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SundBesked is a HealthTech start-up that seeks to enable effortless collaboration and communication amongst healthcare staff, and between patients and caregivers. Our solution will provide an innovative communication platform that facilitates easy sharing of visual information through mobile applications in a secure and legal way. We're working further developing our MVP + performing user tests to guide further programming. SundBesked is a spin-out company from the BioMedical Design Novo Nordic Fellowship Programme at the University of Copenhagen – a program with focus on needs driven healthcare innovation. We are today a part of the accelerator “Innofounder Graduate” supported by Innovation Fund Denmark and Danish Design Center.

Prometheus Agri

A cloud-based platform: integrating “whole farm” systems and using Big Data and AI, We make farming easier by automating and helping farmers be more profitable and sustainable. An innovative, scalable solution, within initial development focus on dairy farming in Europe. Customer BENEFITS One Place to access key metrics and benchmark performance against peers Artificial Intelligence provides best practice processes and SOPs, with recommendations compared to what the top 10% of farmers are doing. Measuring farm operations environmental impact on climate change and carbon footprint per productive unit.

Relocare Taxation International ApS

Relocare has developed Social Security App which helps companies and employees to be safe and compliant at work in EU. Social Security App is a digital tool for social security and application for A1 certificates for business travelers, and for handling of compliance and applications under Posted Workers Directive. Both EU directives causes a lot of problems for companies that work cross borders, and we at Relocare have the solution. Social Security App, handles all data management for EU and EEA countries for A1 applications. We provide HR with a full overview in the Dashboard for A1 applications and compliance for all EU and EEA countries. In addition, we have automatic application for A1 to the authorities in Denmark and Sweden and thereby save between 30 to 60 minutes per application. Business travelers traveling without an A1 risk fines of € 5,000 as well as claims for social security payments in the country they visit for work purposes. It has been a legal requirement for years, but the new thing is that the countries have established a common communication system which makes it much easier to control the A1 applications and employees. Legal registration requirements are required even for a business travel of just a few hours duration, so it is quite serious and demands a lot for the companies. HR and admin can create reports in the Social Security App from a Dashboard where they can see the estimated travel activity from each country 12 months ahead, the individual employee's travel activity and the total travel activity when the employees have confirmed that they are traveling for the company. Social Security App also comes with a warning if an employee travel into a country where they do not have social secuirty, and HR can always get an overview of the countries the employees have applied for A1 for via the App. There is no doubt that we see significantly increased control and employees after / during Corona are significantly more aware of whether the company takes care of them. Social Security App secure the employees on the business trip and ensure that they do not lose their social security rights.


Keystones er Danmarks største netværk for investorer i startups Vi er sat i verden for at gøre investering i startups til en folkesport og bidrage til den økonomiske vækst i Danmark. Vi tror på, at fremtidens danske vækstvirksomheder bedst skabes sammen med et aktivt privat netværk af +350 investorer, erfarne erhvervsledere og kommercielle ildsjæle, som brænder for iværksætteri. Medlemmer og vækstvirksomheder bindes sammen via vores online platform og medlemsmøder. Vi er i en rivende udvikling. Vil du være med at bygge flere danske vækstvirksomheder og udvikle Danmarks største netværk for virksomhedsbyggere, så er vores team og kontor på DTU Science Park måske det rette for dig?

XLOCK Scandinavia

Have you ever forgotten or lost your keys so you couldn’t access your locker, office or home? Well, at XLOCK we are on a mission to eliminate this problem and make it much more simple and smart. By digitalizing all key management and creating digital keys on your smartphone, we are simply revolutionizing the way of accessing lockers, drawers, delivery boxes, bikes, doors and more. XLOCK sees itself as an innovation driver and manufacturer of high-quality digital smart locks. With over 20 years of experience in the provision of innovative locking solutions and numerous, successfully completed projects all over the world, XLOCK is setting new standards.


Airaimpact is a self-assessment tool for SME companies to evaluate the sustainability against UN goals. The assessment report can be used in client communications, an attachment to RFP answers and sales agreements. The development of the tool is in minimum viable product stage and needs to be evaluated on the market. The airaimpact initiative is founded by three experienced professionals who have background in robotics, software business and ICT legal.


"Reuse 4 Change" is a B2B and B2C business that through a marketplace (something similar to DBA but for business) aims to connect resources/goods that are not needed anymore for some people or companies with others who need/are interested on buying them. Imagine a restaurant or a hotel that is closing/re designing and wants to sell or get rid of the furniture, and at the same time an entrepreneur who is opening a food truck and needs to buy affordable tables and chairs. Briefly speaking, the problem we aim to solve is that due to the high consumption rates nowadays many resources are becoming waste. Nonetheless, there is no need to dispose them as they can be reuse by others so in the end Reuse4Change will be the connection between supply and demand of these resources.

WE Clinic

WE Clinic helps you to relax, recharge and reset. By implementing ancient Chinese treatment methods such as acupuncture, gua sha and cupping therapy. WE Clinic bridges Westerns health knowledge with Eastern treatment traditions. We offer: Professional therapists Comfortable treatment spaces Tailor-made treatment plans Health insurance subsidies WE Clinic aims to be the first commercialized chain of clinics within holistic treatment methods in Denmark.

IN2 Sustainability

IN2 Sustainability is developing a process to help SMEs in Denmark transform into sustainable companies. Small steps can lead to big impacts, and it is our responsibility to act now. Climate change as well as other global challenges force us to redefine the way we do business and become more efficient. We offer help, knowledge, and expertise to guide companies on this journey of sustainable transformation. Therefore, both the inspiration day and the sprint months focus on strengthening the core business by thinking sustainably. We focus on mutual value creation to have a positive impact on the triple bottom line of economic, social and environmental factors. It is our goal to ensure future generations can have their needs met as well.

FF Tech & CO AB

We are a tech company that wants to make a difference like all other tech companies! The difference is that we want to do more and challenge more. We want to create a debate about what we do. We want to make it easier for the poor to get richer and richer poorer. We want to give everyone a chance to create their own happiness by making it possible to work with the right tools. It's all about which side you are on when we launch our product.

Our solution means that our customers contribute to a cleaner planet and healthier health. Our coffee research has made it clear to us that we must meet the rising green transition and offer products that are sustainable and climate-friendly. This is equated with "convenience" as there is insignificant competition on the two parameters. We may not be the cheapest coffee choice, but we believe we are winning big on our focus on CO2 reduction, Fairtrade, sustainability, organic coffee, biodegradable capsules, recycled packaging, and the elimination of aluminum and plastic. There are some providers of biodegradable capsules, but the largest is focused on the B2B market. However, there are some who market aluminum and plastic capsules with up to 100,000 active customers per month. WHO suspects that aluminum and plastic capsules can leave microorganisms in our body. In Germany, the city council in i.a. Hamburg, banned the use of aluminum capsules in the public sector and replaced with biodegradable ones. It is not only the WHO that believes that aluminum in groceries can pose a potential health hazard. The metal is suspected to be the cause of cancer and Alzheimer's (source:

Laddsmart helps private consumers, housing associations and businesses find electric vehicle charging solutions that fits their needs. We educate and support by providing information and guidance as well as the possibility to collect offers from leading car charging suppliers. We also help prospoctive electrical car buyers find the right leasing solution. Our goal is to make it easy to find up-to-date information, compare och choose the most relevant solution based on the user's needs and requirements. Since the launch in 2020 - has helped thousands of car owners navigate and make informed decisions for their investment in the future.


Jobbentrén skapar lyckade och långsiktiga anställningar tillsammans med nyanlända och arbetsgivare, med vision om en arbetsmarknad där alla har möjlighet att jobba. Vi hjälper företag att anställa, behålla och utveckla nyanlända talanger genom noggrann rekrytering, kontinuerlig coachning av nyanställda och stöd till arbetsgivare. Målet är att nyanlända ska utvecklas på jobbet och integreras i samhället, samt att skapa fler inkluderande arbetsplatser där arbetsgivare kan attrahera och utveckla nyanlända talanger. Vi är ett socialt företag som mäter vår framgång i samhällsnytta med målet att skapa integration och inkludering. Eventuell vinst återinvesteras i verksamheten.

Footprint Level®

Footprint Level® is a Swedish startup and we visualise Complex Climate Date in a Simple Way. How does an organisation know if their climate footprint is in line with the Paris Agreement or not? We are developing services to visualise just this - a meter visualising the change over time of an organisation's climate footprint - in a simple way.


We are unlocking & harnessing the hidden benefits of whistleblowing. Visslan is a contemporary and new-thinking whistleblowing software for companies to become compliant with new legislation. Our goal is to promote whistleblowing and foster an open, transparent and inclusive workplace where management sets a target of 10 whistleblowing reports, not 0. We are offering the most user-friendly, affordable and modern whistleblowing software on the market for companies who want to uncover eventual improprieties in the workplace and correct them quickly and easily.