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Weave Reality

Welcome to Weave Reality, an exciting spinoff of Breach VR. We're immersed in the vibrant world of XR (eXtended Reality), where Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) intersect. But Weave Reality is more than just an offshoot; it's the culmination of shared knowledge and resources. Situated in the same office space as our parent company, we benefit from a vast pool of talents, including 3D artists, developers, and designers. This synergy allows us to focus our work within the XR domain, much like our parent company. We have two goals: to use the vast insights from Breach and pursue our innovative R&D projects. Over the past three years, we've explored various concepts, from gaming to education, both theoretical and practical. With the fast-paced changes in XR, we're ready to level up our activities. At Weave Reality, we're the weavers of extraordinary experiences in the XR landscape. As part of the Breach family, we have access to abundant resources and expertise. Our approach is flexible and imaginative, allowing us to explore many projects. We might be small still, but we're passionate about making better realities – one 'thread' at a time.


We are a fast-moving startup working on creating a fully deployable system for collecting recycling bottles and cans. Our mission is to help companies, cities, and countries reach their recycling targets, just like we have here in Norway. Contact us if you want to move with us!


At Medlytic, we're aiming to set a new standard for how healthcare and complex organizations implement IT solutions both nationally and internationally. While procurement processes are often tightly regulated, there remains significant potential for improvement when it comes to the implementation. The investment has already been made; implementation is about maximizing its value. That's why Medlytic is developing a combination of employee engagement and project management: a change management software. Our software automates the process of collecting and managing data from users, organizations, and IT vendors - as well as the work of analysis and identifying actions. This enables users like healthcare professionals to provide feedback anonymously and easily at all stages of an implementation, allowing project groups and leaders to focus on value-adding tasks and act quickly where needed. Additionally, we aim to take it a step further and identify focus areas ahead of the implementation using predictive analyses.

ReLowCode AB

ReLowCode is developing a cutting-edge SaaS platform that empowers corporate businesses and startups to effortlessly create full-stack, responsive, and database-driven web applications with just a few clicks. Our secret sauce lies in simplifying complex coding processes, enabling our users to focus on innovation and growth. At ReLowCode, we're addressing the challenges faced by businesses and startups in developing robust web applications swiftly and efficiently. Traditional app development can be cumbersome, time-consuming, and resource-intensive, particularly for those without extensive technical expertise. This affects a wide range of industries and companies of all sizes, hampering their ability to adapt to market demands and deliver seamless digital experiences to their users. Our solution centers around an intuitive and user-friendly platform that streamlines the entire application development process. With ReLowCode, users can select from a variety of pre-built components, eliminating the need to start from scratch. Our platform's visual interface allows users to design and customize their applications without diving into complex code, all while maintaining the flexibility to integrate custom code when necessary. Our backend handles the heavy lifting, seamlessly connecting databases and other APIs, while the front end is designed to be responsive and work flawlessly across devices and browsers. The inspiration for ReLowCode sparked from witnessing the struggles that businesses and startups face when trying to bring their digital ideas to life. We became acutely aware of the widening gap between technical aspirations and coding proficiency. This gap prevents brilliant ideas from reaching their full potential, ultimately hindering innovation. We're motivated by the belief that technology should be an enabler, not a barrier. Our determination to bridge this gap, empower innovators, and democratize application development led us to take the leap from our day jobs and commit ourselves to building ReLowCode. We're on a mission to empower businesses to innovate freely, disrupt markets, and make their mark on the digital landscape without being held back by the complexities of coding.


Vandre is a young Norwegian tech company with the ambition to impact the environmental situation by making textile brands succeed in reducing their footprint by making clothes and garments live longer. The world’s garbage piles are growing. In 2021, 40.000 tons of used fashion clothes ended up in the Atacama desert in Chile as their final destination. This is just one example of how the textile industry is not even close to being sustainable. The sports and textile industries face strict requirements and a major upheaval, when the EU is planning to introduce sustainability reporting and requirements to offer consumers repair of products in 2025. Our platform connects brands in the industry with certified repair centres and facilitates a seamless user journey with logistics and payment options. The platform is also a sought-after tool at repair centres, as it helps to make their daily operations more efficient. We have currently launched in Norway, and plan to expand to the rest of the Nordics and beyond in the future. Our HQ is in a co-working space office in downtown Oslo – a two-minute walk from Nationaltheatret, where we share office with a small PE fund, and have lunch break together with. We also have employees in other cities working remotely. As a small team, some of us are quite often on the go and strive to stick to our digital workplace practices as much as possible. This enables the whole team to work quite flexibly when needed, together with some well-appreciated face time at the office as often as possible. Today the team is communicating openly using Slack and ClickUp to organise daily work and product development. There you will feel the motivating and active vibe from the other team members, our CEO Henriette, and our always-on-the-go working Chairman and brand relationship manager Simen. We are still a small team, but team spirit we have and everyone is highly motivated to make a difference in the world and help grow Vandre to reach it's full potential. Our culture is built on trust, freedom and humour. As most team members work from home most of the time, we always strive to be available during the working hours, and prioritise weekly meetings to stimulate the team spirit being a partly remote team. In addition we believe in a high level of freedom for each colleague to find their own optimal w/l balance. Prioritising a run before lunch or picking up kids in the afternoon is all up to the individual colleague. You know best what works for you. Finally our culture is also characterised by a high level of humour, with lots of laughs and a good vibe between team members. Our team today consists of passionate and skilled people representing deep industry knowledge and experience. We are constantly open-minded scouting for entrepreneurs with a varied skill sets with the proper drive to take us forward, together with a few dedicated roles (as below). We are looking for employees who always strive to develop themselves and our organisation. We expect you to be committed and eager and to have the ability to work in teams. The team is characterised by an entrepreneurial and innovative mindset. Working at Vandre you join our effort to create a better and more sustainable textile industry, you will be part a highly dedicated and ambitious team with great and talented colleagues who love their job, and last but not least you will have fun at work.


Babando on moderni sosiaali- ja terveysalan kasvuyritys ja valtakunnallinen toimija, jonka tiimillä on vuosien kokemus vastaanottokeskusten menestyksekkäästä operoinnista ja johtamisesta. Tuotamme ensiluokkaisia vastaanottopalveluja erityisesti Ukrainan sotaa paenneille turvapaikanhakijoille. Vastaanottoyksikkömme sijaitsevat Kirkkonummella, Kajaanissa sekä Ahvenanmaalla (viimeisin avautuu 1.10.2023). Toimintamme keskiössä on tarjota palveluita toiminnallisesti, sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kestävällä tavalla vastaanottokeskuksen asukkaiden hyvinvointia ja toimintakykyä edistäen. Vastaanottopalveluiden toimialalla yhdistyvät sosiaali-, terveys- ja kiinteistöala nopeasti muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössä. Meitä vahvasti ohjaavia arvoja ovat ihmisläheinen, vaikuttava ja laadukas toiminta, vastuullisuus sekä yhdessä menestyminen. Uskomme yhteistyön voimaan ja kannustavaan työilmapiiriin, jossa jokainen työntekijä saa mahdollisuuden kasvaa ja kehittyä.


Fyaril is building the single largest marketplace where customers and businesses across the globe can buy sustainable products with measurable, traceable, and targeted impact linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Today, consumers have no knowledge about the impact of their online shopping, and manufacturers of sustainable products lack a single digital retail platform with direct access to global consumers. Global consumers lack direct access to a wide range of sustainable products and brands that are produced and manufactured sustainably. There is no reward for existing manufacturers to move towards sustainable manufacturing or contribute to UN SDGs. What if customers could make informed 'buy' decisions? If all the manufacturers selling online have verified sustainability credentials measured in their contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. What if every product should have verified traceability of the impact it leaves on the planet and society? The world needs a strong force to drive manufacturers towards sustainability, recognize and reward manufacturers and products that are creating a positive impact. Fyaril does exactly all this. It is a platform that demonstrates to the manufacturers that sustainability would lead to higher sales and increased profit. Fyaril connects with the customers in B2B, B2C, and B2B2C models. Our mission is to make it very easy for even the smallest manufacturer in any part of the world to reach global customers. In Europe, we offer storage, warehouse, and logistics options to the manufacturers in B2B and B2B2C models. Sellers in the B2C model receive orders directly from the customers, and orders are fulfilled through Fyaril's warehouse facilities. Fyaril offers a digital platform to all the customers. Customers can browse and purchase products through the global site ( or on highly localized websites (,, and 15 other local sites). The main revenue streams for Fyaril are product markup, transaction commission, advertisement revenue, and foreign exchange markup.


FinnishLine offers consulting and recruiting services in the field of education and career growth in Finland and exporting Finnish education programmes to South Asian countries. We help international students to discover, understand & secure the finest study opportunities in Finland’s top universities by providing personalised support for career growth and settling in Finland in the most student-friendly manner.

Navari Surgical AB

Navari aims to revolutionize today´s minimally invasive liver surgery with augmented reality. To do so, Navari develops a software tool using AR to improve the removal of liver cancer tumors. Our technology ensures that the surgeons can navigate themselves during the surgery in an easy way, enabling them to locate and remove the tumor in the safest, quickest, and most precise way.


Leading technology for a Circular building industry. The building industry is known as the 40% industry - 40% of the world's material inputs; 40% of the world's energy inputs; and 40% of all the world's waste output. New laws in the EU and Norway are already in place, requiring buildings to be mapped for their products and materials for their reuse in new projects or to be sold in the market. Why Reuse? Reuse means there are no new material inputs, any imbedded CO2 is moved, not released, and any energy inputs in the lifecycle of the materials. This is where Materia comes in! Using topline technology to register, organise, evaluate, and coordinate for true reuse of building materials. Materia is a professional tool for the reuse and management of building materials. Built for mapping specialists and guiding building owners through compliance, and validating material. An online service that allows for easy uptake and arrangement of quality data for product documentation.


Retrade is a leading online marketplace for used industrial equipment and machinery. Our platform connects buyers and sellers across various industries, facilitating the efficient and secure trade of pre-owned machinery. With a global presence and a diverse range of listings, Retrade plays an decisive role to extend the lifetime of thousands of machines every year. We help establishing a more responsible and sustainable ownership of machinery, and make sure machines from Nordic companies gets a second life somewhere relevant across the world. is the virtual AI assistant for tax advisors - helping them with legal research or drafting communication with the tax authorities. By leveraging the power of AI, we will save our clients hours of tedious and repetitive work every week, thereby giving them the time to focus on the work that really matters to them, like the contact with their clients.


Vår grundidé; att låta begagnade kvalitetsmaskiner fylla nya behov Maskiner, nyttofordon och verktyg ses ofta som produktkategorier inom den linjära ekonomin; de tillverkas, används ett tag och hamnar sedan i förvaring för att till slut kasseras. Vi på Maskinera vill förändra det tankesättet. Kvalitetsmaskiner konstrueras för att hålla i många år och kan enkelt cirkuleras. När en ägare inte längre har behov av en maskin kan nästa ägare ta över. Och nästa. Och nästa. Och nästa. Och ibland även nästa. En marknadsplats som får snurr på den svenska maskinflottan Grunden till maskinera bygger på expertis och nyfikenhet kring maskiner och kvalitet. Genom vår marknadsplats möjliggör vi att produkterna hamnar i rätt händer när de inte längre används. Vi får snurr på de maskiner som redan är producerade och inkörda som ett alternativ till nyproducerat. Snällare mot kassan och klimatet helt enkelt. Varje Maskinera-annons gör skillnad En nollställd distansmätare, motorgaranti, skyddsplast på displayen och doften av nytt. Vi vet – det är härligt. Men i en tid när nya maskiner blir alltmer lättillgängliga så är vår roll att stå för ett mer hållbart handlande viktigare än någonsin. Vi väljer kompletta servicehandböcker och känslan av att kunna göra en bra deal framför att köpa nytt! När du använder, underhåller och servar dina maskiner så maximeras din investering, både sett till andrahandsvärdet och klimatavtrycket.

Arctic Innovation Ecosystem

The Arctic Innovation Ecosystem is the operational entity of the HNDG development portfolio, dedicated to driving growth in the Arctic region through real-estate development, services, and programs. With a focus on increasing talent density and fostering innovation, the Arctic Innovation Ecosystem has three main operations: 1. Developing the leading Arctic Innovation & Student campus, including universities, coworking, and innovation spaces 2. Creating innovation programs within the ArcTech industries (Built Environment, Energy, Food Tech, Health Tech, Maritime & Logistics, and Tourism & Hospitality) 3. Facilitating the leading Arctic Innovation network

Up Norway

Up Norway is the antithesis of stock tourist travel. With unmatched local expertise we are able to curate bespoke, authentic experiences, adventures, vistas, and relationships for travellers from all over the world. Our enthusiastic team creates journeys off the beaten path, directly to all the delights our country has to offer. In building itineraries, we use the latest data and in-house technology to enhance personalised service. Our staff is always looking out for the welfare, care, and fulfilment of our travellers – ready to connect by chat or phone. Saved from frustrating internet searches and travel logistics, our guests are kept well-informed about connections, schedules, and the newest and most remarkable offerings in adventures, hospitality, and dining available. We love introducing people to our vibrant culture; from music, art, and architecture, to winter sports. Additionally, the local food should not be missed – from farm-to-table offerings and indigenous traditional delicacies to some of the most talked-about cuisine in the world. Be it Viking ancestry, Sami heritage or modern governance – we feel proud to share the stories of our small country, consistently placed at the top of the UN Sustainable Development Report as one of the happiest nations in the world.