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Showing: 2662 filtered startups


Fourdeg is a B2B SaaS provider for buildings and district heating networks. The core is a cloud-based software utilizing patented big data algorithms. Our comprehensive Services improve indoor comfort with individual and stable heating, and save heating energy costs by lower consumption and demand-side management. It works fully automatically at room level accuracy in any size of building, including commercial and residential.  Fourdeg comprises of a team of three Co-Founders (CEO, CTO, CDO), Energy Experts, Algorithm Developers, Software Architects, Developers and Testing. Market and Technical advisors are from Energy Management, ESCo and Aalto University. We have a highly experienced Board and Investors, incl. Butterfly Ventures, Amor & Labor - a subsidiary of Vincit PLC and FiBAN Private Investors.


The World's demand for clean water is rapidly increasing, and water and wastewater treatment market growth is expected to continue in the foreseeable future. EnviroNor in collaboration with DNV GL has developed a concept where we take existing commercial vessels (e.g. Product Tankers, Barges and Platform Supply Vessels) and repurpose them for a variety of offshore aqua recovery solutions including wastewater treatment and seawater desalination.

Hejdoktor is a young healthtech company located in Copenhagen, Denmark. We want to make healthcare accessible to everyone, everywhere, anytime. We’re on a mission to make life easier for both patients and caregivers through easy to use, secure and stable telehealth apps. We’re building solutions for both the public and private sector.


Katam Technologies develops a digital solution, making high accuracy measurements of standing forest with smartphone. The measurements are performed in field, in real time and with full traceability and option to upload to Katam or customers cloud service, which will increase the utilization of forest resource. Our aim is to provide a new global standard for terrestrial forest measurement. The technology is based on advanced 3D image processing, artificial intelligence and sensor fusion.

She Community

We work continuously to inspire, motivate  and engage people to work together for more diversity in business.    We aim to close the gender gap. SHE Community strives to make businesses better and by better we mean more diverse. Through events, conferences, study programs, and as a consulting partner to businesses we aim to motivate for diversity and inspire for equality – for all people. SHE community consists of people who believe that diversity drives profitability and progress, and who works directly towards closing the gender gap. We recently launched She Index that measures gender equality in business. She Community was founded in 2014, by two enthusiastic women, who wanted to do more for the current and coming generations. The first step? Focusing on the current situation and inspire more women to become leaders and entrepreneurs. 

Pure Lobster AS

Pure Lobster is a startup developing revolutionizing automated aquaculture systems. With our systems we are verticalizing the sea bed, enabling our customers to save space, increase efficiency, and strengthen their profits. We focus on optimal animal welfare, data quality, simplicity, and efficiency. Aspiring to contribute to better oceans and all life. The team is driven by quality, passion, bold ambitions, grit - and humor.


Jalolu er et start-up som søger den rigtige co-founder til at tage den næste del af rejsen med. Om jalolu Jalolu er en social platform til familier, som vil skabe aktiviteter på tværs af generationer og forevige minder til de kommende generationer. Inkubator program Jeg har fået verificeret Jalolu, af kunder og erhvervsfolk. Lige nu er jeg med i et inkubator program med Nordic Female Founders, det er et 16 ugers program, hvor jeg også har fået tildelt min egen mentor. Når forløbet er omme, er planen at søge founding.


Smartwatt er et software selskap som benytter AI og skyteknologi til å optimalisere styringen og senke energiforbruket i næringsbygg. Vår teknologi identifiserer hvor og hvordan næringsbygg kan optimalisere eksisterende installasjoner for å spare maksimalt med strøm. Smartwatts software benytter maskinlæringsalgoritmer, inneklimadata, værmelding og morgendagens strømpriser til å regne ut optimale driftsparametre for næringsbygg som utveksles automatisk med byggets eksisterende styringssystem. Løsningen installeres raskt i bygget og kundene våre opplever resultater på svært kort tid. Av de 70 bygg som allerede har tatt teknologien i bruk er effekten betydelig og har ført til en besparelse på opptil 30%. Vi er fortsatt i startfasen av vår reise, men har allerede etablert oss som en seriøs aktør og utfordrer i bransjen. Asko, Elkjøp, Elektroimportøren, BI og Møller Bil, er blant kundene som har tatt i bruk Smartwatt sine løsninger, og vi har store ambisjoner. Med sterke investorer i ryggen gjennom en nylig gjennomført finansieringsrunde, ledet av Hafslund Invest og DNV, er vi klare til å fortsette veksten og la flere bedrifter dra nytte av våres løsninger. Smartwatt sitt mål er å bli markedsledende i Norge samtidig som vi vil fortsette å skalere opp i Norden

SAP Business Technology Platform

Why to Choose Implevista for SAP Service? If you're in need of SAP services in Bangladesh, look no further than Implevista. We are proud to be the best SAP service company in the country, with a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping our clients succeed. Our services cover all aspects of SAP implementation, including consulting, system design and configuration, data migration, testing, training, and support. We have a proven track record of delivering successful SAP projects for businesses of all sizes, across a wide range of industries like Himalaya, Novozymes , FIAT, DSB. One of the things that sets Implevista apart from other SAP service providers is our commitment to ensuring that our clients get the most value from their SAP investment. We take the time to understand each client's unique business needs and challenges, and we work closely with them to develop tailored solutions that meet their specific requirements.


XperiTech is a fast growing travel tech company addressing a digitally lagging multi-billion travel and experience market where demand for digital services is growing fast. XperiTech currently operates the largest platform for anadromous fishing in Europe (Elveguiden) and the largest camping booking platform in Norway (Campio). Both brands are expanding their services to new markets. Through a holistic E2E offering for suppliers and end users XperiTech delivers a high value through a strong value prop for our customer base. Strong performance in 2022, increasing gross merchandise value (GMV) by 67 % and annual recurring revenue (ARR) by 40 % from previous year. Competitive adv. through own unique software that delivers on fit for purpose solutions for both suppliers and end users, synergies between brands and leading expertise in the segments. Potential to further grow organically through accelerating core business and through expanding the core to new markets, customers, and products. M&A can further accelerate strategic and financial ambitions, including accelerating international expansion Experienced management dedicated to further scaling the company


HA-BITS is a newly started, modern and sustainable e-commerce startup aiming to shape the future of oral care products. We make it easy, fun and sexy to consume sustainably. We offer earth-friendly toothpaste tablets packaged in home-compostable refill pouches with a reusable jar. Our product makes toothbrushing waste-free. The product is subscription-based and D2C - sold through our website. Our market is currently Sweden. HA-BITS was born out of frustration with a never evolving oral care industry - heavy on single-use plastics. Think about your oral care routine - what element doesn't have plastic in it? This is a global issue - over 20 billion toothpaste tubes are produced yearly (most of them are never recycled). Little is done by larger actors to decrease their environmental impact - and that's why HA-BITS was born.

MapUp (formerly Map Courses)

MapUp (formerly Map Courses) is a next-generation online test prep solution for high school students across the globe. We help stressed high school students in competitive countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the USA, etc., to prepare for public exams effectively with the help of A.I. and data science. Currently, MapUp is part of the Antler Nordics 2022 Cohort and is receiving advice and guidance in this global pre-seed accelerator.


At Emigreat, we are building a digital infrastructure that streamlines relocation processes for international employees. HR and global mobility managers can use our web app to connect with employees, assess their immigration status, automate applications, and manage deadlines and documents. What used to take months, now takes less than a week and a few clicks of a button. Emigreat enables better legal compliance and decision-making for companies, peace of mind for employees, and time saved for relocation agencies.

X2concept Oy

X2Concept is a Finnish, Vantaa based startup company founded in 2021. We develop mobile and web applications and provide technical, strategic and marketing services that will support our clients during the whole lifecycle. We are using SaaS business model to reduce costs, increase entry level, and make our road sustainable. We provide 3 types of packages for our clients depending on the size of their business. It allows even early stage startups to become a client.


Dygo makes handcrafted, organic, natural and environmentally conscious solid cosmetics. It was born from the need to create something by hand, spread awareness about environmental issues and encourage people to switch their everyday habits to more sustainable ones. That is why all Dygo creations are carefully formulated with highest quality plant-based oils, fair- trade butters, pure essential oils, herbs, flowers and clays. With a minimalistic approach we combine modern with traditional ingredients to create effective body care products to nurture the skin and hair without compromising the wellness of the planet Earth. Each soap or shampoo bar is handmade and packed with love and without plastic at our studio in Copenhagen, Denmark.