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Showing: 2709 filtered startups

Best 2 Clean

Best 2 Clean is a new autonomous vaccum cleaner technology with significant greater suction power compared to regular vaccum and robotic vaccum cleaners. The autonom derives its suction power from a central unit. In terms of motor type, there are both 1-phase and 3-phase to choose from, where 3-phase motors are best suited for large premises. The internal battery is solely used for movement. There is no air exchange into the room being cleaned, everything is extracted into a central unit with a container for dust particles. The air is then filtered and released outdoors. The robot is fully autonomous and works together with a smart docking station that actively provides the correct hose length.

Charlotte Larsen Fine Jewellery

I'm an independent Jeweller with my own shop in Copenhagen. STORIES, DREAMS & CREATIONS Inspired by memories, everyday life and relationships, Goldsmith Charlotte Larsen’s fine jewellery and personal projects celebrate the stories and opportunities in life and give way for freedom of expression. Charlotte Larsen started her journey with jewellery in 1990 when she lived in Los Angeles. Today she is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, from were she works and sells her jewellery in her shop. Charlotte has educated herself in various ways within the field and has over the years come to appreciate the craftmanship and precition of fine jewellery. With her great technical ability and a creative mind Charlotte is able to create the finest classic jewellery as well as wonderfully conceptual and contemporary design pieces. B. 1968 Awards 2008 Bronzemedalje Kunsthåndværkerprisen 2008 Håndfuglen Danske Kunsthåndværkere ble stiftet sent i 2020 med en klar visjon om å forenkle IT og digitalisere Norges bedrifter. Målet var å klare dette med til gunstige priser og den beste kundereisen med ansatte som har langvarig erfaring fra bransjen. Vi skulle bistå både som en komplett IT-avdeling for bedriftene, men også for muligheten til å begrense tilbudet til medhjelpere for eksisterende IT-ressurser hos kundene. Gründerne i selskapet har begge langvarig erfaring fra ISP og IT bransjen der de bygget opp egne avdelinger. Det var viktig at både en tekniker og en selger begge stod på eiersiden for å ivareta produkt og service så vel som det kommersielle. NØKKELINFO 7MNOK omsetning 2021 183% omsetningsvekst 2022. 11 Ansatte herav 9 teknikere, en selger og en utvikler Ingen eksterne eiere Tilbyr komplette IT-løsninger Oslo basert hovedkontor UTVIKLING Med produkt, “go to market” strategi, visjon og gode innkjøpsavtaler lanserte vi selskapet mot det Norske bedriftsmarkedet i 2021. Det tok ikke lang tid til før flere anerkjente bedrifter stod på kundelisten og flere dyktige ansatte tiltrådde. Selskapet selger i dag hovedsakelig basert på anbefalinger bedrifter i mellom med kun en aktiv selger, men har måttet stoppe salg ved flere for å ivareta gode kundereiser. Vi starter nå et nytt selskap som skal fornye maskinvare/hardware markedet B2B som er bygget på en plattform vi utvikler.

Hejblik AB

We are a Scandinavian brand, founded in 2023, with a passion for creating fashionable, high-quality, and comfortable lashes. We are a B2B focused company backed with industry leaders. Many of the false lash companies are using real mink hair and plastic packaging. Blik lashes are made of plant fibers and faux silk only what makes them 100% cruelty free and vegan. Our packaging doesn’t include any plastic components. Our goal is to revolutionizing the Nordic lash market.

Empire AI

Empire AI is a company founded by workspace consultants with over a decade of experience in developing office buildings. Through our work, we noticed that the office planning process is characterized by gut-feelings, guesswork and outdated benchmarks. This results in suboptimal office space that has massive amounts of unused space - an average of 80-90% of chairs and 50-60% of rooms remain empty during work hours in a typical office building today. Simultaneously, employees are complaining they do not have the necessary rooms and support their work. To address this issue, we created Empire AI. Empire's software is designed to transform the way you plan and manage your office space, making office buildings more space efficient, sustainable, and people-centric. Our machine learning models can predict how your office space will be used, allowing you to make informed decisions before you even begin building. With our software, you'll be able to identify which rooms and areas will be most useful and which will be less so, ensuring optimal utilization of your space. It can be used for building specifications, scenario planning, monitoring and improving existing office space and to predict utilization before building the space. Our recommendations are based on years of research and data, so our customers can be confident that they're making the right choices.

Lumina Learning Danmark ApS

We are on a mission to transform organisations by celebrating people, one human at a time Lumina Learning Denmark is part of a global company, with branches in 40+ countries. Companies all over the World use Lumina Learning's personality tools and processes to improve communication, well-being, collaboration, inclusion, productivity, etc. Here in Denmark we are new. Nordea, Mariefonden, Mannaz and the Prison Service are among our customers. At Lumina Learning we believe that meaningful personal growth helps people become more adaptable and build strong personal and workplace relationships. Born out of a desire to offer an alternative to out-of-date, stereotyping personality tests that limit personal growth, we create humanistic and inclusive psychometrics that reveal the full depths of people's dynamic personality. Avoiding typing, labels or boxes, our next-generation tools help you hire the right people, accelerate their personal growth and transform your organisation.

Up Norway

Up Norway is the antithesis of stock tourist travel. With unmatched local expertise we are able to curate bespoke, authentic experiences, adventures, vistas, and relationships for travellers from all over the world. Our enthusiastic team creates journeys off the beaten path, directly to all the delights our country has to offer. In building itineraries, we use the latest data and in-house technology to enhance personalised service. Our staff is always looking out for the welfare, care, and fulfilment of our travellers – ready to connect by chat or phone. Saved from frustrating internet searches and travel logistics, our guests are kept well-informed about connections, schedules, and the newest and most remarkable offerings in adventures, hospitality, and dining available. We love introducing people to our vibrant culture; from music, art, and architecture, to winter sports. Additionally, the local food should not be missed – from farm-to-table offerings and indigenous traditional delicacies to some of the most talked-about cuisine in the world. Be it Viking ancestry, Sami heritage or modern governance – we feel proud to share the stories of our small country, consistently placed at the top of the UN Sustainable Development Report as one of the happiest nations in the world.


The way we work has fundamentally changed. In a hybrid world, it’s no longer the office vs. home — it’s both. We believe in the freedom of working anywhere, and that humans thrive when we come together.We believe that work is not a place, it is something you do. Our platform allows companies to deliver a great employee experience by subscribing to office furniture and equipment that transform the office to an inspirational collaboration hub, as well as equipping remote teams with ergonomic home offices — with the click of a button. Our solution is simple, companies subscribe to furniture and equipment with full flexibility. And our asset management system allows for full visibility and control, as well as removing all logistical pains. Our business model is fully circular. This is a win-win, where suppliers keep on owning their assets making a better profit on each product, AND we save the environment by giving all furniture and equipment a longer life! We are a team with a big mission and we are growing! Join the journey.


SV: QARD har utvecklat en banbrytande app som revolutionerar hanteringen av inträde, garderob och kvittohantering på klubbar och barer. Appen syftar till att digitalisera och effektivisera flödet in och ut från dessa platser och samtidigt skapa en trygg och säker miljö för gästerna genom att minska smittspridning av sjukdomar och virus. Dessutom har QARD en miljövänlig profil vilket gör appen till en ansvarsfull lösning. En av de unika funktionerna med QARD-appen är möjligheten för kunden att följa sin statistik i realtid. Kunden kan få en överblick över besöksmönster, snittålder och kön på besökarna, och använda denna information för att optimera sin verksamhet och minska personalkostnader. Genom att erbjuda denna funktionalitet hjälper QARD kunderna att fatta mer informerade beslut och öka sin lönsamhet. ENG: QARD has developed a groundbreaking app that revolutionizes the management of admission, wardrobe, and receipt handling at clubs and bars. The app aims to digitize and streamline the flow in and out of these venues while creating a safe and secure environment for guests by reducing the spread of diseases and viruses. In addition, QARD has an environmentally friendly profile, making the app a responsible solution. One of the unique features of the QARD app is the ability for customers to follow their statistics in real-time. Customers can get an overview of visitor patterns, average age, and gender of visitors and use this information to optimize their business and reduce staffing costs. By offering this functionality, QARD helps customers make more informed decisions and increase their profitability.


Om ChristinaMie &C - CIRCULAR STUDIO COPENHAGEN er et grønt iværksætteri, hvor vi skaber interiør efter cirkulære processer for at gøre det let og enkelt for forbrugere at købe miljøvenligt, cirkulært og personligt designede interiør til det personlige hjem. I dag handles der interiør hvor stilen er defineret af kædebrands, hos ChristinaMie &C giver vi muligheden for at bestille netop den form i deres favorit farver som de ønsker, dertil har vi pant på vores produkter, så når deres stil skifter kan de pante varen og vi genanvender - på den måde skaber vi en mulighed for en mere cirkulær forbrugskultur end den miljøbelastende køb-og-smid-væk kultur. What Vi skaber en platform og et univers hvor vi samler de bedste elementer fra ecommerce og design verdenen. Vi ved at vores iværksætteri ikke flytter det store på klimaregnskabet, men vi kæmper for at skabe bevidsthed om ansvar fra egen virksomhed og forbrugernes mindset omkring hvad de bør kræve af deres lokale butiksnet for at skabe cirkulær forbrugskultur. How Gennem vores platform har vi bestiller (made to order) på personligt design, mulighed for at købe kollektioner, købe DIY kits til at være kreativ hjemme og workshop/kurser til at være kreativ med teamet i ChristinaMie &C Nu er vi på en rejse hvor vores ecommerce skal optimeres løbende gennem WooCommerce - hertil en bedre opsætning af SEO og en bedre UX på købsrejsen og især design-selv funktionen. Sociale mediers strategi skal implementeres og udbygges på TikTok. Der er et enormt potentiale i at være mere online og mere interaktivt. Instagram engagement rate ligger omkring 10% Why Vi vil gerne skabe fokus på cirkulation og vi gør det gennem smukt håndlavede interiør hvor alle kan være med. Vi søger ildsjæle som vil være med på rejsen som praktikanter, virksomhedspraktik, flexjobbere og med mulighed for fastansættelse i takt med iværksætteriet vokser


Sensorita’s mission is to help waste companies cut costs and emissions by providing cutting-edge analytics. Insight into waste trends and detailed information about every single waste container enables more efficient waste management through better planning, logistics and waste collection. The potential is huge and we are just getting started.

Fru Bak's Småkager ApS

Fru Bak's Småkager is producing markets probably best cookies. It is a simple product of highest quality with no artificial flavouring og preservatives. We've started to bake our cookies to give the customer a quality choice. This way he or she can buy a home-bake quality snack in specialty stores and soon in retail stores. Our cookies are baked on natural ingredients sourced as locally as possible. The use of butter has two main reasons. A, we give the customer a high quality product that he can enjoy as if he baked it at home and B, we have a social responsibility to reduce the use of palm oil in bakery for the sake of environment. We have started in 2019 with the hope to convince the customers that our cookies are worth trying. We have survived tumultuous two years of pandemic while working on distribution channels. This resulted in distributors in Scandinavia and United Kingdom already signed.

Arranz Group Ltd

The world is changing and that change is inevitable. Arranz Group Ltd embraces the change with open arms. We see it as an opportunity to break old entrenched habits and corporate monopolies. We also see it as an opportunity to conduct business based on ethical values. When the goal is more than just a destination.

HeyWaitr ApS

HeyWaitr was founded January 2021 and is a Copenhagen based fintech / SaaS solution dealing with the HoReCa industry. We reduce waiting time for the guests - they can order their food and drinks with just a few clicks on their smartphones. - without any delay, waiting time and physical interaction. A lot of places are troubled with the lack of qualified staff and have to be highly aware of their cost. We increase the revenue, especially on beverages - it's fast to place a new order via the app instead of waiting for a waiter to come by or go to the bar. HeyWaitr reduces waste via eliminating human flaws. A lot of places are troubled by waiters who by accident types in the wrong order from the guest. Furthermore we eliminate the possibly of the guests either forgets to pay the bill or runs away from it, because th guests are paying when they place the order via credit/debit card, MobilePay or Kevin. We are currently working with everything from famous tourist attraktions like Egeskov Slot to classic cafes. The idea of heywaitr was born at a regular cafe. We were sitting outside, enjoying the sun and had some food and beverages. When we repeatedly had to sit around and wait for 10-15 minutes to get in contact with a waiter to order and had to wait additional 10-15 minutes to pay the bill when we were done eating and drinking we decided that there should be an easier way to handle this. Then the digital waiter was born, and we started out researching and interviewing the managers & owners of some local places.


Metaverse as A Service We develop Metaverse services for the Travel Industry - Hotels, Airports and Airlines. Creating solutions for Hotels, from SelfService solutions as check-in within Virtual Hosts that allows exploring the premises on the enclosure as it can be from anywhere around the world. We develop tourist attractions with entertainment to experience travel tourism from anywhere with VR and AR. Access to local experiences from hotel rooms, airport lounges, airline offices, and more.