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Vi er easy-admin. Din sparringspartner og administrative løsning. Vi vil være fremtidens løsning for hele håndværkerbranchen, når det kommer til forretningsoptimering og håndtering af administration. Vi er en blanding af administrative og strategiske ildsjæle, med flere års erfaring i branchen. Vi kender byggebranchen ud og ind og ved hvad der skal til, for at du kan opnå succes med din virksomhed. Vi har fuld fokus på håndværkerbranchen – det er dér, vi er bedst. Vi er til for at du kan bruge dine evner, der hvor du er bedst. Vi gør din hverdag nemmere, så du kun skal fokusere på at drifte din virksomhed.


Digital webb & marketing agency with a focus to help companies accelarete good business with a sustainable focus. Working today in a mix of customers in Sweden with or without international reach. We help customer look better and reach further through SEO, SEM, SoMe, Webbdevelopment, Design backed up by business driven strategies .,


We make it as easy as possible for you! Our own developed online health test analyzes your answers and gives you a personalized mix of vitamins and minerals. Zentabox is a subscription service and our customers receive their nutritional supplements every single month. At Zentabox, we are proud to be a 100% Danish-owned company, based in Køge and production in Stege on Møn. We were founded based on the idea and ambition to make it easy and simple to personalize your nutritional supplement. In addition, we would like to state that Zentabox works based on evidence-based science and the National Board of Health's recommendations. We do not want any waste of resources in our production, therefore our team always works hard to be able to offer as climate-conscious and sustainable a product as possible.


Copter is a one-stop productivity app created specifically for CEOS whose daily tasks involves running multiple businesses, projects and teams. Get a helicopter's view status report from ALL your companies/projects. Copter’s slick and clean interface, delivers updates and status report from your staff and projects Unlike other productivity apps which overwhelms you with details of a project, Copter focuses on the summary, and status report of each project in your multiple companies/businesses.


Hvad laver vi Vi har udviklet et fagsystem til beskæftigelsesområdet og vikar- og rekrutteringsbranchen. Systemet er det bedste i markedet. For os handler om mennesker og processer og om, hvordan man udvikler fagsystemer, som sikrer meget effektive arbejdsgange, og samtidigt sikrer fokus på interaktionen mellem kandidater og kunder. Det kræver kendskab til markedet, konkurrencevilkårene, lovgivning, overenskomster, såvel som en indgående viden om de nyeste tekniske muligheder, brugervenlighed, digitalisering m.m. Det er her vi kommer ind i billedet. For os handler digitalisering om service, der betaler sig. Altså om at øge servicen på den ene side og mindske omkostningerne på den anden side - helt enkelt. Vi har udviklet IT-systemer i mere end 10 år, og vi har et dybt kendskab til de brancher vi leverer løsninger til. Vi har gennem alle årene leveret nogle af markedets bedste systemer, og vi har sat nye standarder for, hvad man kan og, hvad du, som bruger bør forvente af dit sagsbehandlingssystem. Emini blev stiftet i 2004 og er bosiddende i Lyngby nord for København. Vores team består af udviklere, support og projektledelse, som alle har mange års erfaring med udvikling af sags- og styresystemer. Viden og erfaring gør det dog ikke alene, idet de vigtigste input kommer fra vores kunder og markedet. Derfor gør vi meget ud af at være i tæt dialog med vores kunder og andre markedsaktører, så vores systemer hele tiden afspejler vores kunders behov. Vision Det latinske udtryk "Mobilis in mobili" er vores mantra, hvilket symboliserer et ønske om, at være fleksibel og tilpasningsparat i et konkurrencepræget og foranderligt marked. Det var mottoet for ubåden Nautilus i Jules Vernes berømte eventyr "En verdensomsejling under havet" fra 1869. Dog et eventyr, så repræsenterer Nautilus en blanding af hvad der kan lade sig gøre når man kombinerer teori og en stærk teknisk viden med ambitionen om at ville lykkes. Denne kombination symboliserer på fornemste vis hvad vi står for, og er en konstant inspiration i vores fortsatte stræben efter at udvikle og levere, markedets bedste system til vores kunder.

Custom Pair

Custom Pair is turning branded and authentic sneakers into sustainable items. We are helping individuals to accept and love second hand items with up-cycling. At Custom Pair we believe uniqueness, creativity and sustainability are the perfect match to revitalise the sneaker game. Meanwhile pre-owned clothing is getting the deserved attention, shoes are not perceived in the same way. Since we started to restore our own shoes, we promised ourselves Custom Pair is here to change that. The sneakers we sell have been though the process of revitalisation where we sanitise, restore and even customise them. We are a Copenhagen based startup and most of our customers are located in Denmark and USA. Our mission is to disrupt the sneaker industry adding value to pre-owned items. Our vision is to change the way individuals look at used items.


50% of the world’s natural resources are already being consumed in construction. And still, we have to provide adequate housing for 3 billion people, around 40% of the world's population. By 2060 the demand for construction materials will triple. This will have the significant negative impact on the environment.

6D Tape

6D Tape is unique, patented and active therapeutical tape which works in six directions. It features handles and is skin-friendly, making it well suited for lymphatic therapy, physical therapy, scar treatment and active self-care. The unique 6D handles allow manipulation that stimulates lymph flow, blood circulation, fasciae, scar tissue, muscles and joints. Treatment with 6D Tape will improve recovery from injury, ease joint and muscle pain, reduce nerve compression and swelling, and help with constricting scar tissue. 6D Tape has many therapeutic uses. 6D Tape is effective for treating back, neck and muscle pain, as well as swelling and joints. Manipulating the tape with the handles alleviates pain and reduces swelling by activating the body’s internal cleanup and healing mechanisms. The tape is also suited for treating surgical and traumatic scar tissue and swelling. For example, the tape is excellent at treating repetitive strain injuries, including golfer’s, mouse and tennis elbow, and constricting connective tissue (fascia). 6D Tape works well with patients having Lymphedema, which is a painful chronic condition that causes swelling of limbs and disabilities affecting more than 250 million people worldwide. It has considerable public health significance, characterized by a continuous need for medical treatment, many comorbidities and detrimental effect on patients’ social life and career. It is particularly common among breast cancer survivors with a prevalence of about 40%. The number of lymphedema cases is rising as the number of cancer survivors increases with more effective treatments. The life quality of these people keeps declining dramatically as there are no solutions to manage this condition effectively and live a normal life at the same time. 6D Tape Oy is developing an automated therapy tape system 6D Tape Pro designed for efficient self-care to alleviate lymphedema, as well as pain, scars, and swelling after surgeries and injuries. The tape can be conveniently worn under clothes without interrupting any daily activities. The automated pulsation provides a gentle pressure treatment in planned and natural lymph flow-mimicking intervals. This enables lymphedema patient’s body to function and drain lymph similar to normal body preventing edema. The solution will reduce overall treatment costs and burden on health care systems. Our patent-pending solutions are huge steps forward from any other treatment option available, enabling a lucrative positioning in a €7 billion market. The funding we are seeking is instrumental to take on the high-impact project closing the gap from technology prototype to a clinically validated product suited for mass market. Moreover, the new equity enables to secure enough operational capacity for a successful market launch.

Box Co-op

We are making sustainable food choices attractive and affordable for people living in cities. We buy food every day without knowing how it's grown or where it comes from. We buy food knowing that it is bad for the planet and for our health. Why do we do this? And how can we change? Join us and let's find out!

Healing Business Day

Healing Business Day Ltd is a fresh from the oven startup from Tampere, Finland. We believe in the power of self-knowledge and growth-mindset for creating thriving individuals and organizations. We are starting to build a totally new, sassy & fun brand dedicated to making us all better together at work. Mobile app (built with users) will be our future spearhead service but we're also planning on launching other products to spice up the mutual understanding and atmosphere within workplaces. 🤩 In order to really conquer the (business) world, we are now searching for multiple new team members - in the form of internships - to grow with us and have loads of fun while doing it! 🥳


Cleanera will offer a easier solution to our most un-liked chores, which is laundry! We will offer an integrated platform where you can decide upon subscription or single use options, of course cancel anytime policy! So how does this work? Well we will pick-up and deliver your laundry and with easy subscription where you save 3+ hours weekly of laundry work! Note only work you have to do is to put it back in the closet, something we cannot do 😜 Cleanera will solve an inertia industry by solving the logistical problems and create a new innovative approach on how customers will do laundry in the future! That is through Cleanera! Does this idea find your interest? please contact us for more info or thinking about joining us!

SalesComm ApS

SalesComm er en startup teknologi virksomheden med en vision om at bidrage til mere bæredygtige byer i form af mere diversificeret butikker samt større udvalg af dansk producerede produkter. Det vil vi opnå ved hjælpe detailhandlen med at blive mere digital og datadreven. SalesComm åbner op for bedre indsigt i hele værdikæden og automatisering af en række gængse arbejdsprocesser, som feks kommissions aftaler. Med SalesComm bliver forhandlere mere konkurrencedygtige og nye brands får nemmere ved at komme på markedet. SalesComm er en digital B2B platform hvor forhandlere og brands kan finde hinanden, etablere aftaler og ikke mindst administrere disse aftaler. Med SalesComm etableres et langvarigt forbindelse mellem begge parter således at der data fra hele værdikæden kan vises i realtid i hele aftalens levetid.


Since our establishment in Copenhagen in 2017, we have set ourselves apart from other property companies in the real estate industry by taking our point of departure in the human beings who live their lives on our square meters. To ensure that we create the most meaningful living conditions and most sustainable buildings in the industry, we use technology and choose materials with great care, commitment, and diligence. Whether it be student accommodation, managed offices, private apartments or boutique hotels, the spaces we co-create are always with the human being at the center. To combat loneliness and create state-of-the-art service in energy-efficient buildings, we facilitate a feeling of community, we take care of all the tedious tasks of a traditional office, and we make sure all our square meters are second to none when it comes sustainability and ability of enabling a healthy and social life. It is our ambition that the properties we build, renovate, or manage always improve the quality of being human, the sense of community, and the sustainability of our surroundings.

Diretto Employment Services AB

We make it super easy to pay salary for private individuals who hire help in the home and also for micro businesses. We make it easy to be a responsible employer and this way we help people transition from undeclared work to declared work. Declared work provides better protection for the worker but also creates a more resillient and prosoerous society.


Only 2 out of 10 children and young people get enough physical activity on weekdays. Read it again .. 2 out of 10. We want to change this! We want to create joy of movement by creating our very own training app that is completely dedicated to children and young people, where they can train like their idols, collect movement points, training marks and have fun.