også effektiv, fordi den 170 grader varme damp trænger ned i alle afkroge af bilen, hvor den fjerner snavs og dræber bakterierne i rattet, vinduer, instrumentbræt, døre, falser, måtter og paneler. + 95% af bakterierne i bilen dræbes ved dampvask


Velkommen til Plando - ejendomsbranchens digitale platform til vedligeholdelse og forbedring af bygninger med fokus på energiforbrug, udledning (CO2e) og totaløkonomi. Vores værktøj hjælper bygningsejere, ejendomsadministratorer og rådgivere med at træffe langsigtede og bedre beslutninger for deres ejendomme. Plando gør det nemt og overskueligt at arbejde med vedligeholdelse og forbedring af en ejendom - eller hele ejendomsporteføljer. Samtidig sikrer Plando overblik over bygningers CO2e-rejse og energimærke - noget som kun bliver vigtigere i fremtiden, hvor krav om bæredygtighed og ESG-rapportering (virksomheders miljømæssige, sociale og ledelsesmæssige rapportering) vil fylde endnu mere. Vi drømmer om en ejendomsbranche, der vækster i værdi gennem bæredygtige forbedringer. For vi lever i en verden, hvor vi ikke har råd til at spilde flere ressourcer. Derfor har vi besluttet os for at gøre op med vores branches ’sådan har vi altid gjort’ -måde at gøre tingene på og finde en ny vej. Vi mener, at det er på tide, at vi tager springet ind i en smartere måde at arbejde med ejendomsudvikling på. Vi holder til i det tidligere mejeri Enigheden på Rentemestervej i København NV. Vi leder løbende efter nye talenter, så tøv ikke med at kontakte os, hvis du vil være en del af vores team i Plando.

Clearly Energy

Clearly Energy er en startup virksomhed; vi bor i Aarhus, og vores værditilbud hjælper B2B-kunder til at få indsigt i, og værktøjer til, at forbedre både den økonomiske samt den grønne bundlinje i energimarkedet. Vi opererer digitalt overfor vores kunder og udover at stå på solide nøgletal, som vores kunder kan bruge til noget, er vores mission at facilitere vores kunder i den grønne omstilling ved at formidle fakta og relevante data.