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Blumen har som formål at hjælpe verdens førende virksomheder med at skabe arbejdspladser og organisationer, hvor ledere og medarbejdere trives og føler sig mentalt sunde. Gennem vores personaliserede og datadrevne psykologforløb hjælper vi virksomhedens medarbejdere med at tage mentale sundhedsudfordringer i opløbet, hvilket er med til at reducere sygefravær og øge performance. Ligeledes uddanner vi medarbejdere og ledere gennem vores workshops og ledelsesprogrammer, hvor vi går i dybden med emner som forebyggelse af stress, emotionel intelligent kommunikation, vaner og psykologisk tryghed. Blumen er startet og drevet af mennesker med baggrund i psykologien, der alle brænder for at skabe mere opbyggelige arbejdspladser. Den drivkraft har også ledt til kunder som fx Novo Nordisk, KPMG, SOUNDBOKS og OLIOLI.


DIBL is a new dilemma-based learning platform that empowers facilitators online or offline to easily create and deliver active learning. Our vision is to create a new category for dilemmas similar to what we know from quizzes. We believe that the future of learning holds collaboration over competition, reflecting rather than remembering, multiple truths above one truth, and involvement rather than engagement


Our mission is to help food manufacturers reduce food waste and cost through our digital platform. To date, we've successfully transacted over 4.000 tons of food, and we're continuing to scale our business to have an even greater impact. We have ambitious growth plans and are expanding. We recently carried out a rebranding and are in the process of building our product & technology team to scale further.


Apiir is a software company that is solving issues in the bicycle industry by providing innovative solutions for bike fitting and selection. Using new image analysis technology, we have developed a bike fitting solution that is easy and effective for bike retailers to use in-store. Our solution helps cyclists get a perfect fit by analyzing their body measurements and bike geometry. Additionally, we have created an API that allows third-party apps to integrate our bike size solution into their platforms. Our mission is to make bike fitting and selection more accessible, efficient, and enjoyable for everyone in the cycling industry.

HabiWe ApS

HabiWe er en møbeldesignvirksomhed, der udvikler æstetisk spændende og innovative møbler, udviklet med en forskningsbaseret og undersøgende tilgang. Vores udvikling tager afsæt i bæredygtighed, funktionalitet og akustik hvor målet med møblerne er, at de skal medvirke til at øge trivslen hos brugeren og sikre et bæredygtigt indeklima. HabiWes møbler tapper ind i noget væsentligt i et samfund, hvor støjniveauet øges, både i det offentlige rum, kontorlandskaber, klasselokaler, rehabilitering, og i de private åbne boliger. Et støjniveau der sænker trivslen og øger stressniveauet hos borgeren. Stifteren bag HabiWe, Anne Mygind. Annes fokus og ambition er at drive en solid og bæredygtig virksomhed, som sikrer menneskelig trivsel, ikke kun via de møbler der udvikles, men også blandt de folk, som virksomheden samarbejder med. Målet med virksomheden er ikke kun at være bæredygtig på det økonomiske og menneskelige plan, men at sikre at alle produkter, der udvikles og sælges i HabiWe, så vidt muligt, er bæredygtige gennem hele produktets livscyklus. HabiWe er et design-/handelshus der udvikler designløsninger der produceres i partnerskab med nationale underleverandører der producerer og lagerfører produkterne. Møblerne afsættes i dag via branchespecifikke forhandlere på det nationale og internationale marked. HabiWe blev stiftet i august 2020, hvor det første lancerede produkt i et produktportefølje af 4 møbler, HabiCave, kom på markedet i februar 2021. Et møbel, der var prisvindende ved årets Formland Award samt Hoppekids Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award og desuden blev shortlistet ved Danish Design Award. De øvrige møbler i Habi-serien er alle møbler der ligeledes er bæredygtige, arbejder med akustik og med den sansemotoriske udvikling hos brugeren.

Citizen Project

Hvem bestemmer teknologien der former dig og dit liv? 🎩 Burde du ikke have en stemme når andre bestemmer din fremtid? 💡 Vær med til at skabe fremtiden med Citizen Project! 🎉 Citizen Project består af et inkluderende designspil og en digital platform der giver almene borgere en stemme i det digitale tech-kapløb. Med Citizen Project kan alle og enhver blive opfinder af ny fremtidig teknologi og designvisioner.


"Carlie is a Danish company that sells children's interiors and toys. We draw inspiration from home and abroad and work with talented designers and manufacturers worldwide. "Why have many toys – if your toys can do a lot?" In a world with a strong focus on sustainability, one way to live sustainably can be to reduce consumption. That's why we always focus on toys having multiple functions. In addition, we put much effort into inspiring how our products can be used across different ages and developmental stages."

Fru Bak's Småkager ApS

Fru Bak's Småkager is producing markets probably best cookies. It is a simple product of highest quality with no artificial flavouring og preservatives. We've started to bake our cookies to give the customer a quality choice. This way he or she can buy a home-bake quality snack in specialty stores and soon in retail stores. Our cookies are baked on natural ingredients sourced as locally as possible. The use of butter has two main reasons. A, we give the customer a high quality product that he can enjoy as if he baked it at home and B, we have a social responsibility to reduce the use of palm oil in bakery for the sake of environment. We have started in 2019 with the hope to convince the customers that our cookies are worth trying. We have survived tumultuous two years of pandemic while working on distribution channels. This resulted in distributors in Scandinavia and United Kingdom already signed.


We're creating a world where it's easy for everyone, anywhere to buy better. SARTH is a one-stop-shop platform gathering the most responsible brands. We curate only the best products, help consumers navigate the sustainable fashion jungle and make ethical fashion accessible to all. Everyday, we buy products that impact people and the planet. But we rarely have the information we need to make positive choices about what to buy. When brands actually do make sustainability claims, it can be hard to tell what’s genuine and what’s greenwash. For those who actually want to purchase better and more consciously it is very difficult to know where to begin, where to look and what to look for. At SARTH, we help consumers drive change through their purchasing power via transparency and evidence from the supply chain and third party certifications and standards. We verify the third party certifications and evaluate the supply chain from tier 4 to tier 1, the brand itself and the design process with circularity in mind. We eliminate greenwashing. We make transparency, traceability and accountability information available for all products on SARTH, so everyone can make informed decisions on facets that impact the environment, social aspects and governance when shopping for clothes. We also inspire, influence and educate consumers in becoming more conscious and how to take better care of the clothes you buy and already own, so that it last longer. It is our opinion that we as retailer have as much responsibility as designers, brands and consumers to create a better tomorrow. Therefore it is our finest job to be the most responsible choice when shopping. Never has it been easier to make the right choices when shopping. At SARTH we don’t sacrifice style nor ethics.


Vi hjælper danskere til bedre søvn ved hjælp af gode soverutiner og kvalitets kosttilskud. I Danmark oplever næsten 50% af alle danskere problemer med deres søvn, hvilket i værste tilfælde kan føre til stres eller sygdom som går udover deres helbred. Vi har derfor valgt at starte en mission om at nedbringe dette tal og hjælpe danskerne til bedre søvn.

Ruutti is a E2E Logistics platform. We build smart logistical management tools mainly for industrial companies to help them oversee their logistics for example with transports and warehousing. With our help customers make their logistical activities more efficient with better time/cost tracking, visibility, forecastability and modern UX.

Helium Living

Helium Living vil gøre det eftertragtet at leve på et areal som er realistisk at gøre bæredygtigt - ca. 30m2 pr. person. Bygge- og anlægsbranchen står for tæt på 40% af vores udledning af drivhusgasser , og har et enormt ressourceforbrug som er umuligt at gøre bæredygtig, hvis byggeriet ikke begrænses - selv med bedre energikilder, processer og materialer. Helium Living designer kvalitetsmøbler med særligt fokus på funktion - indretningsløsninger så vi kan leve bedre på mindre plads. En række produkter er snart klar til produktion, og produktidéer er der masser af. Ambitionen er, at udvikle produkter med fokus på funktion, æstetik og bæredygtighed.

anew sleep

Hos anew sleep har vi et ønske om at forbedre din søvn, så du kan være den bedste mor, far, hustru, mand, søster, bror, datter, søn og kollega. Når du får en god nattesøvn, får du også en bedre start på dagen. Du føler større overskud til at klare dagens opgaver, og menneskerne omkring dig bliver positivt påvirket af din gode energi. Tænk, hvis du kunne have det sådan hver dag? Det er det, vi stræber efter i anew sleep – at forbedre din søvn, så du kan være den bedste version af dig selv hver dag.


Goscore - a fair human credit scoring company. We help banks to increase creditworthy customers by as much as 19% while reducing default rates by as much as 49%. Banks can not only see «can» consumers repay a loan, but «will» they do that. Unlike other credit reference agencies, who rely on outdated tax reports, we leverage up-to-date transactional data to build a real-time comprehensive financial profile. Like many Europeans, we have experienced that traditional credit scoring is unfair and does not consider you creditworthy, even if: - you are a successful entrepreneur, - a blogger with a million subscribers, - decide to get your first credit card, or - you moved from one country to another. So, goscore brings a new golden standard of fair human credit scoring for the EU.

SH Utopia

SH Utopia’s cause is to establish a foundation of knowledge, capital, and ideas to realize a dream of a utopian district. The dream is a district where Queers can go through the private, public, and professional hours of their everyday lives and always feel safe, normal, and part of a community. Knowledge: SH Utopia pushes the urban boundaries for Queers by developing, sharing, and making awareness of knowledge of Queer opportunities in urban spaces as well as Queer right issue. Capital: Utopias are expensive to build. SH Utopia initiates business projects that stimulate Queer culture to grow capital that can make future projects possible. The goal is an economic ecosystem that allows stability for Queer spaces. Ideas: SH Utopia wish to grow a community that brings sustainable ideas for spaces of inclusivity to grow so that we can stimulate a diversity of Queer lives.