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Målbar has created a highly advanced digital tool to measure the climate impact of products. The uniquely user-friendly tool allows companies to screen products on three precision levels, making it possible to obtain useful results without completing the traditional resource heavy life cycle assessment. Thereby, Målbar is helping companies in the furniture and design industries measure the carbon footprint of their products and use the results as a point of departure for making more responsible design and production choices.


The way we consume goods is changing - it's not anymore about owning stuff. Instead, we care about the experience enabled by the stuff we use. To put it simply, it’s about what we can do, not what we own. The challenge we face is that today's commerce software is almost exclusively designed for selling ownership, not access. To grow sales via quantity, not quality. This makes it unnecessarily complicated for both consumers and businesses to discover the vast potential of outside ownership. Rentle exists to empower merchants with a commerce platform that expands them from unit sales to services, from ownership to access, from unsustainability to sustainability.

Social Bites

Social Bites manufactures and sells frozen dairy products in Kenya, East Africa. It is a company of 35 full-time employees and 200+ sellers working from the three largest cities in Kenya - Mombasa, Kisumu and Nairobi. The production headquarters are in Nairobi, Kenya, where the production of frozen flavored milk and frozen yogurt products takes place. The company operates a distribution model where it engages youth to become sellers of its products in the market. The sellers are offered an attractive commission-based salary with performance incentives as they retail the products in the major cities in East Africa. All new sellers go through our training academy that provides vital business training, setting them up for success with the product. Our ambition is to develop thousands of meaningful jobs in East Africa with this unique distribution concept. International investors back Social Bites and the company is run out of Copenhagen, Denmark.

AION by Aker BioMarine

Every year 282 million metric tonnes of plastic waste is produced worldwide, yet only 15% of this is recycled. This needs to change. AION’s purpose is to industrially scale a circular plastic economy. We make circularity happen at an industrial scale by working with our customers to identify opportunities to shift from linear to circular and grow their degree of circularity within plastic. Together with our partners we orchestrate a tailored, traceable and circular value chain for specific use cases. Our team of material, regulatory, logistics and business development experts work with companies to make sure the products and processes fit their existing operations, meet quality requirements and importantly have a tangible impact towards reducing their use of virgin plastic, reducing their CO2 footprint, and avoiding a generation of plastic waste.


We develop, innovate, produce and deliver scalable waste-based building elements and interior products for the professional built environment. The construction industry account for 40% of all waste generated and is the #1 consumer of raw materials globally. The embedded carbon in building materials account for 11% of global carbon emission. At the same time, global floor area is expected to double by 2060. Sustainable building materials will be key to reducing footprint from the construction industry. We need to change the way we build and focus on materials produced from non-virgin materials. We make it possible to accelerate the necessary change towards a reduced use of virgin raw materials in our buildings by developing new earth and climate friendly products and solutions based on waste, biproducts, unused resources, and discarded production. We make it easy for the ones who design and build to choose a waste-based product, for the benefit of the environment, the user and the investor. Our approach is scalable. We are experts in creating valuable upcycled products from scalable sources of waste. We see opportunities, when others see waste. Our know-how drives innovation and product development and shape the products of tomorrow with the waste of today. Together with our trusted production partners, we offer our products at scale to the professional customer with warranties, guaranteed delivery, certifications and documentations. Come join the movement!

Preglife Connect

Preglife Connect is a mobile social networking app for (expecting) parents for iOS and Android. We help our users to make friends, feel less lonely and ask questions about parenthood and pregnancy in our friendly and inclusive community. Currently, Preglife Connect is available in 7 European countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland) with over 25,000 users, mostly women between 20-40 years.

Diretto Employment Services AB

We make it super easy to pay salary for private individuals who hire help in the home and also for micro businesses. We make it easy to be a responsible employer and this way we help people transition from undeclared work to declared work. Declared work provides better protection for the worker but also creates a more resillient and prosoerous society.


SocialSpace er en formålsdrevet NGO, der arbejder for at fremme trivsel blandt børn og unge, uanset demografi. Den enkeltes ret til at få hjælp må ikke være begrænset af ressourcer eller demografi. Hjælp til trivsel skal være en selvfølge, ikke et privilegium. Når man først anerkender behovet for hjælp og rækker ud efter den, er det uhyre vigtigt, at man bliver mødt. Derfor arbejder SocialSpace med én fælles platform for alle gratis rådgivningstilbud. Desuden arbejder vi i SocialSpace for at gøre op med trivsel og mental sundhed som tabu. Hvis det skal være naturligt for børn og unge at bede om hjælp til deres trivsel, skal vi have ændret diskursen. Idag er det at italesætte mistrivsel ofte forbundet med svaghed, men vi skal huske at sårbarhed ikke eksistere uden at der er noget på spil så at turde at være sårbar er lig med mod. Det er dét vi skal have frem i diskursen. At tage ansvar for mistrivsel kræver empowerment.


MAKING THE WORKPLACE SAFER AND BETTER BY IMPROVING HUMAN PERFORMANCE At TNTX, we deliver improvements in human performance, reducing workplace fatalities and injuries, through the use of our patent-pending integrated cross-reality solutions. Integrating virtual augmented reality with mechanical hardware systems to create smart training solutions that enables: - scalable onboarding of new hires with ease - safer and faster training of employees - reduced fatalities and injuries through the improvement of human performance

Archr Sustainability AB

Archr’s vision is to make sustainability into a default by helping consumers globally make sustainable purchase decisions. As conscious consumers ourselves, we find it very difficult to make sustainable choices. There is no way to compare products on sustainability as companies use different ways of communicating sustainability impact, and as consumers we don't have the capacity to research what products are actually sustainable. Thus, we created a unique scoring method that makes it possible to compare products on sustainability on a scale from 1-10, via our SaaS-solution and platform. In short, we are the Google Translate for Sustainability. Through our subscription-based SaaS-solution, companies can showcase our scores directly on their websites. This solution helps companies communicate sustainability impact on product-level in an easy way, enhance brand reputation, and avoid greenwashing.

UNO econetwork

UNO econetwork is young startup developing a digital platform to help businesses make corporate sustainability due diligence easy. We are working on a SaaS solution that enables users to account for their own environmental, social and governance related risks, as well as keeping a track on their suppliers'. Through our platform, companies can minimise the need to answer and resend the same information over and over again. To save our planet, it is critical that all businesses act responsibly. However, many companies end up wasting valuable ressources and time on accounting, instead of focusing on what is really important. We wish to help companies reduce the amount of double-work in their sustainability journey, so they can focus on taking action.


We're a network of consultants who collaborates and shares earned trust to aid clients in navigating complex changes and transformations.


Orderly removes all the hassle of trading used quality items between individuals. We pick up the seller’s goods, take high quality product shots, store and present the items automatically on the main online markets (DBA, Google Shopping, Gul&Gratis etc..). Buyers can shop all they need in a single shipment rather than visiting multiple sellers. It gives both sellers and buyers an attractive shopping experience that is on par with new sales. We actually made it fun to tidy up your home! To succeed we have developed a custom service chain designed to keep costs super low for handling individual items while giving the user the best possible experience. Traditional product shots and descriptions often takes hours per product, a process only feasible for interchangeable goods. By integrating state-of-the-art tech services, Orderly has optimized the process by a factor x50 which mean that we can take professional shots and describe items in seconds rather than hours. We have also fully integrated the many individual steps of the sales process into a semi-automated flow to keep costs low. This has suddenly made hassle-free exchange of quality stuff a sound business opportunity while contributing at scale to a more circular economy.

YoungLab - læring på børnenes præmisser

Young Lab, er en ny eksperimentel måde at arbejde sammen - om børns sunde liv og udvikling. Metoden er udviklet af Social IQ, og er blevet til gennem en samskabende design proces mellem børn, lærings- eksperter, pædagoger og daginstitutioner. YoungLab - er en form for hybrid mellem analog og digital eksperimenterende læring og evaluering for dagtilbud og indskoling. YoungLab hjælper daginstitutioner og skoler med at nå de nye læreplans mål; med øget evalueringspraksis og dokumentation, på en sjov og innovativ måde.

Comunchi ApS

Comunchi er en online frokost markedsplads, der gør det muligt for virksomheder at få frokost fra lokale spisesteder de kender og elsker. Vores vision er at skabe en billigere, bedre og mere bæredygtig frokostordning, som alle kan være med på og samtidigt støtte lokale spisesteder. Den typiske frokostordning bliver udskiftet med 3 måneders mellemrum, grundet manglende variation og fleksibilitet. Samtidigt går der både penge og mad til spilde, på de dage medarbejdere er fraværende. Hos Comunchi har vi bygget en platform hvor virksomheder kan købe digitale frokostkuponer, som de kan videregive til deres medarbejdere. Medarbejdere har mulighed for at indløse disse kuponer gennem vores app ved lokale spisesteder og på den måde få lige præcist den frokost de ønsker sig. Virksomhederne undgår at betale for frokost de dage medarbejderene er fraværende og undgår samtidigt madspild.