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Aarhus Lydforening

A hub for creative ideas and a sustainable environment with shared equipment and shared working space for sound art, electronic and classical compositions, installations, experimental music, interactive art, and surround sound systems (3D). The community works locally and internationally, ALF participates and organizes several activities (workshops, meet-ups, concerts, and festivals). We will be a part of Lydbyen (Sound city in Aarhus)


The way we work has fundamentally changed. In a hybrid world, it’s no longer the office vs. home — it’s both. We believe in the freedom of working anywhere, and that humans thrive when we come together.We believe that work is not a place, it is something you do. Our platform allows companies to deliver a great employee experience by subscribing to office furniture and equipment that transform the office to an inspirational collaboration hub, as well as equipping remote teams with ergonomic home offices — with the click of a button. Our solution is simple, companies subscribe to furniture and equipment with full flexibility. And our asset management system allows for full visibility and control, as well as removing all logistical pains. Our business model is fully circular. This is a win-win, where suppliers keep on owning their assets making a better profit on each product, AND we save the environment by giving all furniture and equipment a longer life! We are a team with a big mission and we are growing! Join the journey.


Yesboss er en markedsplass for B2B salg og bygger hybride salgsteam bestående av salgshus og frilansselgere. For våre store kunder er Yesboss et verktøy for sin eksisterende salgsavdeling, og for mindre kunder i vekstfase er Yesboss en plattform for å finne rett kandidat til et spesifikt salgsprospekt, uten å måtte ansette. Med en salgsplattform har vi klart å effektivisere salgsprosessen til å bli både enklere og mer innbringende. Vårt konsept er nytt i salgs bransjen og Yesboss blir beregnet som en nyskapende og fremoverlent bedrift som virkelig liker å løse utfordringer.


Medalla is an innovative app designed for healthcare professionals, by healthcare professionals. Our app empowers colleagues to collaborate, support each other's development, and take their careers to the next level. We utilize two powerful tools to achieve this: trusted dialogue between colleagues and referral recruitment. Research shows that referrals from colleagues lead to better job satisfaction and longer employee retention rates.


Skoog uses technology to democratize access to carbon markets, enabling every farmer to receive financial incentives to maximize the sustainability in their farms. We are solving the problems of deforestation, land degradation and unsustainable agriculture practices: the combined potential to capture GHG and avoid emissions from agriculture, forestry and other land use is 14.5 GtCO2eq/y, which is higher than the potential in the energy transition.


We are building a marketplace and social network for hunters. Our goal is to create transparency and trust in an incredibly analogous and under-served market. We want to make hunting as accessible as golf, while letting our users share their achievements. We founders are all hunters and landowners. We have a deep understanding of the market and customer segment and see it as a big advantage if you have some hunting experience yourself.


What is Porkkanapankki (Carrot Bank) and what challenge are we meeting? A carrot is always more effective than a stick! A browser-based inspirational, effective incentive scheme and people-centred management tool. It can be used to drive an individual or team to do things that matter to the business or are important to the business. business value through positive rewards. It can also be used as a human resource management tool. A new perspective can bring out the hidden gems in your business - the talent that otherwise invisible. The system also guides employees to monitor and improve their own performance.

Den Glade Mund

Why Den Glade Mund (The Happy Mouth)? We have a great desire to make a difference so that many more people can avoid dental diseases. • Many people can easily brush their teeth much better if they know how. • Many people do not know much about why they actually get cavities, gingivitis and periodontal disease. • And even fewer know how to avoid dental diseases. • And when you have to buy toothbrushes etc. it can be very confusing and difficult to find out what you have to choose and whether they work well enough. The consequence is that far too many people get dental diseases, completely unnecessarily. So we would like to change that, also despite the fact that the dentists then have less to do. We do this by giving people the necessary knowledge. Because when you know how and why, it always is much easier. That is why our dentist started She is passionate about prevention, and for many years she has had a great desire to be able to make one even bigger difference. What can Den Glade Mund (The Happy Mouth) do for me? The concept of Den Glade Mund is "help for self-help". Because it is what you do between dental visits that can really make a difference. Dental visitors do actually a minor difference. Den Glade Mund (The Happy Mouth) offers training for care staff and holds lectures. In addition, we have our webshop with handpicked dental care products that make a difference. Our dentist is always ready to give good advice if you are in doubt about what to choose. Or if you have questions about oral care in general. So Den Glade Mund (The Happy Mouth) can help you get better dental health.


Voids er en delings-app for parkeringsplasser hvor vi knyttet de som har en ledig parkeringsplass med de som leter etter en parkering. På parkeringsanlegg med skiltgjenkjenningssystem er Voids-appen et betalingsalternativ som tillater automatisk trekk slik at bilister ikke trenger å foreta seg noe under et parkeringsforhold. Vi jobber for at alle private parkeringsplasser skal bli tilgjengelige i vår app slik at bilister slipper å lete etter parkering.


Lev bedre – længere CardioLab Speciallægeklinik i hjertekarsygdomme. Vi afdækker risikoen for en blodprop med en omhyggelig ultralydsskanning og rådgivning om forebyggelse og opfølgning.. Vi laver sundhedstjek for private og til virksomheder. Privatpersoner kommer på klinikken. Vi kan komme til medarbejdere på arbejdspladserne og udføre sundhedstjek med opfølgning. – et godt og sundt liv, så der er energi til både arbejde og fritid.


40% - 50% Time and resource wastage in 3D Printing Industry due to inefficient workflows. Smarty3D provides an End-to-End On-Demand manufacturing system and simplifies Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) for service providers and end-customers. Today Smarty3D helps customers from different countries and is aiming to become the standard in Additive Manufacturing processing systems. We also provide consulting services for the Entire Value Chain.

Lundby Ler Laboratorium

We create building materials for modern sustainable and toxic-free buildings combining hundreds of years of knowledge and tradition with modern production- and building techniques. Our aim is to make sustainable building commercially viable. Our first product is Lundby Pladen - a strong and fireproof building board made of unburned clay and woodfiber, designet for classic dry-wall construction. In the sustainable building industry there has been a long anticipation for this product. Unburned clay is the optimal material for inner walls in vapor diffusionon open building techniques as preferred in biobased sustainable building. With a strong and light building board we have solved the problem of unburned clay solutions being either too slow, heavy, fragile or expensive for commercial building. The building industry is responsible for between 17-40% of the worlds Co2 emissions. With Lundby Pladen it will be possible to fireprove biobased buildings with a low-emmission, toxic-free and environmentally harmless high quality material, and thus help making our buildings a genuine Co2-storrage instead of as now, a major Co2 polluter. In the coming years the building industry is facing new environmental laws, and will be increasingly depending on products like Lundby Pladen. We experience a major pull from the marked. Building supply markets, architects, craftsmen, standart house developers and entrepreneurs are waiting impatiently for our product to hit the marked.

Float Studio

Mere RO Mere ENERGI Mere VELVÆRE Float Studio er Danmarks største floating-virksomhed med fysiske floatcentre i København K og Aarhus C. Siden vi åbnede i 2019, har vi været på en vild vækstrejse, og vi har nu leveret et godt stykke over 20.000 behandlinger. I vores floatcentre møder mennesker kontrasten til det høje tempo, vi ser omkring os. Vores centre er et afslappende frirum, hvor mennesker gennem flydeterapi (floating) får mulighed for at restituere både fysisk og mentalt. Fordele ved floating - Forbedret søvn - Hurtigere restitution og genoptræning - Bedre performance mentalt og fysisk - Reduktion af stress, angst og depression - Smertelindring for kroppen


Did you know that 1 in 5 women suffer from a hormonal disorder called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and that 87% of these women experience a lack of education, guidance and treatment from Swedish healthcare? Ovulai is an early-stage startup, developing a digital health coach for chronic gynecological conditions, starting with PCOS. Ovulai's digital self-help programs combines evidence-based content and cross-functional expertise with technology to help women and womb-carriers understand their condition and give concrete support to manage their symptoms and prevent subsequent diseases. The importance of Ovulai's work has been acknowledged by awarding Ovulai with several prizes with motivations such as “clear clinical need”, “stunning market potential” and “impressive founding team” with “genuine passion that convinces us about their ability to solve a problem for millions of women”. We have just gotten started so come join us on this journey to make knowledge about women's health accessible and actionable!

Jag söker en co-founder till mitt projekt "", en SaaS-lösning för byggentreprenörer och konsulter som möjliggör smidiga klimatdeklarationer. Denna utveckling drivs av ny lagstiftning från EU. Jag har påbörjat arbetet med en prototyp som använder Vue/Js för frontend, Flask/Python för datahantering och effektiv inmatning (maskininlärning), samt MongoDB som databas. Min vision är att SaaS-lösningen enkelt ska kunna integreras via API med befintliga programvaror och klimatdatabaser. Jag har en bakgrund som grundare av ett konsultbolag inom miljösamordning, där vi är ett team på sex konsulter som arbetar med byggentreprenörer över hela Sverige. Detta ger oss djup insikt i marknaden och tillgång till många potentiella kunder för vår SaaS-lösning. Tidigare har jag även varit verksam i inkubatorn på MINC i Malmö. Nu söker jag en co-founder med rätt "startup mindset" som vill vara med på resan att ta in riskkapital, rekrytera talanger, och sälja lösningen till svenska och europeiska företag. Jag är öppen för olika roller och kan bidra både som teknisk co-founder med ansvar för produktutvecklingen eller som en affärsdriven co-founder med fokus på finansiering och försäljning. Jag har erfarenhet av mjukvaruutvecklingens grunder och kan leda ett team för att vidareutveckla produkten.