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Showing: 2627 filtered startups


Finding resources for functional assessment of components for your physical product is easy. Acquiring the component compliance documentation you need to get your product certified is a hassle. We are here to change that. Lead times, uncertainty, added cost. Sound familiar in the context of collecting supplier compliance documentation? After dozens of interviews with compliance professionals, we have seen that today's process is usually unnecessarily chaotic. Using our proprietary search engine, we make it easy for you to find verified test certificates and list numbers. Our lean documentation platform enables safe and continuous storage as well as easy internal and external collaboration, while also providing you with automated certificate expiry notifications.

RETEX Panels

RETEX Panels manufactures construction materials from recycled textile, plastic and rubber waste. At RETEX our mission is to be a leader and innovator in the recycling of waste into construction materials and we target to reprocess 15% of Europe’s textile waste by the year 2026. Our goal in RETEX is to develop a replicable business model for governments with the clear conversion rate of the investment VS waste problem solved in tons. One RETEX factory continually solves 50,000 tons of textile waste, 30,000 tons of plastic waste and over 7,500 tons of rubber (tire) waste yearly.